Chapter 69 Sambo’s shocked willow ordered: “Shvarro, take me to the mechanical settlement, and call all those robots of yours by the way.” ”

“Yes, Mr. Yanagi.”

Shvaro did so and sent messages to all the robots controlled by him in the lower areas.

This is also one of the reasons why Liu Fu wants to control Shivaro, as long as he controls this one, it is equivalent to controlling most of the robots in the lower area.

The shelter is now in ruins, resources are still being collected, and manpower is lacking.

“It’s really controlled by you.”

Xi’er couldn’t help but sigh, who would have thought that the dignified Shvaro boss would listen to people other than Clara like this?

“Of course, I also gave him a part of my power.” Willow unleashed a bombshell.

Xi’er’s eyes widened and looked at Liu Fu, his eyes were full of you actually would rather give a robot power than give it to me?!

Liu Fu raised an eyebrow at her, looking like if you don’t call me dad, I won’t give you strength.


Xi’er turned her head and left, not wanting to pay attention to Liu Fu.

“Oh, not a set yet?”

Liu Fu happily hehe, this girl’s arrogant look is really funny.

“You, always tease her like this, so bad that she was raised since she was a child.”

Natasha buried Willow.

Liu Fu said with a smile: “It’s because this girl has gone from being naughty to being a big girl, and now she has to go back to her roots.” ”


Natasha was speechless, and Liu Fu’s refusal to suffer a loss was really amazing.

“Okay, you continue to be busy, I should also go to the mechanical settlement.”

“Well, go ahead.”


“Hey! What a rewarding day today! ”

Sambo returned to the lower area with a bag of good things that he had obtained today by stealing and cheating.

As soon as he stepped into Panyan Town, he suddenly heard some discussions from the people around him.

The Chevaro guy was hanged, and demolished?

Geofire organization publicizes the collective relocation of the lower districts?

Sambo’s eyes lit up, such a good fun, don’t look for it!

Shvaro is demolished, Clara, that little girl should cry very sadly, right?

I’d love to see it!

As for this relocation?

Sambo can’t understand it, where else can this be moved?

The direction of the story has become more and more interesting.

“Hey, man, can you tell me what’s going on? What is the earth fire going to do? ”

Sambo took the initiative to come up and inquire.

“Hey, look at yourself.”

The man handed over a piece of paper, and Sambo took it.

Under this look, even Sambo, a tavern fun person, looked stupid.

“Shall I go and move to an ancient sanctuary outside Beloborg?”

Sambo couldn’t understand what this operation was at all, but after reading the follow-up content, Rao couldn’t help but widen his eyes with his insight.

“Really fake, someone can absorb the rift?”

The rift is brought about by the star core, and Sambo is very clear about this.

At present, many civilization forces in the galaxy have the means to deal with star cores, but most of them are seals and the like.

Unexpectedly, on the planet Arilo VI, there were people who claimed to be able to absorb the rift!

Sambo’s first reaction is that this should be a lie, right?

The civilization technology of Arilo VI has regressed seriously, and now it can’t even fly out of the planet, let alone deal with the star core.

What currently seals the star core is still the container left over from seven hundred years ago.

It’s just that the technological level of that container is too backward, and it can’t completely isolate the rift erosion caused by the star core.

“If there is really such a method, it is big news, if it leaks out, the antimatter army will definitely send out the whole army to Yalilo VI.”

“It’s a pity that this is probably made up.”

Sambo didn’t believe it, he was more knowledgeable than anyone on the planet, “Unless I see it with my own eyes, I can only run.” ”

Going outside Belloberg?

Then you must not freeze to death?

What’s more, how are the people from the lower districts going to get out of here?

Even if the big guy Shvaro is defeated, everyone can go to the hearth heart, and the silver-maned iron guard in the upper district will not allow the people in the lower area to go up.

In fact, there is actually no silver-maned iron guard guarding the hearth now, because Kokolia knows that the bottom of the hearth has been blocked by Shvaro.

However, if the residents of the lower districts flood into the upper areas on a large scale, they will definitely be discovered, and then it will be a wave of strong suppression.

It is estimated that several deaths will be possible at that time, and Sambo does not want to take this risk.

“You don’t want me to lead the way and leave the lower area, do you?”

Sambo’s brain hole is quite big, and he feels that there are always people who want to harm him.

Forget it, let’s have fun with something else first.

Sambo asked: “Little brother, I just heard that the big guy Shvaro was demolished?” Is it true? ”

“Yes, a few wanderers called Chefro over, as if it was because of Clara, the man who claimed to be Clara’s father, and Shvaro Guy fought with Chefaro at the door of Dr. Natasha’s clinic.”

“Okay, thank you little brother.”

Sambo’s eyes lit up, this fun is a lot today!

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