Desert island early morning.

The sun had not yet fully risen, and a light mist was still shrouded in the sand.

A noise from the jungle woke Lu Qi up.

What is the sound? The monster is coming?

Lu Qi, who was awakened, immediately picked up the snake tooth short blade and folding knife in his hand, jumped up and hid behind the reef beside him.

Lu Qi's body was tightly curled up, the muscles on his body were tense, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the dark dense forest in the distance.

The dark jungle in the distance shook violently, the black forest tips shook wildly as if they had experienced an earthquake, and countless huge bird figures flew out of the forest.

Recalling the terrifying sense of oppression in the jungle when the monster came last time, the huge movement and noisy beast roar in the forest at this time made Lu Qi feel slightly at ease.

A few shallow hiss sounded, which seemed familiar.

Lu Qi pricked up his ears and leaned behind the boulder to listen carefully.


another loud roar came from the depths of the forest.

This voice.... Could it be

the "Great Sage" and "Caesar"? Lu Qi was surprised, the "Great Sage" and "Caesar" were the group of apes that had a lot of fate with him, Lu Qi searched for the information related to apes in his mind, and finally named the Monkey King "The Great Sage" and the white-tailed ape "Caesar", Lu Qi and the "Great Sage" monkeys have gotten along quite well recently, and the monkeys seem to have gradually accepted Lu Qi, a hairless anomaly.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Qi resolutely picked up his backpack, took his weapon and carefully went into the dark forest, whether it was as Lu Qi's only "friend" on this isolated island or out of wanting to find Caesar to know the origin of the black backpack, no matter what the purpose, Lu Qi must know what happened to Caesar.

Under the light of the rising sun, Lu Qi walked lightly through the forest, the surrounding commotion became louder and louder, Lu Qi paused from time to time, hiding in the shadows of the trees while carefully identifying the direction of the sound, while intently observing the dark shadows of the trees, for fear that the monster was hiding in it.

Staring at it for a few seconds, the shadows of the woods shook under the breeze in the woods, and then it fell silent.

Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, listened carefully to the direction of the sound, and continued to run towards the dense forest.

"Roar ——!"

A familiar roar came from the side.

It was the voice of the Great Sage!

Lu Qi's heart tightened, and he cautiously turned over the layers of vines, and when he carefully opened the weeping leaves, he finally saw Caesar and them, but the scene in front of him shocked him more than the first time Lu Qi saw the monkeys fighting and killing the snakes.

On the side of the dense forest, half of Caesar's body was dripping with blood, and there were several claw marks that penetrated deep into the flesh and bones, in front of Caesar, the Great Sage stood with his feet standing, his arms beat his chest and roared, several blood-gushing ape corpses were scattered in front of the Great Sage, and the group of monkeys behind him were scattered, full of horror.

Maybe it was the presence of another Lu Qi that brought courage, or maybe it was the upsurge of anger that temporarily repelled the fear, Lu Qi was not frightened by the Shura field in front of him at the moment, but tensed his body to prepare.

As the Great Sage roared in the direction, a pitch-black figure stood coldly on the trunk of a tree not far ahead.

In the face of the great sage's roar, the pitch-black figure of the tree trunk seemed to be a little disdainful, and suddenly there was a shock around the body, as if it was suddenly several times wider, accompanied by a terrible cry, shaking the surroundings.

As a burst of feather leaves fell, the sparse sunlight finally shone on the black shadow, which turned out to be a huge silver-gray giant eagle, and the black shadow that expanded in an instant was the huge wings of the giant eagle.

Different from ordinary giant eagles, this terrifying bird of prey is the size of one and a half people, its wings are mixed with blood-red sharp wings, and a gray-white slender eyebrow bone above the knife-like head suddenly emerges, piercing the sky like two sharp blades, and its sharp eyes stare at the great holy monkeys that are constantly roaring and hissing with disdain, and the sharp beak of the sharp claws full of blood all shows the combat power of the giant eagle.

"Blood-Bone Eating Eagle!" Lu

Qi felt a chill, he had never seen this terrifying fierce bird with its wings stretched high in front of him, but he was extremely familiar with this giant beast, since the beginning of the Desolate Beast War more than ten years ago, countless materials and data in the human world have been constantly telling the surviving people about the horror and weirdness of this beast.

Immortal Desolate Beast - Bloody Bone Eater Eagle

! Huge Body! Terrifying Combat Strength! Terrifying Resilience!

This is the basic understanding of desolate beasts that human beings have obtained through countless flesh and blood costs, and it is also the many beast herds that have caused human beings to lose a huge amount of land and population under the leadership of this mutated giant beast.

Decades of struggle against the undead beasts have made the horror of the undead beasts deeply imprinted in the minds of this generation of humans.

"You... You should know what this is, right?"

asked Lu Qi, who swallowed a mouthful of saliva, in his mind.

"Flesh and bones, feeding on fresh flesh and blood, especially the brain fluids of mammals... The wings have amazing defense, the main weapons are a sharp beak and two claws, and they are good at attacking from high altitudes... The weakness that is easy to break down is at the root of the wings... Of course I recognize, it's very clear in the textbooks when you go to school.

The other Lu Qi replied calmly.

Lu Qi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief after hearing the voice in his head, and while observing the giant eagle in concealment, he replied in his mind,

"I didn't expect me to be so knowledgeable... You still remember this, you can't actually be my subconscious essence..."

The voice in his head paused, and said:

"I... You don't care who I am, you shut your mouth for me!"

"The important thing is that now that you are in control of your body, what are you going to do?" the voice continued.

Lu Qi was puzzled.

"What how

?" the other Lu Qi seemed to sigh and explained, "Of course how to deal with the current situation, now the attention of the Blood and Bone Food Eagle is not on us, should we take the opportunity to sneak away, or go to help those monkeys?"

"Hey, his name is the Great Sage, and the other is called Caesar, not a monkey....."

Lu Qi

said to himself dissatisfied, and at the same time secretly thinking.

"I said..."After a while, Lu Qi seemed to have made up his mind, and asked silently in his heart:

"What if... I mean, if we're going to help Caesar, do we have a chance..."

"After all... We're friends!

"Heh..."Lu Qi seemed to have some disdain in his mind.

"You didn't choose to run away, is this still you Lu Qi?" Lu Qi

was silent for a rare moment.

"I used to be a coward, but now I'm running to this place... It seems that life can't get any worse. "

So... It's okay to indulge. "

This time, I want to save them!"

Lu Qi said seriously in his mind, and the other Lu Qi did not continue to ridicule.

"Well... I understand.

"In that case, I'll help you, too, and myself. Another Lu Qi replied.

"Maybe you didn't realize that after coming here, not only did I appear... There are other changes in your body..."Lu Qi in his mind wanted to speak and stopped.

"Huh?" Lu Qi looked down at his body.

"It seems to be a little more flexible than before... Obviously I can't eat well and sleep well..."

"Well, it's not just that. The voice in my head continued: "There is something strange about our bodies... And deep in my body I found another hidden thing, and maybe I would wake it up in a moment of crisis. "

Hmm, what's that..."Lu Qi was interrupted by a voice in his head before he finished speaking.

"Although I don't know the reason, but at present, it can save my life, listen to me!" Another Lu Qi said to Lu Qi seriously:

"If we want to save the Great Sage and them, we must be patient, and we must not rush blindly forward."

"The weakness of the Bloodbone Eagle is under the wings, and only the weakest skin there is for our weapons to be useful.

Hearing this, Lu Qi tightly grasped the snake-toothed short knife in his hand, the short folding knife was no longer useful.

"So, if we want to hurt the Blood Bone Food Eagle, we only have a momentary chance!" The voice in his head continued to analyze

, "Only at the moment when the Blood Bone Food Eagle pounces

on the Great Sage! we have a chance!" Lu Qi looked at the Great Sage who was roaring wildly, and saw that there was a dense bush on its right side, which was a good position for an assault.

"Yes, that's it, we'll crawl over in a while, look for opportunities there, it would be better if the Great Sage could cooperate with us....."

The other Lu Qi naturally saw the bush along his gaze.

Lu Qi was about to move over, when the voice in his head interrupted him again:

"But there is still a problem..."Lu Qi in his mind hesitated for a rare moment, and said, "

After all, it is an undead beast... There's no way we're going to kill it..."

yes... That is a monster known as "immortal"!

With the two snake teeth in his hand, can he really hurt it?

Lu Qi was a little dazed for a moment.

"It's okay, even if we can't kill him, we're going to give it a hard shot. After a while, Lu Qi silently said to himself:

"Maybe it's painful enough, it's scared?"

"How can you pin your hopes on the enemy!" The other self reprimanded, and before he finished speaking, he heard Lu Qi say,

"Forget it." Big deal, just death.

Lu Qi had already begun to slowly move towards the bushes.

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