Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 215 Rewards after the War Dark Altar

At the end of the battle, Bolan reported the battle situation at Highland 703 to the command post.

At the same time, several mercenary groups also arrived at the temporary stronghold behind Highland 703.

This is a spacious and refreshing cave. The ground has obviously been leveled, and the walls are covered with electric lights, making the place look clean and bright.

The air was cool with a hint of moisture, and camp beds or soft cushions could be seen on the ground, as well as scattered weapons.

"This is our temporary base."

Yan Mo said as he walked: "There is a flowing water source behind the cave, ensuring drinking water and washing. The entrance of the cave is very hidden and will not be discovered by the enemy. Generally speaking, it is a bit crude, but it is very safe."

"That's enough~"

Su Mo nodded and said: "We are here to fight, not to enjoy ourselves. This environment is already very good."

"That's right!"

Tie Bing smiled and said: "We are mercenaries, not young masters. Safety comes first, and everything else doesn't matter."

"Okay, then I will ask the logistics department to send another batch of supplies. We will be living here for the next period of time." Yan Mo said.

After a brief visit to the environment in the cave, several group leaders sat together to discuss business matters.

"Yan Mo, what is the overall situation on Gru Star now? Can you tell us about it?" Su Mo said seriously.


Yan Mo nodded, and then a look of solemnity appeared on his face:

"Overall, the situation is not good for us."

After Star Gru was discovered by the adventure team, it was first sold to a consortium and later sold to the Black Crow Civilization.

The Black Crow Civilization mined this planet and stationed heavy troops, laying a certain foundation.

Later, the Colt civilization learned that there was an astonishing amount of silver sky stone veins hidden underground on the Gru planet, so they chose to launch a sneak attack to grab the silver sky stone.

At first, the Black Crow Civilization was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses, but soon they relied on their familiarity with Planet Gru and more abundant supplies and manpower to not only defend their territory, but also launched an angry counterattack against the Colt Civilization. .

The two civilizations fought fiercely, with more than a million soldiers killed and injured, which aroused strong dissatisfaction in the country, and anti-war voices intensified.

In this case, both sides chose to invite reinforcements to decide the ownership of Gru Star.

The Black Crow Civilization brought in the Army of Death, and the Colt Civilization hired the Mammoth Mercenary Group and the mercenaries from Zatanvi.

Since then, the civilized ordinary soldiers of both sides have completely withdrawn from the stage, and this legion war has gradually evolved into a battle between extraordinary beings.

"We are not afraid of the Black Crow Civilization, but the army of death is too difficult to deal with."

The smoke demon was smoking a cigar, and behind the smoke was his depressed and helpless face.

"There are too many of them. One of our mercenaries is dead, but the other side seems to be unable to kill them all."

"I heard people say that this is because there are several dark altars opposite, which can absorb the resentment, death, soul fragments, etc. on the battlefield, and then transform them into various undead creatures through magic rituals."

"In the beginning, they were evenly matched, but later on, the number of mercenaries became smaller and smaller, the number of undead creatures increased, and most of the territory was lost."

"If you don't come here, I can't see that in two months, Gruxing will be back in other people's hands."

After listening to Yan Mo's story, everyone had a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

Tie Bing and Xue Tong are more worried about the situation of the war. Although 500,000 reinforcements have arrived, it is still unknown whether they can defeat the Black Crow Civilization and the army of death.

The next battle is still very dangerous.

Su Mo, on the other hand, was more moved by the naked laws of the jungle of the universe.

From a moral point of view, the Colt civilization seems to be the unreasonable party when it robs the planet bought by the Black Crow civilization.

However, is the Black Crow Civilization really just?

of course not!

The planet Gru has its own indigenous people.

They have lived on this planet for generations and have been living a peaceful and happy life, but suddenly one day, a group of alien bandits arrived.

Aliens occupy their homes, slaughter their relatives and friends, and plunder the planet's resources frantically.

And these cruel aliens are the Cosmic Consortium and the Black Crow Civilization.

Therefore, this is a naked fight between black and white, which fully embodies the law of the jungle of the weak and the strong.


After the arrival of 500,000 mercenaries, the originally shaky situation immediately stabilized.

The Black Crow Civilization and the Army of Death completely did not expect that the reinforcements from the Colt Civilization would arrive so quickly and were caught off guard.

Crow Plains City~

There are dark buildings lined up one after another with strange shapes. On the top of each building, there is an evil black crow sculpture with red eyes and black mist surrounding it, like a devil born in hell.

On the streets, groups of soldiers patrolled closely.

Behind each soldier, there is a pair of jet black wings, with pale skin and protruding mouth, like a black crow that has become a spirit.

Inside the headquarters, General Bips, the supreme commander of the Black Crow Civilization in Gru, was angrily cursing his subordinates.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Are all the intelligence agencies dead? Hundreds of thousands of enemy reinforcements have arrived, and I didn't even receive any information in advance!"

"Lota, get out of here!!!"

The person in charge of intelligence work, Lotta, walked out fearfully and said in a trembling voice:

"General, Frye is in charge of the intelligence in the Lion King Ridge area. He is from the old party and his relationship with us..."

"Shut up!"

Bips smashed the table in front of him with one palm and said angrily:

"I have already asked you to bypass Frye and arrange for someone to sneak into Zatanvi to find out the information about the Mammoth Mercenary Group."

"Where are your people? Where's the information?"

Lotta shrank her neck and complained secretly.

He did send intelligence personnel there, but not long after they arrived on Zatanvi, they were beaten up by a group of lawless mercenaries and sold to slave traders.

It took him a lot of effort to buy this man back from the slave dealer.

Later, before the second wave of people could be sent, what happened now happened.

But does he dare to tell the truth to the general?

The intelligence personnel sent out were betrayed by a group of mercenaries!

If the general knew this, he wouldn't be able to slap him to death.

"Now, immediately, go get me a group of mercenaries and find out their specific personnel situation."

General Bips stared at Lotta coldly and said, "If this matter doesn't work out again, prepare to serve the Crow God!"

Hearing this, Lotta shuddered and said quickly:

"It's the general. I promise to complete the mission."


Tianxin City, headquarters~

"Haha, I'm sure that guy Bips is swearing right now!"

At the main seat, a middle-aged man laughed heartily. His appearance was resolute, his beard was trimmed neatly, and his temples were slightly gray, which added to his temperament of a mature man.

He is the supreme commander of the Colt civilization on the planet Gru, the natural disaster-level weapon warrior, Railton.

On the side, many military generals also laughed.

"Brother Luo Ang, your giant elephant mercenary group acted quickly this time, and you really made a great contribution!"

Railton looked at the burly man next to him and smiled.

Elephant Roang, the leader of the giant elephant mercenary group, a natural disaster-level martial artist. As an elephant clan, his size is really like a big mountain. Sitting on a chair, he is four meters high. If he stands all Standing up to at least seven meters tall, his shoulders were incredibly broad, like a city wall.

The gray skin is a bit rough, with some wrinkles and fine lines visible, and a tail drags on the ground.

However, unlike other elephant tribes, as a natural disaster-level Anya, some of Elephant Loang's beastly features have degenerated. His thick and long trunk has disappeared, and his tusks have also disappeared. Just looking at his face, he looks different from the surrounding Ke There isn't much difference among the Celtics.

Elifan Loang said calmly: "The reputation of the Colt civilization on Zatanvi has always been very good, which is also an important reason why the mercenaries responded positively."

"Haha, brother Luoang, don't worry, our Colt civilization will never let down our mercenary friends."

Railton said boldly: "As long as we can capture this planet and hold it for three months, I will increase the reward I promised you by another 20%."

With the mechanical technology and terrifying productivity of the Colt civilization, it is enough to hollow out the entire Silver Sky Stone in the Gru Star within three months.

From the Silver Sky Stone, the important core material for making teleportation star gates, Sky Breaking Gold, can be extracted.

According to the calculations of the Technology Department, the current remaining reserves of Silver Sky Stone in Gru Star are enough to extract the Sky Breaking Gold needed to build 30 large star gates.

You know, in interstellar battles, one teleportation star gate may often determine the trend of a battle, and 30 teleportation star gates will bring hundreds of tactical possibilities to the commander.

If we can capture the Gru Star and hollow out the Silver Sky Stone, then the reward given to the mercenaries will not be worth mentioning at all.

"Okay, then I'll thank General Railton on behalf of my fellow mercenaries."

Elephin Lohan laughed.

At this moment, an officer walked into the command room after making a report and said sonorously:

"Reporting to General, our department has compiled the information of outstanding performers in this round of battles."

Railton waved his hand and said:

"Just put it out and let everyone see it!"


The officer took out a black box and pressed a button to project a screen onto the backdrop.

The first thing that caught his eye was a burly man with bare feet and messy hair, with bulging muscles, holding a giant axe, and a sharp cold light in his eyes.

The wild beast Goron leads the top martial arts masters.

In today's battle, he led the newly arrived mercenary reinforcements to successfully defend the territory, and then launched a counterattack.

A total of 332 undead creatures were killed, including a leading peak lich, a leading peak vampire, and three other dead bone generals, and destroyed a small dark altar.

His performance is undoubtedly the best in this battle.

The second most successful person in battle is the leader of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, Holy Light Sumo.

In the 703 Highland Guardian Battle, Holy Light used his own abilities to amplify the entire team, greatly increasing their strength and killing all the undead creatures in the shortest time.

The most important thing is that under his amplification and treatment, among the four mercenary groups and more than 2,000 people, no one died or was seriously injured, which is a miracle on the battlefield.

"Wow, the power of this Holy Light is so comprehensive!"

"It can heal, amplify the entire team, and give others that golden flame. His effect is much stronger than that of a wild beast!"

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

The wild beast is indeed very strong. From the video, it can be seen that he was able to kill both the lich and the vampire at the peak of his command in a one-on-one fight. In terms of combat power, few people in the command could match it.

However, when it comes to battlefield influence, the Wild Beast is far inferior to the Holy Light.

Holy light can not only enhance the strength of thousands of people in a few seconds, but can also treat every wounded person accurately and timely.

In addition, the golden flame he bestowed on his team members was too restrained against dark creatures.

Ordinary mercenaries must cut off their heads to kill ghouls and shadow wolves. Otherwise, even if they are cut in half, these dark creatures can still crawl half of their bodies and continue to attack.

However, in front of the golden flames, this group of dark creatures seemed extremely fragile.

If there is even a trace of flame, the flame will spread quickly like oil, burning more and more, burning them to ashes.

Moreover, it is obvious from the video that this golden flame can continue to strengthen as it kills more dark creatures, from the initial small flame to the final raging fire.

This is what surprises and excites everyone the most.

They seemed to have found a way to deal with the army of death.

"Bobo, it seems like he doesn't need my special care."

Elifen Loang looked at the calm and composed boy in white in the video, with an imperceptible curve at the corner of his mouth.

After watching all of Su Mo's videos, General Railton decisively ordered:

"Next, the third theater will launch a counterattack with the Holy Light Mercenary Regiment as the core and break through to the Wind Whispering Plain."


The staff officer immediately wrote down the order and conveyed it to the third theater command post.

Immediately afterwards, the video continues.

After Wild Beast and Holy Light, there are eight outstanding performers, but compared with the first two, the results of the next eight are inevitably a bit mediocre.

"These 10 mercenary groups will be awarded additional military points in order and will be notified to the entire army."

Railton said.


The staff officer nodded.

"Next, we have to discuss the next strategy."

Railton's face straightened.

Hundreds of thousands of super mercenaries arrived, and the situation on Gru Star has changed dramatically.

On our side, we can finally stop being beaten and start taking the initiative to attack.


Wind Whispering Plain~

Millions of skeletons and ghouls roam the plains, and ghost banshees, night devil bats, abominations, and shadow wolves can be seen everywhere.

In the center of this group of undead creatures, stood a circular altar nearly ten meters wide and three meters high. The altar was surrounded by a variety of broken bones, stumps, blood clots, human heads... it was extremely weird and bloody.


The magic lines on the altar glowed, and black mist rose into the sky. Then, night devil bats flew out of the black mist, screaming strangely and flapping their wings, hovering in the sky.


Hollows suddenly opened on both sides of the altar, and a strong suction force suddenly rose, like a big mouth, swallowing most of the severed limbs nearby.

Plop, plop~

At this moment, a black bat flew from afar, transformed next to the altar, and transformed into a thin vampire with a pale face, a cold temperament, and cruelty and cunning in his blood-colored eyes.

"Yegukin, stay away from the altar."

Next to him, a lich shrouded in black robes said hoarsely.

"Quack, yes, my Lord Ogwell."

The vampire let out a sharp laugh, took two steps back, and said:

"The humans just sent a message that 500,000 new mercenaries have arrived from the other side, all of them are extraordinary people. Let us be vigilant."

The Lich responded hoarsely:

"The news is too late. Just now, I lost more than a million skeletons and ghouls, and more than 700 commander-level undead alone died."

Upon hearing this, the vampire's face changed slightly, and he said with a slight solemnity:

"It seems that these mercenaries are indeed very powerful."


The vampire changed his tone and looked towards the dark altar, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

"We have the Dark Altar, a sacred object given to us by His Majesty the Skeleton Emperor."

"No matter how many mercenaries come, their flesh and soul will eventually be put on the altar and become part of the army of death."

"Yegujin, you underestimate them too much." The Lich sneered, "I can feel that the dark altar in the southern district has been destroyed, and Fabio and Bogu must have been killed as well. "


Hearing this, the vampire's face changed drastically and he screamed:

"Can those pig-like humans destroy the Dark Altar?"

The Lich said coldly: "That's why I said, you underestimate these mercenaries too much. Our dark altar is only a third-level altar and can be completely destroyed by violence."

"Also, Fabio and Bogu have been killed. Do you still think that humans are all pigs?"

Hearing this, the vampire fell silent.

Fabio and Bogu are both at the top of their command, and their strength is not inferior to him in the slightest.

If I were to replace myself with one of them, I'm afraid the result would not change.

"Is there any news from the Black Crow Civilization?" Lich asked.

Although the army of death is a foreign aid invited by the Black Crow Civilization, after all, one of them is a cosmic human and the other is a dark creature, so it is impossible for them to gather together.

After all, even if a natural disaster-level lich sits here, it is impossible to suppress the greed and desire for flesh and blood of all dark creatures.

Therefore, there is a layer of communication between the two parties.

Basically, news in every area relies on this group of cunning and insidious vampires.

"They said that the other side will definitely counterattack in the next two days."

The vampire said: "And what we have to do is to hold our position and never let them come over."

The soul fire jumped in the Lich's eye sockets, and he said hoarsely:

"The undead never defend, always attack."

"I will not give the opponent a chance to counterattack. Tonight, I will attack again."

Hearing this, the vampire chuckled and said:

"Lord Ogwell, I will cooperate with you well."

After finishing speaking, a touch of greed and fire appeared in his eyes. Only on the battlefield, human blood is the sweetest. The pleasure of the blood spurting and the screams of human despair and grief really left him with endless aftertaste.

"Exactly, Yegukin, I have a task for you."

The Lich took out the map made by Black Crow Civilization, pointed at a plot of land, and said coldly: "Just now, I found something very wrong with this area."

"The undead army I sent out numbered hundreds of thousands, but all of them died in the end, and I failed to recover a single dark fragment."


The vampire frowned. Dark fragments are actually the general term for the evil spirit, resentment, and soul energy left over from the battlefield.

At the end of every battle, both sides will definitely suffer casualties from each other.

Part of the soul fire and soul fragments of undead creatures can be recycled.

Negative emotions generated when humans die, such as evil spirits, resentment, etc., will also be automatically summoned by the Dark Altar and turned into nutrients for the altar.

However, it is indeed very strange that a battle involving hundreds of thousands of undead failed to recover a single dark fragment.

"Leave this area to me, and I will find out the truth." The vampire said.

He is quite confident in his own strength. In the dark night, the vampire is not afraid of any enemy.

Of course, you still need to be cautious and cautious.

With both Fabio and Bogu dead, he will naturally learn his lesson and will no longer look down on humans as he did before.


The Lich nodded and said:

"I will make another batch of undead, wait for my order!"


The vampire bowed slightly, then transformed into a black bat and flew away.


703 Highlands

Su Mo sat cross-legged on the ground, the force flowing between his meridians, and his pores opened to absorb external spiritual energy.

The force forging method he is practicing now was bought at the Megan family auction for tens of thousands of innars. It is much more efficient than the "Force Forging Method" of Tianyuan Star.

Although the Holy Flame Spirit Seed and Vitality Plunder can improve the speed of force and physical fitness, he still maintains the habit of daily practice.

Practice the power forging method, practice the power of divine vision, and practice strange power.

Many successes are based on tedious and boring improvements day after day.

You can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps

If you don’t accumulate small streams, they will become rivers and seas.

Maybe at a certain moment, it was because of yesterday's slight improvement that allowed you to persist in the battle with the enemy until the end.


Suddenly, the sound of gentle footsteps came to my ears.

Although the voice was very weak, it could not be hidden from Su Mo's ears.

The Force stopped functioning, and Su Mo slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look.

"Ah, haha, Holy Light, I'm sorry to disturb your practice."

Otto, the iron soldier, paused and laughed twice awkwardly.

Su Mo smiled slightly: "Tie Bing, what's the matter?"

Tie Bing rubbed his hands and said, "Holy Light, is the flame on your team members today also one of your abilities?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Finally, I took the bait~

"Yes, this is my ability, Holy Flame Spirit Seed."

Su Mo nodded and said: "The holy flame spiritual seed will be rooted in the human body. The holy flame has two attributes: light and fire. It will cause extra damage to dark creatures. As more dark creatures are killed, the spiritual seed and holy flame will also be destroyed." It will become stronger."

Rooted in the human body~

After listening to Su Mo's explanation, Tie Bing suddenly hesitated.

Originally, he thought that this kind of flame was just like the Holy Light's usual amplification abilities, and would disappear automatically after a period of time.

But if it keeps growing in my body, will it...

Su Mo saw Tie Bing's concerns and smiled:

"The Holy Flame Spirit Seed can be taken back by me at any time, and it will never cause harm to the body."

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Tie Bing couldn't help but feel a touch of embarrassment on his face.

"Holy Light, I'm not doubting you, that..."

"Can I trouble you and plant holy flame spiritual seeds on my team members?"

Since the Holy Flame Spirit Seed can be retrieved by the Holy Light at any time, then my worries no longer exist.

After having the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, it will be much easier for me and my brothers to fight against the undead than before.

As for whether this is a lie from the Holy Light?

Tie Bing believed in the Holy Light, and even more so in his ability to see people.


Su Mo nodded, and then changed the topic: "However, planting the Holy Flame Spirit Seed will cause a lot of consumption for me, so..."

"So...?" Tie Bing raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that there are other conditions for Holy Light?

Su Mo spread his hands: "I want to collect money!"

Collect... collect money!

Tie Bing's face froze, but he immediately returned to normal.

Yes, even if you have a good relationship with Holy Light, why should someone waste themselves to help you for free?

Mercenaries are paid to do things, and no one will take advantage of them.

"How much?"

Tie Bing asked cautiously.

The Iron Soldier Mercenary Group has been unable to make ends meet for a long time, otherwise he would not have led all the members to participate in this dangerous large-scale mission.

Su Mo smiled and said: "It's 100 innars per person, but because of our friendship, I'll give you a 50% discount."

The iron soldier breathed a sigh of relief. There were 504 people under his command. At 50 innar per person, that was just over 25,000.

To be honest, he really couldn't come up with this money alone.

However, if the team members work together, they can still make it happen.

"Holy Light, I'm going now..."


Before Tie Bing finished speaking, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the cave.

"The undead creatures are here again!"

Suddenly, Su Mo and Tie Bing's expressions changed slightly, and they quickly stood up and ran out of the cave.

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