With a gunshot, the originally peaceful village suddenly fell into chaos, and some people fled for their lives.

There were also some rooms without any movement, but the people inside were hiding in the caves according to the induction.

"Little guys, burn everything, kill everything, rob everything, ahahahaha, let you know how powerful I am, Kamor!"

A man stood at the front, followed by a group of younger brothers, holding a pistol and firing several shots at the crowd.

The attitude was very arrogant, just a little bit worse than that of a pirate flying a navy flag.

Zhang Lie instantly used his ability to lock the flying bullet, trying to stop it before it hit.

But what was somewhat unexpected was that the hit fruit was completely unable to lock, and even did not detect any signs of bullets.


Zhang Lie's mood sank, because just because of such a misjudgment, those people had been shot in the chest and were about to die.

Bruno looked at Zhang Lie: "Captain, do you want to do it?"

Zhang Lie did not answer, but his figure flashed to the front of the man who called himself Camor, which was very clear.

The other three people also scattered instantly, each responsible for a direction, and easily stopped those who were ready to burn, kill and loot.

Zhang Lie looked at the guy in front of him and asked solemnly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Ahahahaha, good question, you can call me Lord Camor, the captain of the Blood Glove Pirates, a pirate with a bounty of 250 million Baileys!"

"250 million? How is it possible!" Zhang Lie widened his eyes, because he had never heard of this guy.

Camor said proudly: "How is it, are you scared? I saw that your speed just now was very good. Do you want to join me? I can be merciful and let you be a vice captain."

Zhang Lie didn't care about what this guy said, but stared at him for a while. He felt that this man could not have domineering power in terms of momentum or bounty.

So he tried to ask: "Do you know domineering?"

"Domineering?" Camor tilted his head, "I have heard of it. It seems to be a power different from the devil fruit. What do you mean by asking this?"

"Oh, nothing, just asking."

Zhang Lie secretly locked the Camor in front of him with the fruit power, but just like before, there was no reaction at all.

He didn't know what the reason was. It might be that the other party had some special fruit ability.

And they came from the same direction as him, and Zhang Lie was also a little worried about Ajin.

"Did you see a pirate ship when you came? There was a man guarding it."

"Pirate ship? Do you mean you are a pirate too?" Camor shouted, "Just right, if I defeat you and gather you and your subordinates, my bounty will increase again."

"If you want me to get on the ship, then defeat me first." Zhang Lie breathed a sigh of relief and immediately changed the subject.

Although the situation was a bit strange, but no matter what, you have to try it to know, and Zhang Lie avoided any problems and did not refuse directly, intending to explore the other party's details first.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Lie rushed out instantly, shaving at the maximum speed, and his heartbeat increased to the critical point, ready to enter the second gear at any time.

Flashing behind the other party, Camor still did not move, but Zhang Lie did not dare to be careless. After all, this was the guy who made the hit fruit invalid. Who knows what means he would have.

The fist was raised, the fist was swung, the fist touched the back of Camor's head, and the fist took Camor into the ground. Camor was motionless, and even his heartbeat was gone.

Zhang Lie immediately turned on the maximum sensor and alerted every possible attack direction around him.

However, a minute later, Martin and his men dealt with those men and rushed over, but there was no attack.

"Did he escape? But I didn't sense this guy appearing in other places?"

Zhang Lie was confused and looked at the "corpse" in front of him whose head was smashed into the ground. He pulled out the Ghost Cut to kill the head.

The 'corpse' slowly oozes blood from the broken part, just like a real corpse. Zhang Lie looked at Bruno:

"Check the corpse to see if it's real. Why does it feel so unreal? It's gone in an instant?"

Martin yelled, "Captain, don't you know your strength? You deliberately let the other party be careless. It's strange that this pirate with a bounty of more than 200 million can withstand a punch."

Zhang Lie shook his head: "Normally, this is the case, but this guy can make my Hit Fruit ability invalid. I always feel that this shouldn't be the case. He has no ability to resist at all."

At this time, Bruno stood up: "Captain, with my many years of professional knowledge and experience, I can't tell what's wrong with this corpse."

Zhang Lie still believes in him, or in his previous professional ability. Although there are many doubts, he can only put it aside temporarily.

But thenEven those subordinates were killed, not one was spared, so that even if the other party died in place of others, they would be seriously injured.

At this moment, the receptionist from the daytime came from a distance. Zhang Lie had already noticed this guy on the side, but he didn't call him because the situation was unclear.

He walked over and said, "Thank you all for your help, otherwise if there were heavy casualties, my sin would be even greater."

Zhang Lie didn't think much about it, but just sighed, "Alas, I'm very sorry, but a few people died."

"No, no." The receptionist waved his hands repeatedly, "It's just injuries, we will take care of it, don't worry, no one will die."

"That's good, the wounded and the bodies will be left to you to deal with, and we will go back to sleep."

Since there are local people in charge, Zhang Lie certainly doesn't want to make more trouble. Sleep is more important. He is just a supernova-level pirate.

Although there are some abnormal situations, with his and Martin's induction ability, they are not worried about being attacked by others.

After that, nothing happened overnight. The next morning, when everyone went outside, they still saw clean and tidy streets, and the houses were completely undamaged.

"The handling speed was very fast. With this ability to handle things, it seems that those people last night can really be saved." Zhang Lie was in a good mood.

But at this time, Martin came up stealthily, hiding behind Zhang Lie and looking around, and then whispered:

"Captain, the situation is not right. You know my fruit. I was energetic and didn't sleep at night, but I didn't sense any movement at all."

"What the hell, are you sure?" Although he said so, Zhang Lie's face did not change at all.

"I am sure and very sure."

Although Martin had been hiding it, after daily interactions and battles, how could Zhang Lie not know that this guy had gone further on the road of observation than himself.

So Zhang Lie reminded: "Don't be like this, be natural, just pretend that nothing happened and nothing was discovered."

Martin looked around and found that Bruno and Kalifa also had no reaction, but a closer look showed that they were obviously in a state of mental tension.

It turned out that everyone around him was knowledgeable, and he was the only one who was not good at it. Martin immediately followed suit and adjusted his state, and a group of people walked out.

However, Zhang Lie also kept an eye on it. He silently called out the panel in his mind and found the problem. The latest kill record was half a month ago on the floating island.

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