Soon the day to go to the mountains came.

"The full name of the mountains is [Clustered Mountain Protection Outpost], which is used to resist the first wave of attacks from external hostile forces and buy more buffer time for the empire's homeland. It is the most important line of defense."

"It is also the place where the Molten Knight Project was first tested. I was born here."

Liu Ying naturally helped An Ming fasten his seat belt and explained everything about the mountains base to him. "This is your first time flying in the star field. You may feel a little dizzy."

With worry in her beautiful eyes, Liu Ying's delicate little face came to An Ming and said seriously: "If you feel uncomfortable, hold my hand tightly. We will be there soon."

"I'm not a child anymore. It's okay."

"Huh? So 14 years old is not considered a child?" Liu Ying's eyes flashed with a smile. She held An Ming's hand and leaned back on the chair. She didn't have any good memories of the mountains. If it weren't for accompanying An Ming, she would rather never go back in this life.

After a slight vibration, the hatch slowly closed. An Ming wanted to refute something, but he lost the chance as the spacecraft started.

As An Ming's first star field flight, the journey to the mountains was exciting enough. This route was top secret in the empire, so the process was obviously bumpy.

An Ming soon couldn't calmly appreciate the Milky Way outside the window. A little dizziness made him hold Liu Ying's hand tightly.

Liu Ying found that she wouldn't blush even if she was held by the hand recently, but she felt a little sweet in her heart, as happy as eating cake.

Looking at An Ming's profile, Liu Ying was a little distracted. Should she ask why she felt this way?

The spacecraft quickly returned to stability. An Ming could see the dark outline not far away through the window, like a space outpost composed of mountains, loyally performing guard work outside the empire.

Outside the mountains, dense debris could be vaguely seen floating in space, and countless debris and corpses formed a dead ring.

"We call it the 'Dead Sea'."

Liu Ying's expression was a little complicated. A large number of decayed and incomplete cavalry could be clearly seen in the Dead Sea. How many cyborg lives were sacrificed in them?

The remains and corpses of stinging insects floated in the Dead Sea. The peace and stability that the Empire portrayed to the people were obviously just lies that could be exposed at any time.

The Empire wove a beautiful dream called peace for the people, and the truth was deposited in the silent Dead Sea.

This peace was an illusion brought about by the burning lives of countless cyborgs. The Empire's forward steps only rolled over the burnt ashes.

"Are there no ordinary people among the Molten Knights?"

"You will be the first."

Liu Ying held An Ming's hand slightly tighter. It was not that ordinary people had tried to drive the Molten Knights before An Ming, but they were undoubtedly devoured. Even if the fit was sufficient, there was far from enough life to support driving the cavalry for a long time.

The reason why all Molten Knight pilots are genetically modified is that, first, modified humans can be easily recreated after death, and are strategic consumables. Second, after genetic modification, their vitality is far superior to that of ordinary people, and they can support driving the Iron Knight for a long time.

An Ming has shown strong combat talent and physical fitness in the years in the academy, so Caesar decided to let him try, and perhaps he could create the first Molten Knight truly driven by humans.

There are deeper reasons, which are related to the future and destiny of the empire, but Liuying and Anming are still unaware of it.

The spacecraft slowly entered the star port and docked. Under the dim light, Anming stepped into the Qunshan base for the first time. The depressing atmosphere and very little artificial light made it seem dead and terrifying.

Liuying had not realized the oppression of the Qunshan until she met Anming and realized how sad everything she had experienced before was.

"Welcome to the Qunshan, I am B31, responsible for your activities in the Qunshan," An Ming saw a burly young man coming over as soon as he landed, and saluted in a very standard way.

In the shadows behind B31, a crowd of people can be seen. They are all young boys and girls, and they seem to be the same age as Liuying, but there is no expression on their faces, just like a group of stiff walking corpses.

An Ming can't even see despair and numbness in their eyes, only habit and obedience.

Liuying once mentioned to him that after birth, the cyborgs will be connected to the dream for training, and obeying the orders of the empire is a steel seal engraved in the depths of the soul.

An Ming remembered what Liuying once said:

"If you are born to die, then what is the meaning of living?"

B31 turned his gaze to Liuying and saluted more respectfully, "Senior A07, welcome back to the mountains, you have worked hard on the mission.”

“…” Liuying pursed her lips and sighed with a complicated look in her eyes. She really wanted to say to B31, “Don’t call me that name anymore,” but was she really qualified to say that now?

“What do I need to do? "

"The debugging of the Iron Knight has been completed. According to the instructions of the senator, we just need to enter and start it," B31 looked at An Ming with obvious admiration in his eyes. You know, there are very few ordinary people who are qualified to control the Molten Knight in recent years. Even if they have that ability, most people will give up for fear of death.

It is extremely rare to have a person like An Ming who is willing to die, not to mention that he is so young and has a bright future.

B31 led An Ming and Liu Ying to the storage place of the Iron Knight. The transformed people not far away also left one after another. An Ming has been extremely depressed since he came to the mountain base. After seeing the conditions of those transformed people, he felt an indescribable sadness.

The past told by Liu Ying is just words. Only when An Ming is in the situation can he truly feel the heaviness and sadness.

"Don't blame yourself," Liu Ying quietly held An Ming's hand and said softly: "An Ming is a very gentle person, so he will be sad after knowing this, but this is our fate. "

An Ming looked at Liu Ying's gentle smile and made up his mind to protect her future.

After following B31 through a complicated road, the three of them came to a heavy dark gray door. With the sound of mechanical rotation, the door slowly rose up.

Under the dim light, the silver-white iron cavalry was quietly placed in the center, and the lightless pupils stared at An Ming, as if waiting for his arrival.

"What should I do?"

"Touch the iron cavalry."

B31 answered truthfully, and then slowly retreated, "Senior A07, you should leave."

Liu Ying shook her head without thinking, "I want to stay here."

B31 paused, but did not force it.

The heavy door closed again. As for whether it was a knight or a devil who walked out of it after that, it would be left to time to judge.

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