“Tell me what you mean, I’ll listen.”

Thor ignored Cocolia.

He just closed his eyes slightly, feeling and looking for the location of the star core.

Xing took the initiative and said:

“We want to help you. Dan

Heng explained:

“We are here for something called a star core.”

A shadow shrouded Cocolia’s face, and it was unclear what kind of expression she had after hearing the word”star core”.

I could only vaguely hear two words muttered in her mouth:

“star core…”

Dan Heng knew that the research on star cores on these planets was definitely not as good as theirs, so he immediately explained:

“It is a substance that suddenly lands in various worlds, and its appearance spells disaster.”

“Many planets we pass have been poisoned by star cores”

“You just mentioned the invasion of the Antimatter Legion. Shortly after their arrival, the planet experienced a cold wave.”

“And when the cold wave was born, the space erosion phenomenon called the rift occurred, right?”

Kokolia slowly walked up to a few people, nodded and said:

“That’s right.”

Xing explained:

“The destroying star god spreads the star core”

“Cold wave is a disaster created by star core”

“The cracked boundary is a phenomenon caused by the star core. March

7 also wanted to end the star core crisis as soon as possible, so he helped:

“The disasters caused by the star core are different on each planet, but every world where the star core is planted will create a rift.”

“You can think of us as interstellar traveling enthusiasts, helping a world plagued by star cores.”

After Cocolia heard this, she thought deeply for a long time, her eyes flickering.

She took a deep breath and said coldly:

“You have analyzed the current situation very clearly”

“Yes, we did encounter these disasters”

“Some are still a problem for us today”

“But what does that have to do with you?”

“Even if there is such a star core, it will indeed cause disaster”

“I don’t see how this has anything to do with you either.”

“I don’t believe that anyone would go to great lengths to help a world they don’t want to contribute to, and still have no purpose. Dan

Heng nodded and said:

“You’re right”

“The reason why we come here to seek cooperation is ultimately because we all have the same interests.”

“If we don’t seal the star core, we won’t be able to leave this planet.”

Xing requested:

“Please help us find the star core. March

7 put her hands on her hips, her beautiful eyes were firm, and she said helpfully:

“As long as you kill the star core, your world will be safer.”

Kokolia fell into deep thought again. After a moment, she pondered:

“you…Is there a way to seal that thing called the star core?”

Yuyueqiu and Xing turned to look at Thor.

They thought that there was more than just a way to seal it.

They even had a way to digest the star core.

But for the sake of Thor’s safety, they didn’t dare to let Thor I’m eating star cores. When

Dan Heng heard this, he also thought it was interesting and immediately said:

“Yes, we have the means.”

Kokolia thought for a while, then nodded and said:

“OK, I believe you”

“If the current situation is really related to this so-called star core”

“Your arrival will be the hope that Beloberg has been waiting for for seven hundred years.”

“I am willing to provide all possible assistance to help you find the star core”

“It’s getting late, are you all tired?”

“I’ll arrange for you to stay at the most comfortable hotel in the city and have a good night’s sleep.”

“I will send someone to invite you at noon tomorrow, and we will discuss this important matter carefully.”

After hearing this, Xing and Yuyueqiu were extremely excited. They just felt that it was going so smoothly!

As long as the silver-maned iron guards help, they would be able to find the star core in no time.

And Dan Heng’s eyes I am also very pleased.

I also feel that this time it is too easy.

But not long after landing, I got the consent of the locals. If this continues, I am afraid that the star core will be found soon.

And only Thor is listening. When he was here, he slowly opened his deep blue eyes.

He knew that Cocolia would not agree to them in the end, and would even want them.

But it didn’t matter.

In the exploration just now, Thor They have also roughly found the location of the star core.

Before they entered the mansion, the star core was here, motionless.

But now it seems that it has run outside Belloberg City.

It is probably that they noticed them and others. He came here to capture himself.

Not long after he entered, he used the rift to escape.

If Sol hadn’t just sensed the rift appearing, he might not have noticed it slipping away.

Thor couldn’t help but Sigh, these star cores with consciousness are really cunning.

No wonder they can easily destroy so many worlds and play with so many people’s hearts.

Ordinary people really can’t do anything with them.

At this time, it’s still early for the stars to see it, and they don’t want to go so soon. Rest in the hotel.

And she also wanted to see what the world was like.

She said:

“We want to walk around, is that okay? March

7 also nodded excitedly, obviously wanting to go shopping and take photos.

Cocolia nodded and smiled:

“No problem, you are the distinguished guests of Beloberg and have the highest authority.”

“I also need some time to investigate all records that may be related to the star core.”

“We will not send it far.”

After Xing and March 7 received the reply, they were also very excited and immediately left here hand in hand. Dan

Heng didn’t say anything more, because now the matter is done.

The two of them can wander around as they like.

And Sol is also So, before leaving, he looked back at Cocolia and wanted to say something.

But at this time, he noticed that Cocolia was also looking at him with a smile.

Sol suddenly thought of something Possibility, and then the corner of his mouth slowly outlined an arc.

He chose not to say anything for the time being, but turned back silently and left.

Not long after leaving the official residence,

March 7th and others were stopped by Jeppard at the door.

Jeppard. Pad said directly:

“The Great Guardian seems to favor you.”

“I have been ordered not to restrict your movements any more. Xing

Xi chuckled and said:

“That great guardian of yours seems quite reasonable.

March 7 also said with a surprised smile :

“To be honest, I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.”

Jepard said:

“I still have official duties and will return to the station soon”

“Hope you enjoy your stay in Belloberg.

March 7 said curiously :

“Wait a minute, can you recommend some scenic spots to us?”

“It’s still early and we want to walk around here more.”

After thinking for a while, Jeppard said:

“As for the places worth seeing, it should be the Golden Opera House and the History Museum”

“However, you need a voucher to enter the museum……”

“I suggest you visit the Yongdong Monument first”

“It is the most emblematic landmark of Belloberg”

“If you are interested in music, you can go to the Permafrost Mechanical House”

“There are occasional outdoor performances there”

“performer…Well, see for yourselves.”

Jepard said this, suddenly paused, shook his head, and did not say his sister’s name.

“Also, if you want to stay at the Goethe Hotel, be sure to avoid the alley next to it where the iron guards are stationed.”

“It has recently been affected by rift erosion.”

Dan Heng’s eyes were extremely solemn:

“Is erosion approaching the interior of the city?”

“The situation is very serious.”

Jepard nodded heavily and agreed:


“we are fighting against”

“So, farewell everyone and wish you all the best.”

At this time.

March 7 turned around excitedly, wanting to take Sol to play.

But when he turned around, he was horrified to find that Sol was no longer there.

“Where is Xiaosuo?”

“Where are people?”

“Where have you been?”

“Have you two seen it?”

March 7’s series of questions also made Dan Heng and Xing alert.

Only then did they realize that Sol had disappeared at some point.

Xing also felt numb:

“Wasn’t Thor still behind us just now?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Why did the person suddenly disappear?”

“Was it kidnapped by someone?

March 7 covered her head and said in pain :

“No, Xiao Suo was kidnapped or something, we don’t want that kind of thing!”

Dan Heng glanced at these two people helplessly.

“How could Thor be kidnapped by the locals here if he was so strong?”

“Instead of the two of you screaming and howling here when you have time, you might as well just send him a text message asking where he is.”

On March 7th, I am now reacting.

“It seems so!”

“Then I’ll send you a text message now to ask. Xing said anxiously at the side:

“I send it too.”

But the two of them had just turned on their phones.

They found that Sol had already sent a message.

【Thor: No need to look for me, I’ll be back soon. 】

After seeing this message.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

March 7 complained:

“what the hell?”

“Why didn’t you tell me anything and just left? Xing

Ye said curiously:

“What on earth is going on with Sol?”

“But, Danheng, why are you so calm?”

“Is it possible that you just learned the news that Thor left here?”

Dan Heng nodded calmly:

“Well, I just found out before he came out that he was gone”

“Then I immediately checked the news on my phone”

“I don’t know where he’s going, but I think he’s going to the bathroom or something.”

“And based on Thor’s combat power just now, even the bunch of silver-maned iron guards here wouldn’t be able to stop him.”

“So I’m not really worried. Xing nodded and said:

“This is true.”

March 7 was still a little unhappy. She sent another message to Sol on her mobile phone.

【March 7: Xiao Suo, when will you come back?】

【Thor: Ten minutes later】

【March 7:(*^▽^*)Xing, it’s okay. I’ll wait for you here in the square. 】

Thor is sitting on the protective planet.

Heading to the ice and snow outside Belloberg at super fast speed, intending to search for the star core.

He could vaguely feel that the star core was directly in front of him. at this time.

The front line of the battle between the Silvermane Iron Guard and the creatures from the world.

There are a lot of gaps here.

From time to time, world-splitting creatures appear in the gaps.

They appear in various forms, and whenever they encounter a living creature, they will attack like crazy without any reason at all.

The most outrageous thing is that they will also absorb the memories of creatures that died in the rift, thereby gaining the combat experience of those creatures.

Whether it is a mechanical creature or a virtual soldier of the material army, it can be reproduced one by one. at this time.

The battle line below is fierce.

Bronya is commanding the silver-maned iron guards to attack the world-splitting creatures ahead.

Nearly a hundred monsters, as if receiving some order, ran out of the rift in a steady stream.

When they saw the silver-maned iron guards in front of them, they ran straight towards them.

When Bronya saw this, she immediately shouted:

“Guards, back off!”

“Musketeers prepare!”

“Once the monsters are within range, fire immediately!”

With the order, a row of musketeers at the rear immediately began to target the monsters in front.

After entering a certain range, the musketeers quickly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang ~ gunshots came in an endless stream. irrational cracks Under the suppression of this kind of firepower, gun muzzles of different sizes appeared on various parts of the body. They quickly fell to the ground and were completely defeated.

Bronya was a little relieved when she saw this. She only felt that this time The defense line was held again.

Something unexpected happened.

Several more cracks suddenly appeared in front of them.

Together with the cracks just now, a large number of crack creatures suddenly ran out.

The number was nearly a thousand.

The musketeers present reacted very quickly, and each of them poured out their bullets without hesitation.

But even so, the defense line was broken through in an instant.

Because there were several rifts inside the defense line.

They just killed one, and behind them A few more rushed out immediately.

There was no time to reload the bullets.

The musketeers had just loaded the bullets, and they had already discovered that the world-splitting creatures had already rushed to the front.

Bang bang bang!

The monsters in front of the musketeers continued A few fell down.

When I looked back, I realized that it was Bronya who saved them.

Before I had time to be grateful,

Bronya immediately ordered:

“The Guards press forward!”

“The musketeers retreated twenty meters to provide fire support from the rear!”

On the battlefield, the officer’s orders are absolute.

And these musketeers also saw that this place is too close to the world-splitting creatures. It is not a good sniper point at all.

It is better to retreat a little and let the closer The guards went first, and they provided fire support from behind.


Under Bronya’s command, the defense line barely withstood.

But even so.

The Silver Mane Iron Guards were constantly retreating, and it was only a matter of time before the defense line collapsed. Things.

Bronya’s beautiful eyes were solemn, and she also saw this.

She knew that she would retreat later.

If she didn’t retreat the defense line, all the silver-maned iron guards here would die.

She couldn’t understand why. This rift actually opened into the defense line.

It was simply too strange.

It was as if after seeing them win another victory, they appeared here specially, intending to sneak attack and defeat their defense line.

If this rift hadn’t suddenly appeared, She really has no use for these guards, let alone almost let these musketeers die.

And there are too many of them. There are simply too many more than before.

Nearly more than a thousand, and there are still It took many shots to kill one.

Bronya looked at this situation and was extremely anxious.

Because the rift appeared in the defense line.

No matter how fast these silver-maned iron guards reacted, there was no way to stop the retreat of the defense line.

Because these monsters kept running out of it.

Bronya’s beautiful eyes were extremely unwilling.

She knew that if the defense line was defeated, it would take an unknown amount of troops to reoccupy it.

But that’s it.

She could only He was able to immediately order the Silver-maned Iron Guards to retreat.

Because Pella in the rear had probably received the news and had brought troops over.

After receiving the news, the Silver-maned Iron Guards also evacuated quickly.

And the defense line was also retreating as they did. It began to collapse instantly.

A large number of monsters also ran over like crazy.

Many slow-running silver-maned iron guards were torn into pieces in an instant.

Although Bronya couldn’t bear it, she was already used to this scene. , without hesitation, quickly led the troops to evacuate.

She knew that as long as she had a round with Pella, all the monsters here would be cleared.

But at this time, the strange situation changed again.

Bronya’s retreat direction was seen again. A rift appeared in front of Bronya.

A huge grizzly bear-shaped rift creature emerged directly from it.

As soon as he saw Bronya, he immediately waved the huge rift in his hand. The chainsaw was slashing towards her.


The chainsaw was about to land on her head.

Bronya looked at this scene with disbelief.

“how come…”

“How could the cracked world erode behind the defense line?”

At this time,

Sol finally reached the top of the battle line.

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