Zhang Lie couldn't reach it, but Aokiji could. He didn't forget to attack while spinning, stabbing with his ice spear and finally kicking him.

Although Zhang Lie blocked the ice spear with his sword, he failed to avoid the last kick and was kicked into the sky on the spot.

When Zhang Lie flew into the sky, he also kicked a storm kick, but his action was still a beat slower and was easily blocked by Aokiji.

"Damn it, why can't I practice the flying slash, otherwise I could have done it to him just now."

Zhang Lie made up his mind to practice more sword skills in the future and must practice the flying slash before the war on the top.

After spinning a few times in the sky, Zhang Lie stabilized his center of gravity and took a moon step suddenly. The air behind him turned into liquid, and his body dived rapidly, forming a sonic boom cloud along the way.

With the power of the supersonic dive, Zhang Lie slashed at Aokiji with his knife in both hands. Even the momentum aroused his killing intent, and the ghost cut rose up with a dense black mist.

Seeing this, Aokiji held the remaining ice spear with both hands and stabbed at Zhang Lie.

The knife and spear intersected, and the ice spear was split in two. Zhang Lie was even more excited. Just as he was about to add more strength, he suddenly saw Aokiji kicking fiercely.

Zhang Lie quickly retracted his left arm to block his chest, but although he blocked it, his body was kicked into the sky again.

"I hate tall guys~"

This time Zhang Lie did not dive again, but stepped on the ground steadily several times in a row, intending to stop.

Although he could still attack the bottom road, that kind of tactics required speed advantage, but it was obvious that his speed was at a disadvantage, and he had no advantage in weapons or height.

In this situation, there was no need to humiliate himself again, anyway, his purpose was just to prove his strength.

Aokiji also touched his head and thought to himself: "It was a close call. I almost used my ability just now. Fortunately, this guy is a second-level cripple."

If Zhang Lie knew what Aokiji was thinking, he would have to fight again... Forget it, just write it down in the notebook, and see how he will fool you when you are ready to leave the navy.

The fight between the two started quickly and ended quickly. They only exchanged a few moves in total, but both of them had a bottom line in their hearts.

Aokiji spoke first: "Your improvement speed is really surprising to me, but this strength is only that of an ordinary lieutenant general, not even an elite lieutenant general.

I advise you again, it's okay to be a Shichibukai for a few days, but your strength is not enough to survive this war, so it's better to save your potential and role for the future."

Zhang Lie laughed: "That's enough, can't Moriah be a Shichibukai?"

"That guy is too corrupt and is no longer qualified for the position of Shichibukai. After this war, there will be no such person in Shichibukai."

"When we arrive at Shabaodi, I dare not say anything else. In the second gear state, the strength and speed can surpass you." Zhang Lie gave his own guarantee.

Aokiji evaluated it and finally agreed: "That's fine, at least you can save your life."

Zhang Lie breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: "Then it's settled, you are not allowed to regret it."

"Tsk, who do you think I am? I am a navy admiral!"

Zhang Lie achieved his goal and immediately called Bruno over: "The matter here is over, let's go back to Barbaro Island."

After saying that, Zhang Lie jumped up and prepared to fly away with the Moon Step, but after swaying in the sky, he finally fell back to the ice.

"Don't you know where to go?" Aokiji's words were full of sarcasm. "You said at the beginning that you were near Barbaro Island, but you were off by more than 500 kilometers. That's amazing."

Zhang Lie looked embarrassed: "This error is not big, isn't it? In the end, didn't we achieve our goal? Besides, who else can do this except me?"

"That's true." Aokiji stopped talking about this and threw something over, "Catch it."

Zhang Lie found that it was a recording pointer and quickly caught it, fearing that it would fall to the ground and break.

"This is the permanent pointer of Barbaro Island. Go back by yourself. I won't follow you." Aokiji said and turned into ice and disappeared.

Zhang Lie no longer cared about him, identified the direction, and took Bruno to the destination with the moon steps.

On Barbaro Island, Ajin and Martin were chewing a piece of barbecue, and they were secretly looking at Kalifa while eating.


"What do you two mean by looking at me like that?" Kalifa suddenly stuck the barbecue stick in her hand into the ground.

"No... nothing." Ajin shrank his head and quickly buried his head in the meat.

Martin was unaware: "Kalifa, why don't we cook in the future? Look at this meat..."

"What's wrong with the meat? Can't fill your mouth?" Kalifa interrupted immediately.

"It can fill your mouth, but it's too chewy. I stuffed it in for too long."



Ajin laughed at the side: "This husky has no sense at all.""What are you laughing at!" Kalifa's eyes immediately slanted over.

"This meat tastes so good that the corners of my mouth unconsciously began to rise." Ajin hurriedly said.

He and Martin looked at each other, and a sense of sympathy and sadness came to their hearts. This matter started from the day Zhang Lie left.

After the two left, the first two days were fine, but then I don't know what happened, Kalifa suddenly became very irritable.

Originally, it would be fine to let her rest, but Kalifa insisted that she couldn't do nothing, so she took charge of the meals. The key is that her cooking skills are hard to describe.

It took a week for this matter to ease up, but now I don't know why it started again. Now the two of them feel the love of their mothers again, the kind after getting into trouble.

Just as the two were crying secretly, Martin suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky. Kalifa was about to get angry, but suddenly remembered something and looked over.

Sure enough, two figures soon appeared in the sky, one was swooping down with moon steps, looking very handsome, and the other was being carried and thrown around, looking very unlucky.

Zhang Lie had already seen Barbaro Island from a distance, and when he thought of Kalifa's secretary on the island, the fatigue from a night and a morning of travel suddenly dissipated.

He arranged his clothes, combed his hair, carried the burden, and adjusted a handsome posture, looking both domineering and elegant, intending to make an impressive appearance.

As soon as he landed, Zhang Lie threw Bruno to the ground. The guy was out of breath after the last section of the road, and he fainted directly after the last one.

But no one cared about him now. Ajin and Martin were about to step forward to ask, when suddenly a figure passed by.

"Boss, you are finally back. Kalifa has been worried these days, and she has to feed these two gluttons every day. She should do less such dangerous things in the future."


Ajin and Martin had wooden faces, and they didn't dare to greet or explain.

Zhang Lie was quite interested: "Kalifa-chan is cooking, so I have to try it."

Martin picked up a piece of barbecue and handed it to him very attentively. Zhang Lie took a bite decisively, then looked at Ajin and Martin with sympathy, and finally looked at Bruno lying on the ground.

"I was wrong, wake up soon."

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