Just like An Ming hugging her tightly——

Every time she uses this iron cavalry, Liuying will feel the warmth swaying on her chest, as if she is hugged by a lover.


Almost without any transition, Liuying can now reach the infinite degree of compatibility immediately. As long as An Ming is by her side, she seems to have endless power.

The swaying golden meteor spreads its blue wings like the sky, covering the entire sky of Yalilo, more gorgeous than the aurora.

The Milky Way spreads between the wings, so magnificent, so beautiful that it makes people forget to breathe.

"I will, light up the sea of ​​stars!"

Liuying said the second-year lines that An Ming had taught her, her eyes unconsciously moistened, and were soon burned out by the rising flames.

She promised that she would not cry in front of An Ming again.

The prelude to the creation of the world evolved into the chaotic energy of destruction, and the runaway horror atmosphere boiled in the sky, turning into countless dense crystals that gathered into giant stars.

The star core knew that this was the last chance, but it didn't expect that at this most critical moment, when only one step was left, it would be completely crushed by this group of nameless guests!

What's more, there are two unstable factors, An Ming and Liu Ying, which directly exceed the upper limit of what destruction can bear. It is better to say that these two people are the real destruction.

"The will of destruction... will create a great new world!"

The stars occupied half of the sky, which reminded An Ming of the king insect he faced that day, but... "You are still far away."

Blood burst, second level!

The boiling blood began to burn instantly, and the terrifying improvement directly affected Sam's performance. Even Sam couldn't keep up with An Ming's control speed.

An Ming is the ultimate Molten Knight driver, and he has achieved a nearly perfect human-machine integration state in the blood burst state.

Clear, first level!

Everything in the star core is presented in An Ming's eyes, and the most core area is also in full view.

He only opened it for one second, and he didn't even notice what memory he burned before he turned it off. It was really exciting to turn it off after using it.

Life can be burned at will, at least the golden blood can perfectly bear the blood burst below the fourth level.

Open the blood burst whenever you want, just as it promotes blood circulation and strengthens physical fitness.

Sam, draw the sword!

The flaming red giant sword was pulled out with one hand, and An Ming synchronized the star core information to Liuying through Sam. The two meteors did not stop and crossed a gorgeous arc-

The blue double swords and the flaming red giant sword penetrated the core of the star body from the left and right at the same time, exposing the main part of the star core.

"An Ming--!" Liuying grabbed Sam's right arm, smiled gently, and then threw him into the inside of the star body.

With the help of this impact force, Sam rushed to the core area between the broken stars. At the last moment, Sam turned into a stream of fire and dissipated. An Ming jumped down from the air holding Wuye!


One word, and only one word is needed.

The world once again responded to An Ming's call. The will of preservation and protection that Beloberg had accumulated for hundreds of years was now entrusted to the sword of the nameless guest.

He stood here to fight for those who could not come back!

At the end of the endless cold wave, generations of great guardians went to the rift, using their lives as a fire to ignite the will of preservation and protection.

The fire will never go out.

And preservation and protection continue to move forward!

Wu Ye penetrated the star core and burst out a brilliant halo. In the violent distortion of the halo, the star core shattered into countless fragments, and thousands of falling stars fell into the sky along the traces of meteors, rippling gentle ripples in the sea-like galaxy.

And An Ming once again fell to the ground like a meteor, with the sound of wind passing by his ears, and the gorgeous aurora on both sides, and the blue light traces spread to the end of his sight, the other side of the sky.

"This time, I caught you."

The cyan-gold iron cavalry turned into a stream of light and held An Ming steadily in his arms in the air. At this moment, the sky became the background of the two.

An Ming gently touched the iron cavalry's helmet, and then there was Liuying's loving gaze. There was no need for words. At this moment, they both felt each other's feelings.

Princess Liuying held An Ming in the air, and the romantic aurora was reflected in front of them, surrounding them.

"Flame gun, charge... charge?" Xing stood there blinking, feeling confused as if he had drawn his gun and looked around. After looking around, he finally found an ordinary world-breaking monster that had survived the battle just now.

"No matter, let's finish it first!"

Xing rushed towards the roadside monster with the flame gun, and carried out a just dimensionality reduction attack.

Fighting, cool!

Sanyueqi clicked his tongue twice, "Bai has awakened, Axing."

"Sanyue, you don't understand, there are many destinies and many roads, maybe in the future, I may be a warrior with all destinies!" Xing was not discouraged at all. Anyway, this time he was just protecting this non-offensive destiny, so it wouldn't be that great.

It won't be too late to show your power next time when you get a more offensive destiny - yes, I'm talking about you, Xiao Lanzi.

Dan Heng was silent as he looked at the broken star core in the sky. This was the first time that Wumingke failed to seal the star core successfully. No one expected that the star core would be directly destroyed by An Ming's sword.

From a general rational point of view, it is almost impossible for the star core to be directly destroyed. I'm afraid that the combat power of the envoy level is only a prerequisite for cutting off the star core.

The light of the broken star core fell on Cocolia's cheek. She stood there, looking up quietly.

The roar of the cold wave that had lingered in her ears for seven hundred years suddenly subsided, and the gray sky faded. The dark clouds disappeared, and the bright sunlight fell along the ruins of the Creation Engine, once again spreading over the land covered with ice and snow.

Drops of tears fell down her cheeks, melting the snow on the ground.

Cocolia knew that from this day on, Beloberg... no, the entire Yalilo would usher in a brand new future.

Seven hundred years of history would become eternal history, and the will of preservation would finally wait until tomorrow.

She looked at the two figures in the sky, thanking them from the bottom of her heart for everything they had done for Yalilo, and thanking the nameless guests for once again connecting Yalilo with the universe.

No one knows what the future will be like.

At least, now they have a future.

"Danheng, we have only been in Yalilo for less than three days, how come it's over? "March Seven blinked his eyes and sighed deeply.

She seemed to have seen a brand new cool record on the first place of the Wumingke development ranking list-

[Speed ​​through the Yalilo dungeon in 72 hours, record available, led the gauze star core, gold medal assassin 100% win rate]

In the background music of wildfire, the star core typed gg with laughter, and stuffed a mouthful of dog food before dying, as if seeing An Ming smiling at it, and then silently typed two words:

[Accepting a disciple]

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