Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 285 Golden God Arms

"Bobo, I'm going back."

"Ah, won't you stay a little longer?"

In the machinery factory, Bobo put down the electric drill in his hand and slowly floated down from the head of a 100-meter-high mecha.

Su Mo smiled and said, "I've stayed here long enough. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the legion."

"Oh well."

Bobo no longer wanted to stay. Anyway, Anya star and Zatanvi star were very close, and they could meet at any time.

"By the way, I'll give you one more gift before I leave."

Bobo took out a dark gold belt from the space equipment and handed it to Su Mo.

"This is a replica I made based on the pictures and information circulated on the Star Internet about the God-killing Arms. The shape is 90% similar."

Bobo said: "It's just that the God-killing Arms is magic equipment, and this is technological equipment, but its performance is much better than the armor you wore before."

Mentioning this, a hint of embarrassment flashed across Su Mo's face.

The armor he has been using is the Silver God Arms, and the Silver God Arms was secretly copied by Pooh from Bobo.

As the maker of the Silver God Arms, Bobo could definitely see the fishiness in it, but he never exposed it.

"Let me try."

Su Mo took the dark gold belt, buckled it around his waist, and then pressed the start button.


The belt quickly deformed and extended along the upper and lower body, turning into a majestic set of dark golden armor in a blink of an eye, covering the whole body with no dead ends. The shape was almost the same as the god-killing weapons circulated on the Internet.

"This suit of armor has many functions such as short-range jumps, millisecond-level acceleration, holographic scanning, and psionic weapons. You can check the detailed functions through the armor's intelligent assistance system."

Bobo glanced at the ring on Su Mo's hand, shook his head and said: "It's just that the core of the God-killing Armament is the five gems and the master-level enchantment runes. I can't really do anything about these, I can only provide you with a shape. Similar looking stuff.”

"Bobo, this armor is already very powerful."

Su Mo browsed through the armor's many function introductions, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

This set of golden armor is at least two upgraded versions of the Silver God Arms. Its various performance improvements are more than a little bit better, and it is also loaded with more powerful psionic weapon modules.

If worn by a peak leader, he would definitely have the strength to challenge the powerful natural disasters.

Just call it the Golden God Arms.

"Su Mo, have you told Wood and Angela about your departure?" Bobo asked.

Su Mo shook his head: "I'll send a message to them later."

In recent days, he has gotten along well with Wood, East and others.

Tiger Wood has a bold personality and has led him to meet many natural disaster masters in the Lion Palace.

Fox East is a very shrewd businessman. He has recently been negotiating with him about the cooperation of Holy Light Pharmacy. The two parties have reached a large order worth 1 billion. At the same time, East has also opened many resource channels of the Lion Palace to him. , which can be regarded as a small reward for him reviving Angela.

As for Snake Yuri, this snake man has a very cold personality, doesn't like to talk, and seems to be wary of anyone. So far, the words he has said to Snake Yuri are not more than 5 in all. sentence, at most it can be regarded as a nod of acquaintance.

And Angela…

Angela is a lively and lovely girl who is very close to him because of her life-saving grace, but he has been deliberately keeping a distance from Angela.

It's not because he hates it, just because he is afraid that he will change his mind.

There's nothing I can do about it, this little girl's charm is too great. She has a pure appearance, a perfect figure, and the charm and charm of a fox girl in every gesture. What man can resist her?

He doesn't think he is a strong-willed man. Many times, Angela's playfulness, cuteness, and laughter will make him tremble in his heart. He is worried that if he continues like this for a long time, he will sink into Angela's charm and be unable to extricate himself. .

But if he changes his mind, will he be worthy of Han Jia who is waiting for him to return in Tianyuan Star?

Therefore, in recent times, he has tried to minimize his meetings with Angela. Angela seemed to be aware of his mentality and often came to play with him, causing him to be in a dilemma.

"Okay, then you must remember to tell Angela. If you don't, you will be in trouble." Bobo reminded meaningfully.

"I know."

Su Mo smiled bitterly and said, "Bobo, I'm leaving then."

Bobo asked: "How are you going to go back?"

Su Mo smiled and said, "Of course I'm going back by spaceship. I can't fly back by myself."

The Anya star is about two days away from the Zatanvi star. It is very close. You can't even start the warp speed in the middle for fear of flying too far. But if you fly back with a natural disaster-level body, even with the acceleration of the armor, at least you have to fly back. Most of a month.

Bobo smiled: "The spaceship is too slow. I have a long-distance teleportation array that leads directly to Zatanvi."


Su Mo's eyes were filled with joy. If there was a teleportation array, it would be much more convenient in the future.

"follow me."

Bobo took Su Mo through the machinery factory and came to the garden of his residence.

There are a lot of flowers here, and there is a fresh and fragrant aroma in the air. However, Su Mo used his mental power to sweep away and found that the flowers here were actually fake flowers with no signs of life. However, he could not tell the difference just by looking at the appearance or even touching it. They are artificial flowers.


Bobo released his mechanical force and drove into the ground. Soon, the ground in the middle of the garden began to crack to both sides, and then a small star gate slowly rose.

"Wow, Star Gate, you can get this thing too." Su Mo said in surprise.

The star gate is a strategic resource in the universe, equivalent to a portal, which can greatly shorten the travel time. If there is no star gate, just relying on the normal flight of the spacecraft, I am afraid that it will not be able to fly to the next star field in a year.

The larger the star gate, the longer the transmission distance. It is said that there are super large star gates across the star field level in the three major cosmic civilizations.

The star gate in front of us should be regarded as the smallest star gate, but Anya and Zatanvi are only two days away. Using the star gate between these two places is actually a bit overkill.

But anyway, Bobo has money, and Zatanvi is his territory, so it's not a loss to use it this way.

"Small star gates are not considered controlled items. I can get them for you if you need them," Bobo said.

Large star gates can pass through large-scale fleets, and they are absolutely military control products in the universe. No civilization dares to sell large star gates to private forces.

However, small star gates can only pass through single objects, and the strategic threat is very low. Therefore, many rich and powerful people will buy small star gates and build them between territories.

"Wow, that's great."

Su Mo's eyes lit up. He didn't need the Star Gate for the time being, but it would be indispensable in the future.

Three days ago, Colin told him that he had found a planet suitable for human survival on Tianyuan Star. The planet's gravity, temperature, humidity and other environmental indicators were similar to Tianyuan Star, and it was only ten days away from Zatanvi. left and right distances.

This planet is called Masuo Planet. It is an asset of a certain consortium. It has beautiful scenery and rich resources. It was later developed by the consortium into a resort planet and engaged in high-end business. In addition, the consortium also invited the Burning Legion to sit in and protect the safety of the planet.

During a conversation and cooperation, Colin learned about this planet from the cadres of the Burning Legion. He sent people to investigate and found that the environmental indicators of the planet were in line with Su Mo's requirements. So he quickly reported to Su Mo and communicated with the consortium to prepare for the purchase. Get off this planet.

The price of this planet will definitely not be low, but Su Mo doesn't care about money. As long as he can find a planet with a suitable environment and close to the Holy Light Legion, he is willing to spend any amount.

If he really buys Marso Star next, then he will inevitably build a star gate between Marso Star and the Holy Light Base.

Firstly, it saves him time traveling back and forth between the two places, and secondly, it can also strengthen the protection of his compatriots on Tianyuan Star.

In addition, the connection of the planets will also be conducive to the various investments and construction of the Holy Light Base in Masuo Star, driving the rapid development of the planet and killing three birds with one stone.

After he is ready to handle the work at hand, he will go to Masuo Planet for an on-site inspection. If it is suitable, he will buy it directly and complete the infrastructure before the arrival of the Tianyuan Planet compatriots to meet the living needs of more than two billion humans.

"Well, just tell me if you need anything."

Bobo nodded and said, "Then I will open the star gate."


Blue-purple mechanical power shot out from Bobo's palm and landed on the frame of the star gate. In an instant, the star gate trembled slightly, and a vast and mysterious aura of the starry sky spread.

I saw a dreamlike colorful glow in the center of the star gate, and the surrounding space began to distort. When everything stabilized, the center of the star gate turned into a silver vortex.

"Bobo, I'm leaving." Su Mo waved to Bobo.


Bobo smiled and said: "If you want to return to Anya Star, please contact me and I will help you open the star gate here."


Su Mo smiled and then strode into the star gate.

The psychedelic and gorgeous light passed by him, as if deep in an abstract painting, but soon, a strong suction force came from the front, like a big mouth, sucking Su Mo in.


Standing with his feet on the ground, Su Mo looked around.

This was a secret room. The room was empty. There were two tall robots standing in the corner, holding weapons and pointing their guns at him, with red light flashing in their eyes.

But the next moment, the red light in the robot's eyes disappeared, the weapon was retracted, and it stood upright in the corner like a guard.


The heavy iron door of the secret room slowly opened. Su Mo walked through the iron door and saw a long staircase in front of him.

After climbing the stairs, he came to a garden. The layout of the garden was exactly the same as Bobo's garden on Anya Star, and it was completely replicated.

"Phew, finally back."

Su Mo looked up at the sky. This time he set off from the planet Zatanvi to the territory of the Lovak civilization to rescue Isaac. After repelling the powerful enemy, he took Isaac back to Locke's Arc. He rested for two days and returned from Locke. The whole process took five months.

You know, it has only been a year since he founded the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

In other words, he spent nearly half of his time on this trip.

Of course, the rewards of this trip are definitely worth his efforts.

First, he successfully promoted to Natural Disaster and awakened eight powerful skills.

Secondly, he obtained the cosmic treasure-level weapon, the God-killing Long Sword, and also opened up the second base of the legion.

In the end, he also gained the friendship of Isaac, the respect of the Lion King himself, and got to know many core and senior figures in the Lion King Palace.

He returned with a full load, and now he is returning to the base to help his lovely subordinates improve their strength.

By the way, he has one more thing to do before going back.

"Winnie, edit a message for me and tell Angela and Wood that I have returned to Zatanvi and will contact you later."


Vinnie tidied up the wording and edited different texts for different people.

Not long after the message was sent out, Su Mo received a video application.

It's Angela calling.

"Oh, I still can't escape~"

Su Mo sighed and immediately connected to the video.


The smart optical brain watch projected a screen in mid-air, and a beautiful face appeared on the screen and said angrily:

"Su Mo, why did you leave before telling me."

Su Mo laughed: "There is an urgent matter in the legion that needs to be handled personally. Time is tight, so I didn't have time to inform you. When I finish handling it, you are welcome to visit our Holy Light Legion."

Angela snorted:

"Are you trying to avoid me again?"

"How can it be!"

Su Mo shouted that he was wronged: "How could I avoid you on purpose? There is really an emergency in the army. I won't lie to you."

"You better be like this."

Angela raised her chin slightly and said, "I will go and play with you after I finish my work recently."

Before Su Mo could reply, she cut off the video.

Su Mo looked at the black screen and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that the plan to return to Tianyuan Star must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

If this continues, he will really become a traitor.

By the way, there seems to be no rule in the universe that a man must marry a wife.


A picture suddenly appeared in Su Mo's mind. He was holding Han Jia with his left hand and Angela with his right hand. The Lion King in front of him was looking at him with murderous eyes, as if to say, you have my daughter, actually. Dare you provoke other women?

You scumbag, take your life!


Su Mo took a breath, forget it, his small body couldn't withstand the Lion King's punch.

Of course, the above are all his fantasies. Maybe Angela is only close to him because of the grace of saving her life, and has no other ideas.

Don't be too narcissistic yourself.


"Su Mo, don't try to avoid me!"

Angela turned off the optical brain and pouted.

Ever since she was a child, she had been the center of everyone's favor wherever she went. No one had ever deliberately avoided her like Su Mo.

Originally, she just wanted to thank her savior, so she deliberately approached him.

But now, this has evolved into a battle to prove her charm. The more Su Mo hides, the more energetic she becomes.

"Angela, are you ready?"

There was a knock on the door.

Tiger Wood walked into the room and saw Angela wearing a white and elegant dress, revealing her snow-like skin and perfect figure. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

He didn't think it when he was young, but looking back now, Angela was much more beautiful than any fox girl he had ever seen.

"Haha, our little princess has finally grown up. She is no longer the little girl who cried and shouted to marry me." Wood laughed.

Angela wrinkled her delicate little nose: "Brother Wood, how long ago are you talking about? Your grandson is older than me now."

Although her actual age is over a hundred years old, she thinks that she is still the young and beautiful fox girl she was before she fell asleep.

"Ah~haha, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing."

Wood covered up his embarrassment with laughter, but a strange look flashed deep in his eyes.

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