Ah Xing cuts the disc - "Free a heart from sorrow"


In the exquisite little box, there is a silver-white ring inlaid with a light pink gem.

The ring is called "Dream Kiss", happiness is like a dream, love is like a kiss.

Even in the family, Dream Kiss is a unique ring, and the light pink gem on it is condensed from countless beautiful dreams full of love, symbolizing unswerving and sincere love.

Dream Kiss is a truly priceless treasure, and it is also a precious treasure that cannot be bought with any credit points. This ring is what An Ming bought from the family.

Zhou Ri wanted to go and give the truth in person the moment he saw the name An Ming, but he fell into a rare silence after knowing that what he bought was a dream kiss.

He thought that the dead could not be resurrected, and buying a dream kiss meant that An Ming gave up the robin with his own hands.

Although Zhou Ri wanted to use Taichu Youwei on An Ming right now, the current situation is the development he is willing to see.

If the robin knew everything, it would certainly be disheartened with that guy and never have any contact with him again.

This is naturally a very good result, so Zhou Ri changed his mind and decided to trade this precious ring with An Ming, just to make his sister face the reality.

Dream kiss.

Yes, it's like a dream.

Liu Ying seemed to see the boundless universe again. She used to drift aimlessly in the sea of ​​stars, and the only thing she could miss was the only photo.

No need to fight anymore, because there is no one to fight for.

How can a broken heart be healed?

The living words gave Liu Ying an immortal body, but she could never meet her beloved again.

In a trance, she saw someone reaching out and said to her gently:

"Do you want to try to find the meaning of yourself?"

The purple-haired woman found Liu Ying, who was like a firefly, from the vast sea of ​​stars and invited her.

There, Liuying met a black cat named Elio and told her about her problem.

"I want to... find the meaning of life."

What is the meaning of life?

The world without Anming is so dark that it is suffocating, and no one will reach out to her in the darkness.

Meeting Anming is the miracle of her life, and perhaps after that, "miracle" has nothing to do with her.

"It doesn't matter, everyone in the Star Core Hunter will be with you."

The gray-haired girl held her hand and led her to a new journey with a cheerful smile.

Later, everyone in the Star Core Hunter had an immortal fairy boatman and a hacker from Punchlord.

On the cabinet of the base, there is a photo of Liuying and Anming. Liuying would stop in front of it every day and watch quietly for a long time, and then change a bunch of bright gentian flowers.

Liuying's journey continues.

She walked through the city-states full of high-rise buildings, crossed the vast desert, drove Sam through the sea of ​​stars, and shuttled between planets.

She saw the gorgeous aurora and the dazzling meteors, dragging the glimmer across the sky.

Some people showed her kindness, while others raised their weapons against her mercilessly.

Time slipped through her fingers like an hourglass, breaking into tiny glows.

She was wandering around and just wanted a home, but there was no safe place, and she could no longer feel the feeling of the summer. Could it really be considered a home?

Firefly just wanted to find an answer.

Seven years, people always say that in seven years, they will forget the person they once loved deeply.

Seven years, Firefly has forgotten how many seven years she has spent. For her, seven years is as short as a second.

Seven years, the seven years in Grammer were longer than all the seven years that followed.

Pain is like the waves, rising and falling, sometimes stopping and sometimes rising.

The universe is so vast, and after walking through the colorful planets, Firefly found that she was not an exception.

Only in An Ming's eyes, she is the only exception.

"I dreamed of a scorched earth."

The Grammer that only exists in memory is all that was once called A07.

"A new bud that breaks through the soil."

It was you who told me to be as gentle and shining as a firefly.

"It blooms in the morning sun and whispers to me."

It was you who taught me to understand love and made me a real 'person'.

"Fireflies fly into fire——"

It is to hug you again.

"Live towards death."

Live, and then meet again.

At this moment, under the same sky, watching the gorgeous meteors.

If you are born to die, then what is the meaning of living? She was once a Grammer cavalryman who lived for an unknown reason, and a star core hunter who pursued the meaning of life in a long time.

But now, she is just a firefly.

With the fireflyidentity, and made an answer that was not completed on that day.

Where should dreams belong?

Until this moment, Liuying found her own "dream".

Now she finally understands what love is, and is finally qualified to give an answer——

Tears streaked across her cheeks, turning into a gorgeous smile, but this time there was only happiness.

"I do!"

This was a proposal that was hundreds of ambers late, and it was also an answer that had not been made before.

Liuying stretched out her left hand to An Ming, and the dream kiss that symbolized beauty and happiness was gently placed between her ring fingers, shining like a meteor.

She suddenly couldn't control her emotions, and crystal tears dripped down her cheeks one by one, but she smiled from the heart.

Every night when she cried alone, curled up in the corner of the room, the happier the memories were, the more painful the reality was.

Liuying doesn't dream, all she can do is reminisce.

There is no need to dream anymore, and this moment is happier than a dream.

"Yingbao, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"No," Liuying threw herself into Anming's arms and hugged him tightly under the sky full of meteors, "I'm good at waiting."


"I love you."

This time she said it.

Her beautiful eyes, like the glow of the sunset, reflected Anming's face, and Liuying said gently: "Anming, I love you."

Once again, she tiptoed gently and kissed Anming with tears.

The real touch in her arms told her that the love in her arms would never disappear again, and she would kiss back all the unfinished kisses of that day.

The sun rose slowly from the end of the horizon, and meteors fell into the sea.

There was only each other's reflection in Anming and Liuying's eyes, as if they were constantly falling into a dream and didn't want to wake up for a long time.

The dream bubble slowly dissipated, and the sky showed its original color.

Under the aurora, the two hugged and kissed each other tightly, and at this moment the world only had the sound of each other's breathing.

After a long time, their lips parted.

"An Ming..."

Liu Ying raised her rosy cheeks and whispered, "Let me show you everything again."

——Life, soul, body and everything.

As Liu Ying, and also as An Ming's beloved.

In the breeze, Liu Ying stepped on the soft snow, turned around and stretched out her left hand to An Ming, showing a happy smile.

The ring on her ring finger sparkled under the aurora.

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