Liu Fu explained a lot of things to the Phaseless Fire, such a powerful brush helper, he naturally had to squeeze all its use value!

The phaseless fire can not only resist the ultra-low temperature environment brought by the cold wave, but its own combat effectiveness is even better, far from being comparable to ordinary elemental life.

After Willow Fu finished speaking, the Phaseless Fire moved freely, and for the next few days, the Phaseless Fire would melt the ice and absorb the Rift within the range designated by Noya, in addition to attacking the nearby Rift Creations.

The reason why the phaseless fire is not allowed to unscrupulously release the power of the fire element to melt the ice is because under some of the ice layers, there are actually some ancient human bodies sealed by the cold wave ice, and some of these corpses may have talents useful to willow talismans.

If some ancient high-ranking talents were burned by the Phaseless Fire, Liu Fu would also feel a pity.

Watching the phaseless fire turn into a fireball and constantly tumble and move at high speed on the surrounding ice, the scene of melting ice and snow and steaming everywhere it passed, Liu Fuxin wanted to have a few more phaseless fires.

On the Arilo Six, the help of the fire elemental life to the willow rune was undoubtedly huge, and the huge heat generated was enough to withstand the cold wave, and the rift was not put in the eyes of the willow rune at all.

It’s a pity that elemental life can’t buy “043” from the mall, and it is estimated that even if it is sold, the price is ridiculously high.

“Wow, daddy this thing rolls so fast, it’s still hot.”

“Yes, this way, the city can be used for relocation faster.”

Liu Fu thought for a while, and continued to ask Noya, “Noya, is the energy in the shelter still enough?” ”

Noya: “Director, among the energy used in the shelter, there is nuclear fusion, but there are currently no conditions for making nuclear fusion fuel rods, and according to the current daily consumption, it is expected that the remaining energy will be enough to last for three months.” ”

“Three months…”

Liu Fu thought for a moment and asked, “Noya, have you seen this phaseless fire?” ”

Noya: “Monitoring equipment and reconnaissance drones have been deployed nearby, Noya can see it, Director, do you want thermal power generation?” ”

“Almost, it is a group of elemental creatures with different attributes, able to continuously release electricity, flame, wind power, etc., relying on division and reproduction, the reproduction rate is not slow, how?” Can these be utilized? ”

In the previous lottery, in fact, the probability of slime appearing was very high, but the willow charm was not used before, so he didn’t care about these little things.

Noya: “Why don’t you show me the sample first?” If you can, it is best to build special elemental life farms to keep them powered continuously. ”


Willow took Clara and returned to the shelter.

Selected those slimes drawn before, each chose one, and was quickly revived by Willow.

Since it was not the first time to resurrect elemental life, Liu Fu also understood the life mechanism of these little things.

Don’t look at these beings who were revived by the willow talisman are all using his power, but this does not mean that they cannot absorb and use the power of the outside world.

Slimes can do this, continuously absorbing free energy in the air to maintain daily consumption.

Noya: “It’s really a very amazing creature, please give the director some time to study and then plan.” ”

Liu Fu nodded and said: “Okay, you take your time, if you can, don’t wait for my orders, just build a farm, slime breeding speed is quite fast.” ”

Noya: “Received. ”

After the conversation, robots came over, and they took the slimes away to study.

Liu Fu felt that if Lisa came to the shelter, it might have a good effect.

It is these technologies, Lisa probably does not understand, and needs to learn slowly.

However, when Lisa studied abroad in Meru, she was a good student, and her learning ability was definitely not bad.

Liu Fu said: “Noya, I will go back and recommend someone to you, she is from another world, you help me make a set of learning processes, I want her to learn more.” ”

Noya: “Received, but it’s best to ask this person to come over and do intelligence and other tests.” ”

Liu Fu nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go tonight.” ”

For the “Rose Witch”, wisdom is her greatest weapon, and there is definitely no problem with intelligence tests.

I just don’t know if Lisa can stand out on this broader galaxy stage.

“Clara, let’s go.”



Belloberg, upper district.

Under the vigorous promotion of Ningguang, leaflets of the “Tivat Chamber of Commerce Grain and Oil Store” were circulated everywhere in all districts of Beloberg.

As a result, many merchants and commoners noticed this new force.

Because the above price tag is really too cheap, compared to other grain merchants, it is simply a broken jumping price!

“Oh my God, is what is written on this true?”

“How is it possible, if it’s so cheap, then you can’t lose your pants?”

“It must be the means of this group of black-hearted ghosts to deceive people, and when the time comes, they spend money, and the result is only to give you the same weight as the market price, and fool you into thinking that you have made a mistake.”

“Brother, you are very experienced?”

“Made, I have encountered this scam before, when I went to eat, and a meal ate my month’s income!”

The civilians who saw the leaflet talked endlessly, and the merchants also laughed.

Such small means, they use the rest!

No businessman at all felt that the Tivat Chamber of Commerce could really do this, and even if it was true, it would be at most a temporary concession and would soon recover.

No threat to them!

Few businessmen took this matter seriously, most of them were some losers, thinking they could do business, so they ran out and lost their faces.

But after all, there are still people who do not believe in evil and go to the administrative district.

At present, the grain and oil store of the Tivat Chamber of Commerce is only this one in the administrative district that has been renovated, and it is also a soft opening point, although the stores in other districts have been plated down, but what business to do, Ning Guang can slowly decide.

After all, for civilians, as long as they know that there is low-priced food in a place, even if they run a little more, they will be willing to go over and buy it.

During the day today, in the home of a certain civilian.

“Alas, the food at home is almost running out again.”

The middle-aged man looked old, and the burden of life weighed him down.

In Beloberg, the living conditions of civilians are too poor, and the middle class can live well.

However, with the erosion of the rift in recent years, it is estimated that even the middle class will soon have to eat enough. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this way, not to mention the civilians who were originally at the bottom of Beloborg.

At this time, a little girl ran over, holding a leaflet in her hand.

“Dad! Look at this flyer! So cheap! ”

The middle-aged man sighed and said, “What is cheap, the family is almost unable to eat…”

The little girl was very excited and hurriedly said: “It’s not anything else, it’s a newly opened grain and oil store!” It’s cheap, dad, hurry up and check it out. ”

The middle-aged man scoffed: “Heh, businessmen are all black-hearted ghosts, where can they be cheap?” ”

He believes that his daughter was probably deceived by false information on the flyer.

The little girl hurriedly retorted: “However, I just went to ask other stores, this Tivat grain and oil store, the price seems to be less than half of their price, let’s go to the administrative district now, right?” ”

“What? That’s even more of a scam. ”

The middle-aged man did not believe it at all, in this situation, the price of food can still be beaten by half?

He never dared to dream so!

These businessmen are really deceiving people and deceiving crazy, and they dare to write about such exaggerated propaganda!

Isn’t this playing them like fools?

This kind of nonsense, only fools believe!

The little girl begged, “Daddy, go and see, what if it’s true?” ”

She didn’t know why her father didn’t believe it, obviously several neighbors next door had passed.

“Don’t say it, it’s just a waste of time and energy to go, it’s better to do more work, otherwise our family will have to starve to death.”

The middle-aged man did not listen to his daughter’s advice, but went his own way and was ready to go out to work.

And let him run to the cantonment?

So far away, it’s too much of a waste of time, when the time comes, he will definitely be late for work, and he will be deducted money!

The little girl was very lost and did not understand what adults thought.

By the way, go find your mother!

She remembered that it was her mother who was in charge of the money at home!

The little girl hurried to find her mother.

After the middle-aged man came to his place of work, he found that there were so many fewer people coming to work today?

This attendance rate is the lowest day he has ever seen.

What are these guys running for?

Is it to open YP and not call him?

The middle-aged man wanted to ask his boss about the situation, but his boss was not clear, but he guessed that he might have gone to the Tivat grain and oil store in the administrative district, right?

“This Tivat grain and oil store again?”

The middle-aged man was laughing in his heart, there were really fools who believed the ghost story 4.8 on the flyer, now well, they will definitely be deducted their wages!

When the time came to noon, the middle-aged man finally saw the group of colleagues returning to work.

Looking at their appearance, they seem to be in a good mood.

The middle-aged man said with a strange expression: “How many of you… I was deducted my salary for half a day late, but I can still laugh? ”

One of the colleagues, his neighbor, wondered: “It’s not… Didn’t you go to the Tivat grain and oil store? I remember I gave the flyer to your daughter. ”

The middle-aged man chuckled in his heart, feeling that something was wrong.

“Well, I looked, but the administrative district is too far away, I didn’t go, what’s wrong?”


The neighbor understood what the situation of the middle-aged man was, and suddenly said speechlessly: “You’d better take a leave of absence with the leader now, otherwise it may be sold out, this kind of opportunity to take advantage of the cheap, if not wasted early, the price is not even half of the market price, the queue has to be long, I have a long queue when I go, otherwise I won’t come back to work now.” ”

PS: The fourth is more, but this chapter is 3,000 words, I feel that 3,000 words is more suitable, and I will have this word count in the future. Customize yourself! Ask for tips! Please urge more! Ask for a monthly pass!.

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