Fort Creper.

It’s lunch time.

When the time was up, Pera was ready to go to the kitchen in Fort Creper to warm up the lunch she had brought today.

As a fortress, Fort Creper is naturally equipped with all the facilities, and the builders who usually work here also eat in it.

After all, this job is also a public office, and the canteen is sure to eat bags, otherwise it will let people run out at noon, and come back after eating?

“Pella, what are you going to eat at noon?”

“Ah, just those from yesterday.”

Pera felt that Bronia was a little strange at the moment, feeling that she was always looking at her incubator.

Bronia was indeed hungry to death, and in the morning, she found that Pera actually came over after eating, and she was suddenly uncomfortable.

Yesterday her mother had eaten all her breakfast and lunch for the day, leaving her with the exception of the chefs at Fort Creper this morning.

“Miss Bronia… What are you staring at my incubator for? ”

Pera always had a sense of foreboding, but she didn’t know what it was.

The main thing is that Bronia also packed a lot last night, and she hasn’t thought about it yet, otherwise she would have fled with the incubator at the moment.

“It’s nothing, I’m just thinking, how about I help you warm up in the kitchen?” I still go to that place a lot, and I am more familiar. ”

“Ah, okay then, thanks, by the way, help me finish the meal.”

Simple Pella did not expect that Bronia, the most elegant in her eyes, would actually cheat her lunch.

If discovered, this friendship boat is estimated to be capsized.

“Then I’ll go back, and you’ll wait for me here.”


Bronia lifted the incubator and ran, relieved, fortunately Pella didn’t suspect.

Pera always had a feeling of being deceived, but her trust in Bronia made her not suspicious.

After all, this is Bronia, and in Pella’s eyes, Bronia is a perfect candidate for the Great Guardian.

So Pera decided to keep working and wait for Bronia to return.

As time passed, Pella continued to deal with her work, and I didn’t know that I thought she was losing weight and skipping lunch.

“Huh? Is there too much dish? Why hasn’t Miss Bronia come back for half an hour? ”

Just when Pera felt a little strange, Bronia finally returned.

“Ahem, Pella, I’ll warm you up, eat it quickly.”

“What about you, Bronia?”

Pera looked at Bronia with only her own incubator in her hand, and felt a little strange.

Bronia said indifferently: “When I gave you a hot dish just now, I already ate it, so don’t worry.” ”

Saying that, she also touched her belly, which is all her father’s masterpiece.

“Okay then.”

Seeing that Pera was about to start eating, Bronia immediately turned around and left.

I hope Pera didn’t find anything….

Pella happily opened the incubator and brought out the dishes that were placed layer by layer.

“Huh? How do you feel a lot less? ”

Pera was a little confused, feeling that things were not simple.

I recalled that after eating a late-night snack last night, I obviously felt that there was quite a lot left.

Is it shrinking?

Pera, who was not proficient in cooking, only thought of such a possibility.

I think it’s the same, otherwise it can’t be Bronia who stole it, right?

That’s Bronia, she wouldn’t do such a lack of morality!

Pella ate happily, not knowing what the truth was….


Lower zone.

Natasha had already consulted with Oleg, and Liu Fu personally took him to a shelter, and by the way, he saw what the ancient city ruins looked like now, which made Oleg marvel and be amazed.

The most important thing is that Liu Fu showed his ability to absorb the rift in front of him!

This is the point, otherwise there are rifts everywhere outside, and Oleg will not agree to the transfer of all the inhabitants of the lower districts.

In the end, Oleg also agreed to Liufu’s plan.

In fact, for the vast majority of people in the lower classes, staying is the most important thing, and where they stay is not important at all.

As long as Liu Fu can guarantee the safety of everyone, then the earth fire will be at his disposal.

In addition, it must be said that Oleg has no past life memories, which also makes Liu Fu trouble a lot.

But fortunately, everything ended perfectly, and the next publicity work can be handed over to the Earth Fire Organization.

As for the teleportation anchor that continues to be placed in the orphanage of Rivet Town, you don’t need to bring it over for the time being, so that it is convenient for everyone to help you brush your points.

Seeing that you have done nothing, the points will increase little by little, not to mention how moisturizing this feeling is.

And their own power is also constantly increasing, although it is not yet known when he will have the level of star destruction like the catastrophe pioneer, but the future can be expected.

“Huh? Outside this is…”

Liu Fu suddenly heard the noise outside, and thought to himself whether something had happened to the horse?

“Captain Shvarro, that man is in the clinic!”

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