The morning sun rises and twilight sets.

"It's almost over here, isn't it?" Lu Qi muttered to himself.

Early in the morning, when the morning light was faint, Lu Qi climbed the deep stream and returned to the central plain of Crazy Hou Island again.

After passing through the old castle and the dark old military camp, where there was no sound, and the killing beasts and the beasts disappeared without a trace, all the way to the north, Lu Qi followed Meng Lang's guidance to find something in the north of the island.

The night before, Meng Lang told Lu Qi everything about the secret treasure in detail, and told him how to find the secret treasure of the mad queen.

"How do you know so much? You're not a simple experiment, are you?"

Lu Xun was a little puzzled, and couldn't help but come out and ask Meng Lang.

Who knows, Meng Lang replied calmly:

"Hehe, everyone has some secrets, isn't it? Lu Qi? or... Which one else?

" Lu Xun and Lu Qi were taken aback, and then asked,

"You can see it?"


Meng Lang smiled, pointed to the top of the deep stream and said, "I finally know why the gentleman is so interested in you, you are really interesting, but the information about the secret treasure is true, not only you, but also my hope to go out, isn't it?"

Lu Xun then glanced at Meng Lang deeply, and didn't say anything more, the spirit recovery allowed Lu Qi to control his body, Lu Qi nodded to Meng Lang, and then climbed out of the deep stream and went to the north of the island to find clues to the secret treasure of the mad queen.

"There!" After

searching for a moment, Lu Xun's voice sounded in his head.

Lu Xun looked up, and faintly, a tall statue appeared in the mountains.

Lu Qi approached and looked up.

The statue is mottled and covered with moss, but it is not difficult to see that it is a woman with a determined expression, long hair gathered together, wearing a crown, a sword and armor, and her left hand pointing majestically forward.

Lu Xun: "It's almost sunset, hurry up."

Lu Qi: "Mm-hmm."

With a few simple exchanges, Lu Qi got up and came to the back of the Eve statue, standing gently behind the human-tall statue, his eyes looking through his delicate long hair and his raised arms.

The light arm is raised forward, the palm is fully open, and a momentum of bare is lingering.

"Wait, Meng Lang said to wait until the moment the sun sets. Lu Xun reminded in his mind.

Before leaving, Meng Lang told Lu Qi that in the north of the island, there was a group of undulating hills close to the sea, in which a statue of Eve of equal height was hidden.

Lu Qi watched intently, waiting for the moment of sunset.

"There! I saw it!" Lu

Xun exclaimed.

At the moment when the sun set, Lu Qi saw that the index finger of the stone statue seemed to flicker, and in the corresponding direction, there was also a point of light in the distance that flickered.


Qi's heart was settled, his strength was shocked, and he rushed towards that place at a high speed.

Half an hour later, Lu Qi came to a small lake, and the water of the lake refracted a faint white light in the faint moonlight.

It should be under the lake.

Lu Qi thought back carefully to the place where the fluorescent flickering just now, it should be here.

"Just go down and see. Lu Xun said.

Lu Qi then jumped into the seemingly shallow clear pool.

As soon as he entered the pool, Lu Qi found that this small pool was much deeper than it looked from the outside, from the outside, it looked only one or two meters deep under the cover of aquatic plants and the refraction of rocks, but at this moment it looked bottomless.

This Eve... How much you like to hide things underwater.....

Lu Qi complained silently.

Swimming, Lu Qi found that there seemed to be a little light in the distance, so he swam in that direction.

After swimming closer, he found a faintly transparent hole, and Lu Qi did not hesitate to get into it.


Lu Qi took a deep breath and found himself in a cave deep underground, a glimmer of moonlight bringing a glimmer of light to the cave from a high place.

Stepping into the cave, Lu Qi couldn't help but exert his strength and secretly guarded.

"It seems that this place is the place where the secret treasure is hidden. Lu Qi muttered to himself.

Lu Xun was a little puzzled: "There is a secret treasure hidden here, so what is that crystal cave for?"

"Whatever, let's find the secret treasure first." With

that, Lu Qi strode towards the depths of the cave.

Walking into the depths of the cave, it suddenly opened up, as if it was a large space.

"Be careful!" Lu Xun shouted.

Lu Qi's heart tightened, and then he looked not far away, there seemed to be a hill-like thing crawling not far away, and there seemed to be a faint pale green fluorescence around his body.

After a few minutes, Lu Qi noticed that the behemoth didn't move, so he tiptoed closer.

Walking closer, Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the huge black shadow was actually a huge animal skeleton, I don't know how long it had been since he died, only a dry skeleton remained, and a little green fluorescence was attached to the bone.

Lu Qi raised his eyes and said, "What is this... It's so big..."

Lu Xun was also thinking about it, and said a little anxiously: "It may be the watchdog arranged by Eve, but he died at some point, and he may have been taken first!"

"Look... That green light, doesn't it look like the one on Meng Lang's body?" Lu Qi pointed to the fluorescent spots on the bones.

"What Meng Lang said... Is it viable? This beast may have been killed by a guy named Claire! Quick, let's go in and take a look. There

was a broken gate behind the giant beast skeleton, and Lu Qi hurriedly strode in.

Stepping through the gate, there is another huge cavern.

Lu Qi looked with bated breath, not knowing what mystery was hidden here.

I saw some tall and black shadows standing scattered in the deep cave, like dozens of lifelike armor statues, standing scattered on a huge chessboard carved in stone.

"What kind of tricks are you doing?"

Lu Qi muttered, inadvertently stepping on the chessboard.

"Be careful, this Eve has something..."Lu Xun said in a serious tone.

Looking at the lifelike armor sculpture next to Lu Qi's statue, I saw that some of the statues of tens of meters were a sword and axe hand, some were like a cavalry, some were holding spears, and some were holding double-edged ......

Are these sculptures the Queen's Guards in the record?

Lu Qi thought silently in his mind, and then walked forward.

"Be careful!"

Lu Xun exclaimed!

As Lu Qi stepped into a black chess grid, a knight stone statue on the side suddenly moved, and a powerful shot stabbed at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi exploded in an instant, and the saber-toothed tiger gene suddenly appeared!

With a dexterous back flip, Lu Qi easily dodged the assassination of the stone spear and jumped onto another chessboard.

"I'll go! This thing will still move! I'm special..." Before he

finished speaking, another stone statue suddenly launched again, and a long knife slashed down

! Lu Qi was startled, and then dodged away again, who knew that every time he just fell, there were stone statues around him suddenly launched an attack on him

! As Lu Qi continued to toss and turn, more and more stone statues joined the ranks of attacking Lu Qi!


, Giant Hammer

, Long Sword

, Bang Bang - all kinds of weapons beckoned to Lu Qi, and as the number of stone statues increased, the space for Lu Qi to dodge became smaller and smaller.

"Stop! Don't move!" Suddenly

, Lu Xun shouted in his mind!Lu

Qi: ???

what, big brother, didn't you see this big sword that was shining brightly??d(ŐдŐ๑)

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