The glass-like crystal ground reflected An Ming's figure.

He was slightly stunned and realized that this was probably a dream again. He had the same feeling when he went to Yalilo before, but he saw the pharmacist that time.

In this glass-like pure land reflecting colorful light, An Ming seemed to see countless figures swaying behind the transparent ice surface.

Countless memories were divided and stored, and thousands of faces were included.

The flowing memories formed a crystal river. If you look at it slightly, you will feel a violent dizziness. Incalculable memories flooded into your mind, and people's joys and sorrows were all revealed.

On both sides of the crystal river, glass-like jade lotus flowers bloomed, as if guiding An Ming to move forward.

The endless life converged into an endless river, and the eternal wisdom was like a school of fish swimming upstream, carrying memories to the end of the river.

Pink, blue, and white gems bloomed in front of Him like seeds of memory.

But after Him, there is only a dark end.

Under the six-row pearl crown, there is a head like glass crystal that shines with countless memories, from which there is no way to peek into joy or sorrow.

The lotus behind him blooms petal by petal, blooming the glory of memory.

Thinking is existence.

Memory is the evidence of existence.

Fu Li...! An Ming recognized the star god in front of him at a glance, Fu Li, who represents memory.

His eyes saw through all of An Ming, and the memories of a lifetime passed by in front of him, but eventually returned to the end.

But He saw nothing.

The crystal-clear index finger slowly fell on An Ming's forehead, accompanied by a cold streak, and the momentary clarity seemed to let An Ming see through all the causes and effects in the world, and the continuation and the past were all traced back under the torrent of memory.

"Wake up."

"Back to the beginning."


An Ming felt that he was rapidly moving backwards, the stream was flowing backwards, the blooming lotus withered again, and only Fu Li was still in the center of the pure land.

The end behind him never changed.

An Ming suddenly woke up, panting uncontrollably. Although this was not the first time he had experienced a similar situation, he still couldn't easily get familiar with and accept the fact that he was facing the Star God.

Ordinary people can't even see the traces of the Star God in their entire lives. An Ming had just come out of the space station and had already met three of them, and it was a direct meeting on a spiritual level.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have already had a mental breakdown and lost his mind.

In general, the chairman was more amiable. He just hit him with a hammer, which was actually a good thing. Having the mark of the Amber King was equivalent to becoming an unconditional guest of the company.

In the case that Yingbao was going to blow up the company for no reason, An Ming becoming an honored guest of the company would also help Liuying cover up the traces in the dark.

Codename Chuanshan Ming applies for attack!

Anyone who intends to harm Yingbao will be subject to scorched earth warfare!

"What's wrong with you? You're so frightened," Sanyueqi elbowed An Ming unhappily. Since he met An Ming, this man has never been normal. He either bursts into tears or breathes heavily and sweats profusely.

"Have you realized the truth again?"

Xing's way of thinking is even more strange. He thought An Ming had found a piece of supreme bone behind his back and became An Tianzun in advance.

"Are you two sick..." An Ming's mouth twitched slightly. Putting aside the facts, shouldn't he have adapted to his superior mental state long ago?

However, based on past experience, does "dreaming" about Fu Li now mean that the next simulated blessing of the star god should open the memory entry?

Are the lines of these star gods too fixed? However, Fu Li's lines not only wake up but also return to the beginning. An Ming expressed his deep hatred for the Riddler.

What does waking up mean? Is it simply to wake him up from the dream with the star god, or is there another deeper meaning?

Unable to figure it out, An Ming simply stopped thinking about it. The most urgent thing is to go to Luofu, solve the star core crisis, and live a happy life with Xuan'er.

Moreover, after marrying Fu Xuan, he did everything he could and couldn't do. Thinking back, An Ming would feel a little hot in his ears.

However, what impressed him most was the sweet voice of An Ming.

Fu Xuan always liked to lie by the window and quietly watch him practice sword under the peach tree. When it was time to rest, he would gently call his name and hand out the sweet tea that had been cooled in advance through the window.

Even now when I think back to that time, I can still feel the warmth and happiness. At that time, Fu Xuan always finished his business in advance and rushed to Yuque to meet him in that small courtyard.

The more I miss the past, the more I want to meet Fu Xuan as soon as possible.

I don't know what Xuan'er is thinking now...An Ming couldn't understand Fu Xuan's mind. During the years when he was away, Fu Xuan's divination skills must have improved, and he might have surpassed his master.

If Fu Xuan didn't want to reveal his inner thoughts, there was no way to see his true thoughts.

"Sanyue, how do you think it's better to coax a girl?" An Ming sincerely asked the experienced teacher Sanyueqi, hoping to seek some reference opinions.

Sanyueqi rolled his eyes cutely and said helplessly: "For ordinary people, they just need to prepare some surprises. For a scumbag like you, it's better to commit suicide by cutting your stomach!"

"Take out your supreme bone, and this Xingzun may say a few good words for you in front of Fu Taibu."

"Have you seen Fu Xuan?"


Xing was full of confidence and said proudly: "But I'm sure that Taibu has heard of my reputation as the Galaxy Bat Man, and he will definitely give me some face."

Qingque listened to the conversation between these lively people and now deeply understood why the master became like this. It turned out that the mental state of Wumingke was so abstract.

Could this be the spirit of pioneering?

"Danheng, where are you?" Sanyueqi looked around and finally found Danheng who was reading calmly at the door of the think tank.

"I will stay on the train during the trip to Luofu."

Dan Heng's eyes showed no fluctuations, which made San Yue Qi a little puzzled, but thinking that it was a past that he didn't want to mention, he didn't continue to ask.

"Everyone has the responsibility to care for the lonely train conductor," Xing patted Dan Heng's shoulder and said in a good brother's tone: "I heard that Luofu's bean juice is a specialty. I will bring some back for you to try."

"...No need."

Dan Heng refused expressionlessly. It's better to let Xing enjoy this good thing alone.

Xing sighed, "Speaking of bean juice, it has to be Luofu's to be authentic. I'll go taste it and then go to the forum to express my thoughts."

"I have thought of the opening lines. I visited many stores. The real and fake Xing Zun said that today, the three of us have zero credit points, and I will eat whatever the store sells."

San Yue Qi: "You can do it."

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