"No problem!"

Ji Chen raised his hand and waved, and a small figure immediately appeared in the empty space in front of the sofa.

Silver Wolf had just put down his phone and was about to go forward to operate it, but his action froze in place.

"You made a mistake!"

Ji Chen's eyes and hands were quick.

The black tower doll in front of him disappeared instantly, and then a new one appeared.

Silver Wolf came back to his senses, snorted, sat back down, and cursed in a low voice:"Rogue!"

The black tower doll that Ji Chen took out for the first time was naked. The fair and delicate skin almost reflected light under the light.

Ji Chen was a little embarrassed. He secretly glanced at Kafka.

Fortunately, she had been trimming her nails carefully and didn't seem to pay attention to this side.

After a sigh of relief.

Ji Chen spent a few minutes and unconditionally agreed to one condition, and finally coaxed Silver Wolf to agree to continue looking for the location of the black tower.

Looking at Silver Wolf's serious face, his fingertips quickly tapped the simulated keyboard.

Ji Chen was looking forward to whether he could dig out the black tower this time.

If even Silver Wolf can't do it, then he can only hope that the black tower will find its conscience and fulfill the requirements that have been agreed before.

After a while.

Silver Wolf, who was crackling, suddenly stagnated at his fingertips, and his face became a little ugly

""What's wrong?"

Ji Chen approached Silver Wolf curiously.

When he found out the reason, he couldn't help but feel a little amused.

On the holographic screen, a small hand raised its middle finger, silently mocking them.

"Forget it, it was just a spur of the moment thing. It is not easy to find the black tower.

Ji Chen shook his head.

He reached out to remove the connecting wire and was about to put the black tower away.

But he was stopped by a hand.

"No way!" Silver Wolf stared at the arrogant little face of Black Tower without blinking, as if he had made some kind of decision:"Give her to me, I must dig her out!"

"We'll talk about it later."

Ji Chen still put the puppet away.

After all, it's okay to test it once in a while, but if he repeatedly troubles the Black Tower, Ji Chen is really worried that Silver Wolf will lose all his game accounts.

"Tsk, you are so cowardly."

Seeing Ji Chen put the puppet away, Silver Wolf curled his lips, his face full of contempt.

"Yes, yes, yes, I don't have the guts, but little Silver Wolf, it's getting late, isn't it time for you to go to bed?"

Ji Chen looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

Before he knew it, it was already past two in the morning. There were quite a lot of things that happened today, and it was easy for people to forget the time.

"Who is the kid?"

Silver Wolf asked rebelliously.

"You seem to be the youngest here."

Ji Chen said, and came to his bed to help Silver Wolf spread the quilt:"Hurry up, getting enough sleep can help growth, otherwise the little Silver Wolf will have to starve in the future."

"Or I can borrow some from my kind aunt." Ji Chen had this idea in his mind.

"I won't sleep. I still need to finish this Ether cassette."

Silver Wolf put his legs on the table and picked up the game console to continue playing.

He made the bed.

Ji Chen stood in front of Silver Wolf, looking at her pink face illuminated by the light of the phone. He felt like he was facing a rebellious internet-addicted girl.

No, she was.

He looked at Kafka.

She was also playing with her phone leisurely, without any impatience.

Ji Chen thought about it, waved his right hand, and a cup of fragrant coffee appeared.

"Come on, I'm not related to you, why should I care about you? Come and drink this cup of coffee, you can play the game more energetically."

Looking at the coffee in front of him,

Silver Wolf asked suspiciously:"You didn't put anything in it, did you?"

"I won't resort to such means to deal with you."

Ji Chen said, took a sip of the coffee, and then handed it to Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf waited for more than ten seconds.

After making sure that Ji Chen did not show any discomfort, he took the coffee with confidence.

She was really a little sleepy and needed a cup of coffee to refresh herself.

The rich aroma penetrated into her nostrils, as if there was a kind of magic. Looking at the dark brown liquid in the cup, Silver Wolf's thoughts seemed to fall into the abyss.

She took a sip and didn't taste anything, so she took another sip, and drank it more slowly this time.

Silver Wolf only felt that the brisk airflow lifted her up, and the whole person was wrapped in soft clouds. The stars in the night sky appeared in front of her, and she began to sway slightly from side to side.......

In front of the sofa.

Looking at Silver Wolf who closed his eyes and fell asleep,

Ji Chen showed a smug smile on his face.

He reached out and took out the tightly grasped coffee.

After she drank a few sips of the coffee, it magically filled up again, exuding a tempting aroma.

"This is also a......"Strange objects?"

Kafka's curious voice came from behind.

The train group traveled through the universe, and in addition to helping the Black Tower collect strange objects, they would also keep some for themselves.

For example, the red sofa in the observation car contained a strange rule that had not yet been cracked. Only those who were recognized were allowed to sit on it.


Ji Chen bent down, picked up Silver Wolf's legs, and lifted her up from the sofa.

"This is the Black Tower Space Station. A scientific research team has developed a sleep-inducing coffee. Drinking it will force you to sleep."

Ji Chen explained casually, and gently placed Silver Wolf on the bed.

He took off her coat, shoes, and fishnet stockings, and then covered her with a quilt.

"These staff members of the Black Tower Space Station are indeed geniuses."

Kafka praised, and then saw Ji Chen, who had settled the silver wolf, turned around and stared at her with ill intentions.

"What, are you going to do something?"

Kafka brushed the purple-red hair on her forehead, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and made a soft and seductive voice.

"Of course."

Ji Chen came to the bad woman and couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth,"Silver Wolf is already asleep, can we get down to business?"

"Okay, come on."

Kafka leaned back on the sofa, her red lips opening and closing, sending an exciting invitation to Ji Chen.......

Two hours later, looking at Ji Chen who had fallen asleep on her lap,

Kafka gently wiped the sweat off her snow-white forehead.

Her red lips were panting slightly, looking a little tired, but her face was filled with joy that could not be concealed.

Her Word Art had taken another step forward.

Perhaps one day, as Ji Chen said, it would be enough to tamper with the fate of the Star God.

Thinking of this,

Kafka could not help but stroke Ji Chen's pale cheek.

He had paid a lot for her.

Throughout the afternoon and night, he repeatedly tested the simulated universe in the Black Tower office.

The feeling of having his mind exploded was definitely not pleasant.

But even so,

Ji Chen took the initiative to coax Silver Wolf to sleep and created an absolutely quiet space for her, so that she could experiment with the Word Art, which was equally brain-consuming, on him.

This seemed to be compensation for standing her up last night.

"Stupid, luckily I managed to keep my distance this time and didn't let myself fall asleep from exhaustion, otherwise there would be no one to take care of you."

Kafka muttered to herself, her beautiful eyes seemed to become even gentler.

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