Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 273 Purging the traitors and the war breaks out

"Angie, why?"

Isaac asked in a low voice.

Anji took two steps back, his face turned pale. At this moment, he guessed that what he had done might have been exposed, but he still had a sense of luck in his heart and stammered:

"Boss, you...what do you mean?"

Isaac looked directly into his eyes and said word by word:

"Why do you want to be a traitor!"

When she heard the word traitor, Anji's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Traitor, Angie is a traitor?

Arnold stiffened, and then defended Anji without thinking:

"Boss, are you mistaken? How could Anji be a traitor?"

Isaac clenched his fists loudly, his eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse:

"I certainly don't want him to be a traitor, but that's what it is."

Even though Isaac said this, Arnold still didn't want to believe that his brother, who had been with him day and night and had worked with him for decades, actually betrayed his leader and the Nationalist Army.

He grabbed Angie's arm and shouted:

"Anji, please speak quickly and tell the boss that you are not a traitor."


At this moment, a hand clasped the back of Arnold's hand and moved it away from his arm little by little.

Anji raised her head and looked at Isaac. After looking at each other for a few seconds, a look of madness appeared on her face:

"Isaac is right, I am the traitor. I told the Lovac civilization about your location, traitor, traitor, hahaha!!!"

Hearing this, Arnold stood there blankly as if struck by lightning, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Angie, why? Why do you do this!"

Isaac's eyes were red, suppressing his anger and sadness, and asked in a low voice.

"Why? Of course it's for money!"

Anji's face turned red and he yelled: "As long as you tell the Lovac civilization your location coordinates, I can get tens of millions of innars! Tens of millions, do you know how much tens of millions are!"

"With this money, I can immigrate to the three major civilizations and live a life like a human being. I no longer have to lick blood with the tip of a knife, worry about being killed, or experience the pain of people around me dying one after another."

Arnold grabbed Anji by the collar and roared angrily like a wild beast:

"For money, you can betray your boss? For money, you can betray your beliefs?"


Anji slapped Arnold's hand away, eyes red, and yelled ferociously:

"Faith? What kind of bullshit faith? It's a dead end that can never succeed!"

"How can those rotten fish and shrimps of the Nationalist Revolutionary Army be the opponent of the Lovak civilization? And..."

Anji suddenly turned her head to look at Isaac, gritted her teeth, and said bitterly:

"You obviously have such a strong background. As long as the Lion King comes forward in person, he can easily kill that guy and put you in power, but what about you? For your own sake, for your so-called family, you are willing to sacrifice so many brothers, I never ask for help from the Lion King, and I never even ask for money or supplies.”

"Isaac, you are a selfish villain and a hypocrite. With you, the Restoration Army will never win."

Now that the matter was exposed, Anji didn't hide it and directly vented all his resentment over the years.

Is it because of this?

Isaac unclenched his fists and his expression changed from angry and distressed to silent, dejected and deeply bitter.

There must be a lot of people in the team who have the same idea as Anji.

Villain, hypocrite

Is this the image I have in everyone’s mind?

Bobo looked at the silent Isaac and pursed his lips, not knowing how to comfort him.

Of course he knew exactly why Isaac never asked his father for help.

Because of that agreement, Dad must not step out of the Chaotic Star Territory, otherwise it will cause great disaster.

Isaac knew about this, so he never asked his father for help, or even asked for money or supplies.

But what Isaac didn't know was that his father often sent large amounts of money to the Zionist Revolutionary Army through a secret account.

Isaac thought it was sponsorship from some royalist forces within the Lovak civilization, but little did he know that the man behind the scenes was his father.

Without Dad's continuous donations over the years, the Nationalist Revolutionary Army would have become obsolete long ago, and it would be impossible to persist until now.

Isaac didn't know about this, and it was even less likely that the people around him knew about it, which was why Angie's betrayal happened today.

Bobo was considering whether to tell Isaac the truth, but he was also worried that Isaac would no longer accept his father's assistance after knowing it.

In Isaac's heart, the restoration of the country is his personal matter, and he is unwilling to drag his father into trouble because of his family affairs.


At this moment, Arnold punched Anji in the face and knocked him to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Arnold sat on Anji and punched Anji in the face. He was like an enraged beast and kept roaring. .

"Anji, you shameless traitor, you have no right to speak like this to the boss!"

"Without a leader, you would have died on Fina Prison Star."

"For the restoration of the Revolutionary Army, how many times did the leader go through life and death, and how much he paid. These brothers all see it in their eyes. Only a wolf-hearted thing like you can make excuses for your betrayal."

Dong dong dong~~~

Arnold beat Anji like crazy. Anji tried to resist, but his strength was not as good as Arnold. Now that Arnold has been baptized and strengthened, the gap in strength between the two sides has become very wide.

After hundreds of punches, Anji was beaten into a pig's head, her chest was stained with blood, and dozens of bones were broken.

"Arnold, stop it."

Isaac said softly.

Arnold's movements froze, and after taking a few deep breaths, he let Anji go.


Anji struggled to hold the ground with both hands, vomiting blood from her mouth, her face was swollen, and she looked miserable.

Bang bang bang~

Isaac walked slowly to Angie's side, paused in his steps, and looked down at him.

"Boss, I was wrong!"

Angie immediately hugged Isaac's calf, tears streaming down her face, and begged: "I was really wrong, please forgive me once, I will never do anything wrong again."


Isaac gently put his hand on Angie's head, "We are not only superiors and subordinates, but also blood brothers. If you had told me your true thoughts earlier, I would definitely give you a sum of money to let you Live the life you want.”

Anji's movements froze, and then he raised his head and said in a trembling voice: "Cousin, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

Isaac shook his head and said:

"Anji, because of what you did, my friends and I fell into Lovac's trap. If Bobo hadn't forced those people back at the cost of hundreds of thousands of mechanical self-destructions, we would all have become Lovac now. Take prisoners or die directly.”

Upon hearing this, Anji realized something and shouted in horror:

"Cousin, cousin, I was wrong, I..."


A ball of red light emerged from Isaac's palm, and almost in the blink of an eye, it burned a huge living person to ashes.

"Let you die painlessly."

Isaac looked down at the flames in his palm and murmured.

Angie's death was without any ripples. Everyone knew that although Isaac was very emotional, the more such a person was, the less he could tolerate betrayal.

After the atmosphere calmed down slightly, Su Mo asked:

"What do we say now? Should we stay or go?"

Bobo: "I want to fight the Lovacian pursuers here, what do you think?"

Isaac nodded: "I want to stay too, what about you, Su Mo?"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth raised slightly:

"What a coincidence, I had the same idea."

After greatly improving his strength and acquiring many new skills, he certainly wanted to find some targets to practice on and test his current combat power.

After yesterday's experience, if the Lovak civilization catches up again, the number of people may increase, but it will certainly not be too many.

After all, natural disaster experts are not cabbage. Every natural disaster expert has a heavy responsibility in their respective civilizations, and it is impossible for them all to be sent to encircle and suppress Isaac.

With the current combat effectiveness of the team, even if the opponent has one or two more natural disaster peaks, everyone will not be afraid at all, and even have the confidence to annihilate them all here.

The more powerful Lovak natural disasters are killed, the less pressure Isaac will face in the future.


Isaac nodded, with a flash of fighting spirit and ruthlessness in his eyes: "This battle will completely beat up the Lovac civilization and let them see the power of our chaotic star field."


Half a day later, a battleship arrived on the abandoned star

Swish swish swish~

Eight figures flew out of the battleship and slowly landed on the ground.

In addition to Barbota, Viru and five high-level natural disaster experts, there is also a strange mage.

The mage is wearing a blue robe, with a single horn on his head, his face painted with colorful oil paint, and his lips are half black and half white. He looks like a performance artist.

He is the helper invited by Barbota, Raylins, a peak level summoning mage of natural disasters, nicknamed 'Mad Beast Master'

Crazy refers to his character. He is crazy and weird. No one can understand his way of thinking. It is like a mental illness.

Beastmaster refers to his ability to control summoned beasts. In a certain war, Lelins summoned more than a million strange beasts, destroyed a large fleet, and killed five natural disasters.

Since then, the name of the Mad Beast Master has spread throughout the Star Territory.

Raelins does not have any power, he is just a lone ranger, but he usually takes on some private tasks from higher civilizations and handles things that cannot be made public.

This time, Barbota spent a lot of money to hire Relins and asked him to use the wave of summoned beasts to resist Bobo Zatanvi's mechanical army.

"Where are they?"

Ursula glanced around, and according to the location given by Angie, Isaac and others should be nearby.

Barbota looked around solemnly, and for some reason, an unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

What went wrong?

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Isaac's voice echoed between heaven and earth, with three parts indifference and one part ridicule.

Boom boom boom~~

The next moment, hundreds of blazing white light pillars shot down from the sky, with a diameter of more than ten meters, all of which were orbital strike cannons.

How fast is the speed of light?

A few people had no time to dodge, so they could only hold up protective gas flames or energy shields to resist the bombardment of the light cannon.


Deafening explosions swept across all directions, and terrifying shock waves continued, blowing everything around them away. A dazzling mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the sound was even more shocking than the explosion of dozens of nuclear bombs.

After a long time, the smoke dissipated and several people were revealed.

Naturally, a round of strike cannon cannot kill these high-level and peak natural disaster experts, but after Bobo improves his strength, the increase of mechanical power on mechanical products becomes more powerful. In addition, these orbital strike cannons are his trump card. After a round of attacks, it was really too much for these people.

A few of those with weaker defenses were already defeated, and those who were able to withstand the attack were disgraced and exhausted a lot of energy.

"Isaac, Bobo Zatanwi!!!"

Barbota roared up to the sky, and the sound waves condensed into substantial air waves, causing the ground to shake slightly.

"Barbota, stop shouting at the top of your broken voice. I'm not deaf."

Isaac, along with everyone else, quickly descended from the sky, and finally stood a hundred meters away from Barbota and others.

Barbota stared at Isaac, her voice hoarse:

"Have you discovered that traitor?"


Isaac nodded, his face calm, but he still couldn't help but sigh deep in his heart.

"Isaac, since you know we are going to chase you, how dare you stay here?"

Barbota said coldly.

Isaac glanced at Relins opposite him and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Mad Beast Master, oh, Barbota, why don't you find helper if you can't defeat him?"

Barbota's eyes shot out with an icy cold light, and she said sternly:

"Don't talk nonsense to him, just go straight up!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone took action.


A terrifying huge crack appeared high in the sky, stretching for one kilometer, as if someone had cut the sky open with a knife, and a cold, dirty, and evil atmosphere filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, a black octopus nearly a kilometer in size squeezed out of the crack, with small pus-like blisters all over its body, like eyes, which looked extremely penetrating.

The bubbles exploded, and dirty black blood spattered. When it fell to the ground, it turned into grotesque black creatures, drowning Isaac, Su Mo and others like a black tide.


Electric light bloomed in Bobo's eyes, and he had been waiting for the arrival of the mechanical army for a long time. After experiencing the sacred baptism, his affinity and control over the machinery have once again improved. Originally, he could only perfectly control hundreds of thousands of high-end machinery, but now he can directly control the number. Upgraded to one million levels.

Millions of mechanical soldiers and forts collided with the black tide monsters like locusts.

Suddenly, black liquid flew everywhere, parts were fired, and artillery fire covered every area of ​​the battlefield.

At the same time, the others also found their opponents.

Isaac's opponent is naturally Barbota. In addition, when Bobo is entangled by Relins, Weiru, the peak natural disaster martial artist, chooses to besiege Isaac with Barbota and strive for a quick victory.

Su Mo's opponent is still an old acquaintance, the muscular girl Ursula.

Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu each faced off against two high-level natural disasters.

From the perspective of Barbota and others, with Bobo Zatanvi being drained of a lot of energy by Relins, Isaac, Hutao, and Qian Liuyu all had to fight one against two, while Su Mo’s opponent was Gao His two-level Ursula has his own advantage in every match.

This time, Isaac must be captured back to the Lovak civilization. If he can't be captured alive, a corpse will do.

Barbotta thinks well, but will things really go as smoothly as they imagined?

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