Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 229 Natural Disaster

Chapter 229 Hades - Natural Disaster

A strong wind blew, scattering the smoke and dust all over the ground.

In the core cabin of the mecha, Railton wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling terrified in his heart.

so close!

Just now, Bips was almost able to touch the core cabin and grab his body.

If support had come a step later, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to a pulp by now.

On all the screens in front of me, there was a cold and indifferent man dressed in black next to the mecha.

"I didn't expect that he could really succeed!"

Railton couldn't help but marvel.

He recognized the man next to him.

Ming, Holy Light's right-hand man and powerful general.

The Black Soul Crystal that Shengguang bought from him for 7 million was for Ming's use.

The black soul crystal comes from the soul clan's Ten Thousand Souls Tower, which can increase the probability of breakthrough by 30% when the peak telekinesis master attacks the natural disaster level.

Judging from the faint sense of mental oppression on Ming's body, it was obvious that he had lived up to the Holy Light's expectations. Three days after he obtained the Black Soul Crystal, he successfully broke through to the natural disaster level.

From the leader level to the natural disaster level, it is a life level jump like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

In the universe, there are too many so-called geniuses who are stuck at the peak of leadership, unable to make any progress throughout their lives.

For example, the Colt civilization has a vast territory, controls millions of planets, and has countless people. However, with such a huge population base, the entire Colt civilization only has a few dozen natural disaster-level experts.

This shows how difficult it is to break through natural disasters.

It is true that the Black Soul Crystal can increase the probability of breakthrough by 30%, but the premise is that you must have the talent and potential to advance to a natural disaster.

For some people, the ceiling of their bloodline and talent is the peak of leadership. Even if they are given more treasures, they cannot break through natural disasters.

And Ming's success in breaking through natural disasters is enough to prove the excellence of his talent and potential.

"Bips, this is really going to kill you~"

The corners of Railton's mouth turned up.

Ming's arrival directly sealed the victory of this battle.

Even though Ming had just broken through, his control over the natural disaster-level power was not smooth enough and his level was one level lower than that of Puss, but these were not problems.

Mechanical warrior + telekinesis master VS martial arts master.

He had the advantage in numbers, and he was on the same level as Bips, so he didn't suffer at all.

Moreover, telekinesis master is the most restrained profession among martial arts masters.

Together, the two were able to easily defeat Bips.

However, there is a hidden danger that cannot be ignored.

The black light just now made him depressed for a few seconds. Even if he wakes up now, there is still a black energy hovering in the sea of ​​​​soul, stinging his head every moment, making him unable to concentrate 100%.

The inability to concentrate fully has a great impact on combat.

He took a soul potion given to him by the Holy Light, which produced a certain effect, but it could not completely remove the black energy. It seemed that he could only wait until the battle was over before finding a solution.

"Damn it!"

Bips clenched his fists so hard that his teeth almost broke.

It was clear that he was just a little bit close to catching Railton and taking him away with one move, but he had wanted to fail in the end and let Railton be rescued.

Moreover, the person who rescued Railton was a natural disaster expert.

The fifth natural disaster on Star Gru, the profession he least expected to encounter—a natural disaster-level telekinesis master.

"Who are you?"

Bips asked in a hoarse voice.

A natural disaster expert cannot remain unknown.

Could it be said that this is the newly recruited reinforcements of the Colt civilization?

If this is the case, it would violate the private agreement between the Black Crow Civilization and the Colt Civilization.

Ming responded coldly:

"Holy Light Mercenary Group, Ming!"

Holy Light Mercenary Group?

Bips frowned.

Directly confronting the mercenaries was the army of death, and the soldiers of the Black Crow Civilization hardly participated in the battle between the two.

Therefore, the Black Crow Intelligence Department's information collection on major mercenary groups is not complete, and only knows about some of the top mercenary groups.

Among this top group, the name Holy Light Mercenary Group was definitely the one he heard the most.

The miraculous Holy Flame Spirit Seed, powerful healing ability, and record of destroying two dark altars in a row.

According to the Ministry of Intelligence, a large part of the reason why the Death Army has declined to its present state is the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

If the Holy Light Mercenary Group, especially the Holy Light himself, can be destroyed, the situation on Gru Star can still be returned to the hands of the Black Crow Civilization.

After the Intelligence Ministry concluded, he immediately sent someone to assassinate Holy Light.

It's a pity that Holy Light never steps out of the cyber base and doesn't give it a chance.

As for the so-called powerful soldiers under Holy Light, in the eyes of the natural disaster-level experts, they are just stronger ants and not worthy of attention.

But looking at it now, among the ants that he didn't bother to pay attention to, some actually broke through to the natural disaster level, and it was at such an important moment.

Bips gritted his teeth, feeling unwilling to do so.

He knew that the Black Crow Civilization had been completely defeated in this battle.

"Bips, let's continue!"

Railton's wild voice resounded through the mecha and echoed throughout the world.

The mecha's fists changed form, and dozens of cannon barrels were aimed at Bips, spraying out continuous plasma rays.

At the same time, five crescent moons quietly appeared in Ming's pupils, two more than before.

The crescent moon bloomed with light, and in the next moment, dark and deep flames suddenly appeared on Bips' body.

Eye of the Dark Moon - Divine Flame


Bips groaned. He could resist Railton's bombardment with the protective gas flame, but Ming's divine flame could only be resisted with the power of his will and soul.

This is also the reason why he dislikes telekinesis masters the most.

Telekinesis masters who control logistics are okay, but telekinesis masters like Ming who directly attack the soul are simply the natural enemies of martial arts masters.

Just one move of Divine Flame will not make Bips lose his fighting ability directly. At most, it will make him feel the continuous pain in his soul and be unable to concentrate.

However, the Divine Flame is only a unique skill at the Underworld Commander level. After being promoted to Natural Disaster, his Dark Moon Eyes evolved again and he awakened several innate abilities.


Ming raised his hand, his pupils suddenly opened, and he softly uttered two words: "——Illusion!"


In an instant, the strong mental power was like a big hand, pulling Bips' soul into a black and purple space.

"Where is this?"

At this moment, Bips' eyes flashed with confusion, and then, the surrounding environment changed drastically.

Quiet village with wooden huts.

A white and fat little boy was picked up from his swaddling clothes.

"Haha, my son, your name will be Shui Wuxie from now on."

A few years later……

"Brother Shui Wuxie, let's play hide and seek!"


Fifteen years later...

"Wuxie, now that you have a family, you will take on the responsibilities of a man and take good care of your wife and your children."

"I know, Father!"

Three years later……

"The robbers are coming, run!"

"Shizuka, run away with your son and my mother!"

"how about you!"

"I will work with my father to buy time for you to escape."

"Haha, brothers, come and see, there is a really delicious looking woman here!"

"Hey, hey, here I come!"

"Let me go, you bunch of beasts, innocent, save me, save me, ahhhh!"

"Shizuka, Shizuka, you are looking for death!!!!"

Flames rose up into the sky, and the powerful aura caused the surrounding environment to crack quickly like a mirror, and then shattered.

The consciousness returned to its original form, and Bips' empty eyes regained their sparkle, but there was a trace of confusion and confusion in this look.

who I am?

Am I Shui Wuxie?

No, I am Bips, General of the Black Crow Civilization, and natural disaster-level martial artist Bips!

Bips' eyes immediately became determined.

More than 20 years of fantasy time actually lasted less than one second in the real world.

This is one of Ming's newly awakened abilities, the illusion of reincarnation.

As a middle-level natural disaster martial artist with amazing willpower, Bips only spent one life in the illusion.

If you are a commander-level transcendent, you will inevitably reincarnate in the illusion for eternity, endure endless pain and torture, and eventually your soul will be wiped out and die.

But anyway, the illusion of reincarnation briefly stunned Bips. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Railton controlled the mecha to rush in, and hit Bips with an "Electric Light Poison Dragon Drill" on his head.


The rotating drill penetrates the skin and rubs against the skull.

Bips screamed in pain, burst out with martial arts arrogance, and retreated quickly. At this moment, there was a ferocious blood hole on his forehead, which was oozing blood.

Fortunately, Bipus is a martial artist, with rough skin and thick flesh, and bones as hard as top-grade alloys, so although his wounds look scary, they are actually not that serious.

If it were another squishy profession, this unsuspecting electric drill would be able to pierce the head directly.

Except for martial arts masters and some people with special abilities, no one dares to take a move from a transcendent of the same level with only their physical body without any protection.

Even if he doesn't die, he will at least lose half of his life.

"Damn it!"

Bips cursed in secret. Although his injuries were not serious, a heavy shadow cast a heavy shadow on his heart.

Ming's attack methods were so weird that he was pulled into the illusion without anyone noticing. If he had woken up half a second later, he would have been a headless corpse.

I hate telekinesis masters!

Bips no longer hesitated, his black wings vibrated, powerful martial arts energy burst out from the soles of his feet, the armor entered flight mode, and with a whoosh, it turned into a meteor and flew into the distance.

Get away!

If you don't slip away, your life will be in danger.

Although the consequences of mission failure are serious, it is better than losing your life.

As for the bone dragon Rogo who was abandoned by him——

Well, he can only ask for his own blessings.

"Running pretty fast!"

Railton raised his head and looked at Bips who had disappeared from sight. He narrowed his eyes and did not choose to chase him.

As a member of the Black Crow Civilization, Bips was born with wings, and coupled with the propulsion effect of his martial arts flames, he was very fast. Among his many backup mechas, none of them could surpass Bips in speed.

To put it bluntly, he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

However, Bips' escape put the Bone Dragon Rogo in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Originally, the Bone Dragon was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Elephin Loang, and had been waiting for Bips to defeat his opponent and turn around to support it.

Who would have thought that Bips would just leave it and run away.

This plastic friendship is really touching~


Boom boom boom~

Elephin Loang punched out body waves one after another, making the bone dragon tired of dodging.

During this period of time, the two fought fiercely all the way from the mountains to the vast plains now, spanning a distance of hundreds of miles.

Therefore, the Bone Dragon did not know that Bips had abandoned it.

"Bips, you should hurry up!"

The bone dragon released a series of magic to hit Elifan Roang, feeling extremely anxious.

Before the battle, Bips vowed that he had a trump card that guaranteed to kill Railton.

As long as Railton is killed, then Elephin Rohan will be meat on the sticky board, at their disposal.

Moreover, Bips also specially let it take a look at the black crow statue.

After understanding the origin and function of the idol, it was confident in this battle.

But now it was being chased and beaten all the way by Elephant Loang, and a quarter of its bones were broken. However, Bips did not appear for a long time, which made it feel that something was wrong.

There won't be any accidents, right?

"Brother Luo Ang, wrap up the bone dragon, Ming and I will be there soon!"

Railton's slightly excited voice came from the armored communicator.


Elifin Rohan nodded in response, feeling a wave of emotion in his heart.

Ming, the natural disaster has been broken.

This means that the victory or defeat of Gru Star is a foregone conclusion.

At the same time, from now on, the Holy Light Mercenary Group will become an armed force with powerful natural disasters, and it will step into the top of the mercenary world of Zatanvi Star.

Natural disaster level telekinesis master——Ming.

Invincible leader, half-step natural disaster - Hu Tao

And Shengguang Su Mo, who has incredible earning power and has made countless friends.

Rich and powerful

It can be foreseen that the Holy Light will definitely soar into the sky, and there is even hope of launching an attack on the seventh largest mercenary army.

Now Elifan Luoang is more and more certain that Holy Light Sumo is Bobo or the person that the Lion King has been looking for.

"Let's settle the matter at hand first."

The arrogance exploded, and Elifan Luoang smashed the layers of magic of the bone dragon and rushed towards it like a meteor shooting into the sky.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Bone Dragon cast a spell to block it while cursing Bips for being unreliable.

Bullshit Crow Civilization, bullshit Bips.

This dragon will never believe you again.

Bang bang bang! !

Elifin Luoang's punches are like the sea, his energy is majestic and surging, and he has all kinds of martial arts at his fingertips, fully demonstrating the ability of a natural disaster-level martial artist.

Compared with just now, his offensive has not weakened at all, but has become more violent, giving people a feeling that he is desperate.

Seeing this, Gu Long was overjoyed.

It guessed that something might have happened to Railton, and it notified Elephin Rohan to rush to support, so this guy would work even harder.

In this case, I can't let you go.

The bone dragon suddenly became energetic, and streams of undead magic were released like running water, colliding with the martial arts flames, causing ripples in the air.

After a while, two astonishing auras appeared nearby.

"Hey, this...isn't right!"

Bone Dragon is very unfamiliar with one of the breaths, but this breath is indeed at the natural disaster level.

what happened?

Bone Dragon suddenly had a bad feeling, as if a disaster was coming.

"No, I have to go."

Bone Dragon believed in the authenticity of this sense of crisis and decisively decided to withdraw.

Unfortunately, its response was still a step too late.

boom! ! !

A spiritual blast suddenly arrived across more than ten kilometers. At the same time, a humanoid mecha tore through the space and jumped directly in front of the bone dragon.

"Not good! This is..."

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