As night fell, the air was slightly cool.

Xi'er and Clara went back to their rooms to rest, feeling sleepy.

The former was about to leave.

He glanced at the [dirty and dirty] Ji Chen and the mature and gentle big sister.

He snorted softly.

He turned and disappeared from sight, muttering something.

The courtyard suddenly became quiet.

Under the light, the shadows of several green trees intertwined seemed to foreshadow what was going to happen next.

Natasha knew that Ji Chen was going to leave.

But she didn't expect it to be so soon.

The caring words came to her lips, but she took them back a little sadly.

This matter.

She couldn't help from beginning to end.

Speaking out the worries in her heart would not have any effect, and would become a burden to Ji Chen. She sighed slightly in her heart.

Natasha was about to say something else to ease the atmosphere.

But Ji Chen directly pulled her into his arms, lowered his head between her white neck, and sniffed the fragrance fiercely.

The beautiful and gentle wife's face flushed instantly.

Her eyes revealed a hint of charm, and her jade hands gently wrapped around Ji Chen's solid back.

"From the beginning of the meal, I can tell what you are thinking about. Can you tell me?"

Feeling the warm and fragrant body in his arms, Ji Chen asked casually in Jingying's ear.

Natasha didn't expect that Ji Chen would pay so much attention to her.

As a warm current flowed through her chest, she bit her rosy lower lips, and her eyes became even dimmer.

"I......I just feel that I am useless and I can't help you with anything." Ji Chen was slightly stunned when he heard Natasha's soft voice. He didn't expect her to think so. He couldn't help but pinched his white nose, brushed away his hair in front of his forehead, and said with a smile:"Don't let Xier and the members of Dihuo hear you say this.



Natasha turned her head to look at Ji Chen who was close by.

"Because they will think you are being hypocritical."

Ji Chen held her slippery little hand and continued,"You are the big sister who has led the underground fire and supported the public security of the entire lower-level district for more than ten years."

"If it were the above, he would be at least a powerful executive of the entire city, enough to enter the most core power hall of Klipperburg."

"But then you say that you are useless. In the ears of others, isn't that just being pretentious?"


Natasha was stunned by Ji Chen.

Is she really that powerful?

Why didn't she feel anything ?

"Of course it's true."

Ji Chen nodded seriously,"And there's something else I forgot to tell you."

"Cocolia, cough cough, the Great Guardian has already prepared the documents"

"Soon the Legion will open up new cities on the ice field."

"One of them will be handed over to you for full management, and the members of the Old Earthfire, including the Silver Mane Iron Guard led by Oleg, can decide whether to follow them."

"So, you probably can't be idle, there are still many things waiting for you."

Speaking of this,

Ji Chen showed a wicked smile on his face and approached Natasha's somewhat dull and delicate face:

"You wouldn't disagree, would you? If that happens, Xi'er and the others will be scattered to other new cities, helpless and helpless."

After a long while,

Natasha finally digested the news and helplessly supported her forehead:"I thought that after the upper and lower areas were connected, I could have a good rest...."

"It's okay, you can rest, but Xi'er and the others will......"Hehe."

Ji Chen smirked twice, and the meaning was very clear.

According to the plan, after taking back the planet Yalilo from the boundary-breaking monsters and the antimatter army

, eight strong cities will be built with Beloberg as the center on the fresh soil after the ice and snow retreat.

The nine cities each control hundreds of thousands of kilometers of fertile land and are interconnected by railways.

Quickly restore the former prosperity of the planet.

The great guardian sitting in Beloberg is still the unquestioned ruler of the planet.

The city lords of the other eight strong cities have status and power second only to the great guardian and have extremely high autonomy.

Eight city lords.

Natasha is already one of them. After listening to Ji Chen's explanation

, Natasha thought carefully and nodded in agreement.

She was used to living a poor life, and she agreed to become a city lord not because of power or anything else. Instead, she will lead the residents of the lower district and the members of the Earth Fire who once followed her as her due responsibility.


Time passed slowly.

In the cool courtyard, the two of them snuggled together, feeling each other's warmth.

Neither of them said anything.

Until Natasha yawned softly.

She popped her head out of Ji Chen's arms and looked at the time. Unconsciously, it was already past twelve o'clock.

"It's late, let's go to bed."


Ji Chen picked up Natasha by the waist and strode towards her bedroom.

When passing by Xi'er and Clara's room, he whispered into her red earlobe,"They are all asleep."

Natasha nodded with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Wait, you can relax a little......."

Seeing Ji Chen's fiery gaze that was almost like eating people,

Natasha couldn't help but avoid his gaze.

The beautiful wife's face was instantly filled with an alluring blush.......

The next morning, when Ji Chen opened his eyes, he saw Natasha just getting up. What caught his eye was her smooth, flawless white jade back.

"Why don't you take a rest for a while?"

Ji Chen asked admiringly.

"I've been used to it for a long time. I can't sleep at this time in the morning."

Natasha looked back and smiled.

Seeing Ji Chen's admiring eyes, a sweet joy welled up in her heart. She got out of bed naked without covering herself. She picked up her clothes and put them on one by one.

Until she completely covered her perfect and proud plump body.

Then she said gently with a blush on her cheeks:"Do you want to have breakfast here?"


Ji Chen pretended to hesitate.

Seeing the subtle disappointment in Natasha's eyes, he smiled and said,"Of course you have to eat. Wait for me to eat together."

Ji Chen quickly put on his clothes.

His mind had already emerged, Natasha leaning against the kitchen chopping board and cooking seriously.

The hem of her skirt opened behind her......


Because they got up very early, breakfast was only ready at six o'clock.

Clara washed her face and sat at the dining table very obediently, chewing the delicious food carefully.

There was no sound coming from Xier's room.

Ji Chen felt that he had an obligation to urge Xier to live a healthy life.

So he strode into her room and began to wake her up attentively.

Half a minute later

"Bastard! Disappear with the butterfly!!!"


Blue arcs of light filled the entire boudoir.

Ji Chen fled the room in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

He picked up the breakfast that Natasha had carefully prepared on the plate and left a sentence"I'll be back soon".

His figure flashed and disappeared directly into the yard.

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