Zhang Lie stood at the place where he came in in the morning, but found that there was no trace of the passage at all. Facing the fog, he was completely helpless.

At this time, Kalifa came up: "Captain, I remembered the route on the way here, so it should be fine."

"Remember the route? How did you remember it? Is it reliable?" Martin was a little unconvinced.

"Judge the direction, remember the number of steps and turns, and it won't be a big problem." Kalifa was very confident.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Zhang Lie glanced at Martin, "Or you can smell it with your nose to see if you can find the smell."

Martin waved his hand and said, "I tried it, but it didn't work. This fog is a bit special. The smell is intermittent and it's easy to lose direction."

"Then I can only let Kalifa try." Zhang Lie spread his hands and looked at the secretary.

Kalifa nodded, walked to the front of the fog and observed carefully, moved a few steps, then closed her eyes and walked forward, saying:

"Follow me closely, don't get separated."

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on Martin." Bruno walked behind Martin and grabbed his shoulders.

"Hey, what do you mean, what do you mean keep an eye on me? I'm very reliable, okay."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and catch up." Zhang Lie urged, and followed Kalifa into the fog.

The pace of the few people was not slow, but not fast either. Kalifa closed her eyes and walked in front. The distance and time of each step were very standard, as if the length was calculated.

Zhang Lie held the Ghost Cut, his eyes kept wandering around, alert to possible dangers.

There was something wrong with this place, so even if he had a sense of danger, he still didn't dare to be careless.

Or since he found that his will was affected, he no longer believed in this sense.

Just as they were sailing through the fog, a warship arrived near the island. Even in the middle of the night, the navy did not stop.

A beautiful navy walked into the captain's room, and then habitually fanned her nose twice with her hand, but the smoke still penetrated into her nose.

The navy showed a helpless expression and reported directly: "Commodore Smoker, there are no large islands in this sea area. Do we still need to continue the cruise?"

Smoker took a deep breath, and the two cigars in his mouth were obviously shorter:

"What if we don't continue? This is what Aokiji told us to do. Although it was a private call and I don't know why, it can't be treated as a normal situation after all."

When Tashiki heard Aokiji's name, she was stunned for a moment, and then her expression was solemn: "I understand."

After speaking, she left the room, came to the deck, and ordered the helmsman: "Keep going forward, don't stop until you receive other orders."


The helmsman stared at the front, controlled the rudder, and kept moving forward in a straight direction.

But in the eyes of the navy, the straight direction turned an arc at the edge of the island and passed by Vans Island, and no one in the navy saw an island next to them.

Just when the navy arrived near Vans Island, Zhang Lie and his party had been walking for a while, Martin suddenly spoke:

"Captain, do you feel that the fog around you seems to be less dense?"

"Hmm?" Zhang Lie took a closer look and found that it was true, "Yes, I can see farther. It's worthy of being a Husky. Its eyes are much better than those of humans."

"Captain, what do you mean?" Martin was dissatisfied.

"Nothing, I'm praising you."

"Ahaha, that's a must."

No longer paying attention to the easy-to-fool Erha, Zhang Lie switched his ability to the long-unused Rat Fruit. In this state, the mouse is more adaptable to the environment.

Although there is no bonus to vision, hearing, smell and sensing ability have been greatly enhanced, and he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Martin, do you smell blood?" Zhang Lie asked Martin, who also has a strong sense of sensing, with some uncertainty.

"I smelled it, but it's nothing, right? After all, I heard the roar of wild beasts in the morning. Isn't it normal to smell blood?"

Zhang Lie had no room to refute this statement. After all, the smell of blood was very light, and it felt like an animal was bleeding in the distance.

But he always felt that something was wrong. The bonus of the Rat-Rat Fruit, plus the fact that the mist had become lighter, made his senses seem to have a little effect again.

"But I always feel that there is someone nearby." Zhang Lie said, and added: "It's a person, not an animal."

Martin immediately closed his eyes and sensed carefully. Sure enough, not long after, he had the same feeling.

"Yes, it seems that there is someone, just in front."

"No need to seem, I have seen it." Zhang Lie stared at the front.

Kalifa stopped, still standing at attention with her eyes closed. Zhang Lie walked to her.In front, Martin and Bruno stood on both sides, alert to the surroundings.

The fire was getting closer and closer. When it was ten meters away, Zhang Lie finally saw the fire clearly. It was a lantern, and it was the receptionist Ed who was holding it.

The other party was obviously not like Zhang Lie and the others. He had sensed someone approaching in advance, but he didn't notice it until he met them. He was stunned and spoke for a long time:

"You... actually violated the rules and went out at night!"

"If you didn't go out at night, how could I see you like this?"

Zhang Lie stared at Ed, or more precisely, at the prey in Ed's hand. It was a wolf, and the smell of blood came from there.

This was nothing, just prey, but Ed's action was to chew wolf meat. The problem was that it was raw and blood was still dripping.

Ed smiled, and then disappeared. This repeated several times, and finally only his face was left with a wooden face, without any emotion.

"Order is above all else. You violated the rules and must be punished!"

Zhang Lie looked at the other party, feeling a little unsure of the other party's situation. Although he did not feel any danger, who knows if this feeling is right?

Ed threw away the lantern, rushed up with force on his feet, and punched Zhang Lie in the face.

In the intelligence department of the Navy Headquarters, Mort had no expression on his face, but the action of constantly flipping through the intelligence revealed his inner anxiety.

"Just like the past 20 years, there are no islands in that area, but why are there so many disappearances?

Especially pirates, many pirates have disappeared here, the strongest one was Ed Kamor with a bounty of 250 million ten years ago. That island definitely did not disappear!"

Mort pressed his temples and had a headache: "All those with observation Haki are vice admirals, and none of them are free at this time. I can only let that smoker make do. Alas, I hope it will be okay."

At the edge of the village, several people emerged from the mist. Kalifa opened her eyes and saw the village not far away, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mission accomplished." Kalifa said to Zhang Lie, and then stood back.

Zhang Lie didn't pay attention to her, but looked at Ed on Martin's shoulder, and said with a strange face:

"Where does this guy get the courage to rush up and fight four people? He is not even as good as Martin at this level."

"Hey, Captain, I'm not a unit of measurement. Besides, I'm not weak, not to mention I have two big swords!"

Bruno and Kalifa didn't say anything. Martin won the fight one against two. Although he didn't beat them, he was obviously stronger than the two of them.

"Okay, Kalifa, do you remember the way here? If you remember, let's leave first and don't worry about what's happening here."

Kalifa nodded: "Leave it to me."

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