On a desert island.

Heavily armed, Lu Qi is conducting a second in-depth exploration of the desert island jungle.

Lu Qi was desperate to find the monkeys, and he wanted to know where the white-tailed monkeys had picked up their worn-out backpacks.

Today's jungle is exceptionally quiet, and there seems to be a lot less annoying insect chirping on weekdays.

The road in the jungle was still difficult to walk, Lu Qi learned the lesson of the giant snake's concealment, and carefully used the wooden fork in his hand to gently pluck the dense leaves and vines with every step, and the worn-out backpack was carried behind Lu Qi, and the folding knife was placed in the pocket that could be taken out the fastest.

Nothing happened along the way, and Lu Qi also went deeper and deeper into the dense forest, and before he knew it, he was close to the end of the central dense forest.

What's going on today, why is there no sound, come out and let the uncle tie it....

Lu Qi, who had been nervous all morning but had not encountered anything, thought boredly.

"There is a voice!" Suddenly

, Lu Qi seemed to hear the sound of turbulent water, and he carefully discerned it and found that the sound seemed to be coming from the dense forest on the right.

The trees on the right were thick with thick and chaotic vines, and there were thorny thorny plants on the ground, like a natural fence blocking Lu Qi's steps.

After trying a few times to no avail, Lu Qi took a closer look at his surroundings, then picked a stout tree that he didn't know how many years old he didn't know, and dragged the thick vine that looked very sturdy to climb up.

"Hey, if you can't get through, I'll turn it over. Lu Qi gave full play to the essence of guerrilla warfare, running if he couldn't fight, and running again on a different path if he couldn't run.

Lu Qi finally climbed a thick tree trunk, and the scenery in front of him suddenly opened up.

It was a vertical cliff formed by a whole blue rock, about forty or fifty meters high, and a stream that was not very large but had a very turbulent flow rushed down from the top of the cliff, forming a silver waterfall, forming a clear pool of water under the cliff, and there seemed to be a wild deer-like animal drinking water on the edge of the clear pool.

Lu Qi became excited, and he couldn't wait to rush down now.

"Not only can I drink enough now, but I can even take a bath......" Lu Qi felt happy in his heart.

Just as Lu Qi was about to drill out of the leaf pile and look for a way down the tree, a mutation protruded.

The trees in the distance suddenly shook violently, and a huge figure rushed out and slammed into the wild deer that was drinking water before it could react.


two loud noises in quick succession aroused the birds in the forest behind him.

The body of the wild deer was slammed out like a sandbag hit by a giant hammer, and then it slammed into the rock wall below the waterfall with a bang, and the blood instantly stained the clear pool.

The huge figure did not stop after crashing into the wild deer, but rushed towards the wild deer that smashed under the rock wall, and bit the wild deer's neck tightly with its bloody mouth, and the wild deer was bitten off before it could let out a wail.

Is that - an undead beast?

Lu Qi's eyes widened, and the cold sweat instantly soaked his whole body.

The sound of the roaring waterfall mixed with the sound of biting flesh and bone reached Lu Qi's ears, which made Lu Qi already hide in the vine leaves in fright, his hands and feet were cold, his back was soaked in cold sweat, and the huge terror suppressed Lu Qi, he didn't even dare to breathe, he couldn't wait to hide himself deeper, and then he couldn't stop his trembling body, but let the surrounding leaves shake gently.

It was a huge monster beyond Lu Qi's cognition, with a strange and terrifying appearance, and it didn't seem to look like the legendary undead beast.

The black monster was tearing at the deer's body under the rock wall, and the flesh splash made the monster's face even more hideous.

This monster is about 3 meters long, with human-like slender and strong limbs, sharp claws shining with bloody light, the monster has a huge crown on its head, hard bone armor grows on the crown of the head, and the protruding mouth and jaw are biting the flesh and blood of the wild deer, this monster is squatting on the ground like a human, eating the broken meat on the ground, a long tail full of barbs swaying back and forth behind him, and a sparse gray scale faintly flickering in the turbulent water.

The terrifying appearance, the oppressive aura, as if the instinctive tremor is oppressed from the genes.


made Lu Qi's mind blank, and the panic made Lu Qi's limbs unconscious, but the urge to flee from here always hit Lu Qi, and a frightened roar seemed to be pressed into his throat by reason.

Finally, as if it had eaten its fill, the monster stretched out its long, dark red lizard-like tongue and gently licked its own flesh-stained paws, as if cleaning up after cooking.

The well-fed monster suddenly leaped upward, its claws tightly inserted into the stone wall, and the monster slowly crawled like a cliff, as if it was about to return to the nest.

When it climbed to a height about the same height as the trunk of the tree where Lu Qi was, Lu Qi couldn't help but shudder at the monster's hideous appearance.

Suddenly, the monster stopped climbing and looked back at the woods where Lu Qi was hiding, its long dark red tongue stumbling.

Finish... It's over!

Lu Qi, who felt that he had been discovered, lost all his strength in an instant, and he couldn't stop trembling even more, as if he had seen the monster like he pounced in the next second.

Lu Qi, who was on the line between life and death, seemed to faint at the moment, his eyes were closed, and his body was paralyzed on the trunk of the tree, motionless. But in the next second, this body seemed to come to life again, Lu Qi opened his eyes again, and Lu Qi at this time was like a different person, although his eyes were full of puzzlement, but there was no fear.

Lu Qi stared at the monster, controlled his body and breathing, the trembling leaves instantly became quiet, Lu Qi moved step by step, gently retreated, hiding himself in the deeper shadows of the woods, one hand tightly clutching the folding knife in the backpack.

The hideous monster looked in Lu Qi's direction, its dark green vertical pupils flickered humanely a few times, and let out a terrifying roar at the dense forest, and then stopped looking at the woods, as if it disdained these weak foods, turned its head and continued to climb towards the cliff quickly, and disappeared on the cliff after a few breaths.

Lu Qi, who was hiding in the trunk of the tree, hid quietly for more than ten minutes, and found that the monster showed no signs of returning, so he exhaled deeply.

"This coward almost killed me.

Lu Qi, who had picked up a life, clenched his fists and muttered to himself.


Just when Lu Qi encountered the monster, in another dense forest in the world, a fierce battle was about to take place.

It's in the dense rainforests of Southeast Asia, and a terrible rainstorm is brewing.

The woods are filled with the sweltering heat before the heavy rain, and unknown birds are running among the branches and chirping.

In a hidden corner of the dense forest, there was a small village covered with camouflage nets, and the armed camouflage soldiers patrolled around, alert but unassuming, and in the depths of the village, there seemed to be a faint roar of wild beasts and the roar of machinery.

In the dense forest, which was still some distance away from the village, the tall trees swayed in the breeze, and on closer inspection, there were indeed several vague figures scattered among the branches, hidden by the dense foliage.

A tall figure stood next to a branch that seemed to have been split by lightning, with black hair fluttering in the wind, and a sharp scar extending from under the right eye to the bottom of the cheek, but it inexplicably added a bit of fortitude to the black-haired man.

"Hey, hiding in an area where there's no weather intervener, the black umbrella puppies can really survive. The

dark-haired man looked up at the stormy sky and said to a tall man standing behind him.

"Captain!" another pleasant voice came.

Another petite figure jumped from the nearby tree, her short blue hair fluttering slightly, her movements were not like a normal human, but her voice revealed that she was a young woman, and she said to the black-haired man

, "The target has been confirmed, Morse and they have already dived to the back." "

Hey, An's Beast's concealment is really useful, and it was touched so quickly. The man stretched his body and said to the tall man behind him

, "Mago, do it, old rules, the first shot is yours."

Before he could finish speaking, the tall man named Mago on the tree behind him jumped up, and his navy blue trench coat floated up, revealing the silver belt wrapped around his waist.

Suddenly, a pair of huge brown wings stretched out from Shingo's ribs, and Shingo's originally slightly friendly face suddenly became hideous, his mouth suddenly bulged like a beak, and his neck suddenly grew hard brown feathers.

Transformed into a terrifying beast, he flew to the canopy of the tree with his wings outstretched, and the moonlight shone on his body.

"Nano—armed!" Shingo

whispered, and suddenly a stream of silver fluid flowed out of Shingo's belt, and part of this nano-silver flow quickly flowed towards Shingo's head and limbs, and finally solidified into a half-wrapped head armor and exoskeleton, and the other part circled upwards on his back, and finally unfolded into a huge firearm full of rugged mechanical style, and as Shingo's wings spread, the huge silver firearm rested on his shoulder.

As the gun moved, a small scope slid into front of Shingo's eyes.

The wind is raging, and the rain is coming.

With his right eye slightly closed, and as his wings floated, Shingo aimed his giant silver spear at the camouflage-covered village in the distance.


a loud gunshot, the black-haired man standing on the branch of the tree increased in size, a pair of abrupt fangs burst out of his mouth, and the sturdy figure immediately jumped from the sky, and then rushed towards the village, and several other figures also rushed forward.


About an hour later, the black-haired man who had regained his body shape stood on the ruins of the village as if he had been trampled by a giant beast, took out a dilapidated communication mobile phone, and said to the person on the other end of the phone:

"Report to the Red Tide Headquarters, I am Meng Nan, Target 336 has been destroyed, and it is confirmed to be the Black Umbrella Level 4 Experimental Base, over."

After saying that, Meng Nan put away his mobile phone and waved his hand to his companions standing around:

"Let's go, call it a day." "

In the rainforest, thunder roared and rain poured over the earth.

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