Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 187 Three more generals are added to force the powerful enemy back

"Ghost Wolf, what do you want from me?"

An electronic sound came from behind the cold mask.

Bai Ye, the leader of the Bai Ye mercenary group, has been wearing an iron mask since the day he registered as a mercenary, and uses synthetic electronic sounds to communicate with people. No one knows his true identity.

"Bai Ye, do you know that Hong Maple Ridge has a new owner?" Ghost Wolf said hoarsely.

"The new lord of Hongmaple Ridge and the leader of the Holy Light Mercenary Group - Holy Light Su Mo."

The eyes behind the mask were very calm: "I also know that your Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group suffered a big loss at his hands."

Hearing this, Gui Lang's face darkened and he said: "Bai Ye, since you know this, you should know that the Holy Light Mercenary Group has only been established for one day and has such strength. If it is allowed to continue to develop, it will definitely become You, the two of us are in serious trouble."

Hearing this, Bai Ye was silent for a moment and said slowly: "What do you think?"

Ghost Wolf said resolutely: "We must get rid of the Holy Light Mercenary Group without delay. Tomorrow morning, you and I will each send people to raid the Red Maple Ridge to catch the Holy Light off guard."

"Let me state my position first. The Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group will send 5 commander-level cadres, 50 elites, and 400 members to participate in this operation. Your manpower must be at least as high as mine."

"In addition, I hope you can send a white ghost to monitor Holy Light. If he goes out to look for help tonight, then we will immediately send someone to intercept him. If not, the plan will continue as usual."

With the 500,000 ransom in hand, if Holy Light can be ruthless, he can definitely find a natural disaster-level powerhouse to take over for a short period of time, and even put a bounty on his ghost wolf's head.

Considering this, he must send someone to monitor every move of Holy Light.

There is a peak commander telepathic master in the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Once the telepathic net is spread, even his commander-level martial arts master Shadow Thorn, who is best at concealed assassinations, will be at great risk of being exposed.

However, there is a cadre in the White Night Mercenary Group, codenamed White Ghost. He has very special powers and his combat power is not very strong, but his ability to spy in secret is unparalleled.

If he takes action, he will definitely not be discovered by the people of the Holy Light.


Bai Ye thought for a moment and finally nodded:

"Okay, I agree with this plan."

In every mercenary territory, there are always evil neighbors who are eyeing him. Currently, there are already two equally matched opponents near the White Night Mercenary Group. He cannot tolerate the emergence of a third opponent.

The Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group faced the same predicament as him, so the two of them had a tacit understanding and worked together to drive away the previous lords of Red Maple Ridge.

"Okay, the time will be set at four in the morning." Ghost Wolf said hoarsely, with a cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Holy Light, you will definitely die today!

Bai Ye hummed and hung up the communication.

Not long after, a small aircraft took off from the headquarters of the White Night Mercenary Group and finally docked at the junction with Red Maple Ridge.


After stopping, a white figure jumped out like a ghost, floating in the air, looking in the direction of Hongfeng Old City.

"Holy Light Mercenary Group~"

The corners of White Phantom's mouth curled up, and the next second, his body escaped directly into the secondary dimension.

Dark, gloomy, desolate...

This is the main theme of the secondary dimension, like a world abandoned by the gods, full of danger and terror.

However, the white ghost had already adapted to the environment here, wandering around, avoiding several secondary dimensional beings, and finally came to the sky above the old city of Hongfeng.

At this moment, there seemed to be a huge water curtain in front of him, straddling the two dimensions. Although his vision was a little blurry, he could still see the target this time - Holy Light Su Mo at a glance.


"Wutao, aren't you full yet?"

The corners of Su Mo's eyes twitched, and his heart seemed to be bleeding.

Walnut alone ate one-third of all the ingredients.

You know, this is the total amount of food that can supply 500 extraordinary people for half a year~

"Hiccup, I'm 90% full~"

Hutao burped, and then reached out to grab the dried meat on the table.

She has finished all the fresh ingredients, and now only some ready-to-eat preserved fruits, dried meat, energy bars, and high-energy reserve grains are left.

"Ninety percent is enough!"

Su Mo quickly grabbed her hand, wiped her little cat-like face with a wet wipe, and said earnestly:

"Don't eat too much at night, otherwise you won't be able to sleep and will gain weight."

"Woo, I won't gain weight~"

Hutao's little face was kneaded here and there like dough, and her speech was slurred.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you continue eating when you get up tomorrow~"

Su Mo looked helpless. He watched Hutao eat like a parent watching their own child. He was worried that she wouldn't eat enough, and he was also worried that she would eat too much and develop something bad.

Generally speaking, when one is said to be 90% full, it is actually very close to the full state.

It’s better to leave some room in your stomach for digestion.


When he heard that there would be food to eat tomorrow, Hutao immediately calmed down and let Su Mo wipe his face obediently.


At this moment, Hu Tao suddenly looked around in confusion.

"What's the matter?"

Su Mo asked.

Hu Tao frowned, "I feel like someone is peeking at me in the dark."

Someone peeping?

Su Mo suddenly became vigilant. Hutao was a strange beast in the starry sky, and his inspiration was much sharper than that of ordinary people. Her words were probably not groundless.

After observing the area calmly, Su Mo quietly contacted Ming and asked him to use his telekinesis to explore the area.

Soon, Ming gave a reply.

"I didn't find it~"

Is Walnut's perception wrong?

Su Mo looked calm, clapped his hands, and shouted:

"Your rooms have been assigned. According to your respective room numbers, go and rest!"

At present, all the dilapidated construction waste in Hongfeng Old City has been removed, and two residential buildings have been built, enough for more than 100 people, each with one room.


Everyone agreed and walked towards the residential building in small groups.

Secondary dimension~

White Ghost couldn't hear the sounds from the main plane, so he didn't know that Hutao had vaguely sensed his presence.

Seeing Su Mo walk into the building and never come out again, he couldn't help but smile:

"It looks like it's going to be a peaceful night."


The stars are dim at night, the red maple forest is pitch dark, and the leaves are rustling.

More than 40 of Shadow Clan's most elite warriors were hiding around the old city, patrolling and exploring no blind spots.

In the dark night, they were like fish in water, their steps were gentle and they made no sound. They were like ghosts, invisible and intangible.

"Brother, what do you think of the new master?"

Shadow Rain flickered to the thick tree trunk, standing next to Ying Feng, his voice was thin and weak.

Ying Feng glanced at her, his voice was low but extremely serious:

"He's a very good person to his subordinates."


Yingyu nodded slightly in approval.

Indeed, during the battle, the master tried his best to provide treatment and no one was seriously injured or killed.

After the battle, he also provided everyone with a sumptuous dinner and comfortable accommodation.

Most importantly, he gave everyone a hope of regaining their freedom.

During her time in captivity, she heard too much about the horrors of slaves.

Many slave owners did not regard their slaves as human beings at all, and often beat, abused, humiliated, and even killed slaves for fun.

Compared to those people, I am really lucky.

"Work hard and strive to be free as soon as possible." Ying Feng said softly.

"Brother, what will you do when that day comes?"

Yingyu asked in a low voice: "Leave or continue to work for him?"

A flash of confusion flashed in Ying Feng's eyes, "I don't know, where can I go without me? What's more, if I leave, what will you and Lao Er do?"

"Then let's stay together~"

Shadow Rain smiled slightly: "To be honest, I really like the atmosphere here. There is no calculation, deception, or intrigue between each other. It is much better than the environment of our Shadow Clan."

"That's because the mercenary group has just been established and is surrounded by foreign enemies. Of course it will be extremely united. When there is a division of power in the future, it will not be as harmonious as it is now."

Ying Feng looked into the distance into the darkness and murmured: "But with a master of such a character, those things like flies and dogs will probably not happen too much."

Time passed little by little, and the ShadowClan warriors were still diligently patrolling the night without slacking off at all.

However, just when the sky was slightly clear and a glimmer of light appeared, the sound of an aircraft whizzing through the wind suddenly came from high in the distance.

"somebody is coming!"

Ying Feng's eyes narrowed and he immediately pressed the alarm in his hand.


The piercing alarm sounded, and the sleeping soldiers immediately woke up, jumped out of bed, picked up their weapons, and jumped directly from the window.

20 airships rushed from the left and right sides. As they approached the sky, a dazzling blue light burst out from the gun barrel, and then dozens of energy beams were fired in unison, aiming at high-rise buildings and people on the ground.

Swish Swish Swish~~~

The blue light fell and was about to hit the tall building. At this moment, an invisible mental barrier suddenly appeared, blocking all these energy beams.

At the critical moment, Ming took action!

After the salvo failed, the airship made a big turn and floated not far from the old city of Hongfeng. Then, densely packed people jumped from the airship like dumplings and landed smoothly.

Bang bang bang~

Two groups of people, one behind the other, rushed over, numbering in the thousands, and surrounded the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

"Holy Light, you didn't expect it, I'm back again!"

Ghost Wolf took a step forward and looked at Su Mo with a sneer.

Brother, you are a ghost wolf, not a gray wolf, okay~

Su Mo ignored him, turned around, looked at a man wearing a steel mask, and said in a solemn voice:

"Leader of the Baiye Mercenary Group, Baiye?"

Bai Ye replied with the electronic voice without any fluctuation: "I am Bai Ye."

Su Mo shook his head: "You really think highly of our Holy Light Mercenary Group, so many people came here at once."

At this moment, something strange suddenly arose in Bai Ye's heart.

Shengguang's tone was a bit too calm, and there was no hint of panic.

Could it be that he has other sources of support?

"Holy Light!"

Ghost Wolf said hoarsely: "Give me back the 500,000 innars, maybe I can spare your life."


Su Mo curled his lips and said jokingly: "I'm sorry, I spent all of it!"


Hearing this, Ghost Wolf felt angry and anxious.

You spent 500,000 innars in one night, what the hell kind of prodigal are you!

Are you a fan of online shopping?

"Let me tell you where the 500,000 was spent!"

Su Mo smiled and said: "A few hours ago, I went to the Mercenary City to buy a few commander-level slaves and more than 200 extraordinary warriors. In addition, there were hundreds of hidden grenades and several commander-level slaves. High-powered laser guns and some other miscellaneous weapons have greatly increased the strength of my mercenary group, so I want to thank you very much, Comrade Ghost Wolf~"

"You fart!"

Ghost Wolf said angrily: "Tonight, you never left Red Maple Ridge."

Hearing this, Su Mo raised his eyebrows and chuckled:

"I heard that there is a supernatural being named White Ghost in the White Night Mercenary Group. He is particularly good at surveillance and tracking. He must have been observing me in the dark not long ago!"

"I am the White Ghost~"

At this time, a man with red eyes and messy hair stood up behind Bai Ye and said calmly:

"I watched you walk into this building with my own eyes and never come out again. How could you arrive at the mercenary city without anyone noticing?"

"It's really you~"

Su Mo curled up his lips and said in a joking tone: "Bai Ye, didn't Ghost Wolf tell you that there is a commander-level space magician beside me?"


Upon hearing this, the faces of Ghost Wolf and White Ghost changed drastically, and the faces behind the masks also showed signs of shock and anger.

"Lao Mei, let them come out!" Su Mo said with a smile.


Mercedes' lips moved slightly, releasing magic - a space portal.


A gorgeous and bright silver door appeared next to Mercedes, and then a large group of people filed out.

There were more than two hundred people, and judging by their appearance, they were still dominated by the Shadow Clan, Ice Barbarian Clan, and Dark Moon Clan.

Standing at the front were three powerful commander-level masters.

The first one is a magician wearing a robe and holding a staff. He is slim and tall with silver hair and beard. He is already quite old, but his blue eyes are still as clear as the sea, containing infinite wisdom.

The second one is a rough and stocky bearded man. His left eye is a mechanical compound eye that flashes red. He holds a two-meter-long laser cannon with a barrel of more than 30 mm in one hand and is full of science fiction colors. Full of weapons, it is simply a human arsenal.

The third one is a tall and burly man with a crew cut, his body is faintly golden, his muscles are taut, and he exudes a heavy and steady aura.

"Ghost Wolf, Bai Ye, I didn't lie to you, right?" Su Mo said with a smile.

After Hutao sensed that someone might be spying on him, he immediately became vigilant.

Calm analysis shows that the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group is very likely to come back without giving itself time to breathe and develop, and once it takes action, it will definitely be a thunderous blow, which is bound to kill the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

In addition, he did not forget that in addition to the ghost wolf, there was also a more powerful evil neighbor, the White Night Mercenary Group.

The previous lords of Hongmaple Ridge were driven away by the combined efforts of these two mercenary groups.

This time, there is a high probability that the two will join forces to deal with him.

Considering this, he immediately decided to make full preparations tonight to deal with the strangulation of the two mercenary groups.

So, he quietly contacted Mercedes, used space magic to teleport more than ten kilometers away, avoiding the sight of the monitors, and then continued to sneak for dozens of kilometers to ensure that he would not be discovered. Then he contacted the transportation company and sent a plane The small aircraft took the two of them to the ultra-long-distance space teleportation array and returned to the mercenary city.

After arriving at the mercenary city, he and Mercedes went straight to the slave market, contacted his former broker Charlie, and visited several slave shops one by one.

Through the careful selection of [Eye of Insight], 62 Shadow Tribes, 70 Ice Barbarians, and 30 Dark Moon Tribes were purchased. These are all geniuses who have awakened their racial talents.

In addition, there are 40 superpowers with superpower potential of B level or above, 5 magicians and 3 mechanics.

The strength ranges from E level to C+.

More than 200 slaves cost 250,000 innars, but the most expensive ones were actually the other three commander-level slaves.

B+ level magician Andolf, B level gunner Gefors, and B level martial artist Jin Zhan.

Andolfo is the great mage of a certain magical civilization. He is proficient in multiple elements of magic and has in-depth research on potions.

During a colonial development, Andolfo's hometown was invaded by an expedition team. He took the lead in resisting, but was unable to withstand the strong bombardment of the fleet, and was eventually reduced to a slave.

Such a knowledgeable and powerful magician is of course expensive, 100,000 innars, and he does not accept counter-offers.

Considering that the team needed an older and experienced wise man to take charge, Su Mo readily paid the money.

Geforth was once a star-sea bounty hunter who was good at all kinds of heavy-fire guns. Despite his rugged appearance, no fool could become a mechanic.

As a B-class gunner, Geforth has at least hundreds of drawings of laser guns, turrets, and energy weapons in his mind. As long as he has enough mechanical equipment, he can build these weapons one by one, and he He also has a talent called [Heavy Firearms Mastery], which provides additional attribute bonuses when building and using heavy firepower machinery.

The price of a gunnery division is certainly not low, 85,000 innars.

The last martial arts master, Jin Zhan, practices gold-based martial arts, has both attack and defense, and has excellent combat ability. However, there are too many martial arts slaves, and the price is also the cheapest among the same level, 40,000 inal, and still Less than half that of Gerforth.

Counting all the slaves, a total of 475,000 was spent. In addition, after going to the weapons store to raid and buy a large number of weapons, and equip the gunner Geforth with enough equipment, Ghost Wolf's 500,000 ransom was spent. Clean, not a penny left.

A total of more than 700,000 inal was thrown down. At present, the combat strength statistics of the Holy Light Mercenary Group are as follows -

Eight leaders at the leadership level: Su Mo, Mondo, Hutao, Ming, Merced, Andolfo, Geforth, Jin Zhan

ShadowClan: 117 people, 8 elite level people

Ice Barbarians: 125 people, 12 elite level people

Darkmoon Clan: 57 people, 4 elite level people

Multi-race superpowers: 75, 9 elites

Magicians: 5 people, 1 elite level person

Mechanics: 3 people, 1 elite level person

Extraordinary combat power, a total of 390 people, including 8 commanders and 35 elites.

The overall strength is still a little worse than the two mercenary groups of Ghost Wolf and Baiye, but it is no longer something they can easily control.

At this moment, the ghost wolf looked ugly, and the white ghost's face was even more gloomy and terrifying.



Ghost Wolf and White Ghost cursed each other secretly at the same time.

From the ghost wolf's point of view, don't you, White Ghost, claim to be a master of surveillance and tracking? You actually let people slip away right under your nose.

But in White Ghost's view, Ghost Wolf actually left out such crucial information as a space magician, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

"Holy Light~"

At this moment, Bai Ye spoke.

"Do you think, with your current strength, you can resist the joint encirclement and suppression by me and the Ghost Wolf?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he instantly erupted with a peak commander-level aura, which was like a command signal. Immediately afterwards, the remaining nine commander-level cadres of the White Night Mercenary Group also stepped forward at the same time, and their aura exploded.

Seeing this, Ghost Wolf was not to be outdone. The five commander-level experts including him immediately exploded with momentum and surged towards the Holy Light Mercenary Group like waves.

The two mercenary groups combined have a total of 15 commander-level masters, which is almost twice as many as the Holy Light Mercenary Group. As for the number of members below the commander-level, it is more than three times.

If there really was a fight, the Holy Light Mercenary Group would suffer heavy losses, or even be wiped out!

However, in this tense atmosphere that was about to break out, instead of panicking, Su Mo showed a smile on his face.

"It seems that you have ignored what I just said~"

"Then let me repeat it again. In addition to the three commanders and more than 200 elite soldiers, I also bought hundreds of hidden grenades. These grenades will be buried under your feet. Gefus, show them to them."


The bearded Geforth grinned, and the blue mechanical power surged into the ground. The next second, a shocking explosion suddenly sounded a few kilometers away, black smoke rose, and the entire ground shook violently.

Seeing this scene, the two mercenary group members Bai Ye and Gui Lang looked horrified and looked at their feet in panic, not daring to move at all.

"How about it, the power is not bad!"

Su Mo smiled and said: "These hidden grenades cannot kill commander-level cadres, but those below the elite level cannot withstand its destruction."

"Bai Ye, Ghost Wolf, how about you two give it a try?"

In an instant, the scene was completely silent.

Ghost Wolf clenched his fists, veins popped out on his forehead, and his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, was silently watching the thick black smoke rising in the distance, his eyes twinkling.

After a moment, Bai Ye said: "Holy Light, you win this time, let's withdraw!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and thousands of mercenaries retreated neatly and slowly towards the airship behind them.

Seeing this, Su Mo looked at Ghost Wolf with a faint smile: "Bai Ye has retreated, Ghost Wolf, what is your choice?"

Ghost Wolf said hoarsely: "Are you willing to let me go?"

"Of course~"

Su Mo shrugged: "If we fight to the death, wouldn't we be making wedding clothes for others?"

Ghost Wolf took a deep look at Su Mo and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, let's retreat!"

After saying this, the Ghost Wolf mercenary group cautiously withdrew towards the airship, fearing that making too big a move would activate the mines hidden under their feet.

In the end, the two mercenary groups each boarded the airship and returned to the base in despair.

"Haha, they ran away!"

"Bah, I'll kill you next time!"

"The leader is mighty!!!"

"The leader is domineering!"

A huge life and death crisis was easily resolved by strategy. For a time, everyone's admiration for Su Mo soared to the top.

Be generous and friendly internally and resourceful externally.

Who doesn’t love such a leader?

Thanks to Boss Mohu for the 500 point reward

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