"Heita, she's so precious! She deleted all my game accounts!"

Silver Wolf continued to type on the keyboard in a rage, but as Heita regained full control of the space station, the "back door" left in the defense system was completely eliminated.

For the love of Liuying, she really paid too much, but fortunately the final result was good, at least Liuying didn't directly ignite the sea inside the ship.

The number of enemy targets indicated on the radar system gradually increased, and Silver Wolf sighed. If it were normal times, he would have to fight these minions of destruction.

But now...

Silver Wolf did not rule out that Heita sent the signal source code to the company. If he continued to stay there and entangled, he would only wait for the company's cross-star main guns to bombard indiscriminately.

The seat next to him trembled slightly, and Liuying's eyes regained light after a brief trance. Silver Wolf keenly noticed that something had changed.

Wait... Sam would actually show such a happy smile? !

Silver Wolf widened his eyes. This feeling was like Blade changing into a maid outfit to participate in the Star Idol Selection Competition. It was impossible.

"Looks like you guys had a good chat?"

"Well, thank you, Silver Wolf."

Liu Ying raised her right hand again, just looking at the ring on her ring finger. Anyone who was not blind could see the joy in her eyes.

"Hey, love."

"Hey, little boyfriend."

Master Yin sighed deeply. How could this thing be better than a game?

In this world, only games will not deceive feelings!

Thinking of this, Silver Wolf couldn't help but recall those lost game accounts, and wished he could offer "I mourn for the dead" to Black Tower now.

They are vain and easy to mess with!

After hearing Yinlang's teasing, Liuying's cheeks flushed slightly. She took off the transformation device from her waist and said, "End the battle here as soon as possible."

"Hey - wait a minute!"

"I will, light up the sea!"

Before Yinlang finished speaking, the rear half of the ship was ignited with a blue flame. Liuying, who had transformed into Sam, seemed to be particularly motivated today.

The blue flame was like the most dazzling meteor in the sea of ​​stars, quickly cleaning up the antimatter army around.

"Go back."

"Don't you plan to go find your boyfriend?"

"Well...you can contact me on the phone," Liuying's beautiful eyes sparkled as the flames dissipated. The phone screen displayed a new friend application notification.

The name on it was An Ming.

Silver Wolf sighed helplessly and asked word by word: "I say, are you in love?"

"How could that be? I'm very calm."


Silver Wolf couldn't figure out where Liuying was calm. Was it because she was staring at the screen of her mobile phone with a happy smile, or because she looked at the ring on her ring finger whenever she had nothing to do?

Love is really scary!

A girl in love is even scarier!



"March, I'm hurt."

"I know, but my heart hurts more."

March Seven and Xing were peeping at the explosive scene that had just happened in a hidden corner in a posture that was almost stacked up. Ms. Xing said that she didn't care, but her eyes honestly betrayed her mouth and stared at An Ming's back without blinking.

"Cyber ​​girlfriend? Did An Ming really lie to us..." March Seven blinked his eyes, meaning that can you really give a girlfriend in your dreams? There is such a good thing.

"As a love master, my evaluation is that it is true love at first sight, and it is identified as a love that spans thousands of years!"

"You have watched too many science fiction love movies."

March Seven rolled his eyes at Xing speechlessly, feeling that if he continued, Xing would take away the role of complaining in the train group, and then she would only be able to be a vase!

"Look, why is An Ming crying again?" Xing poked March Seven with her elbow, interrupting her random thoughts.


March Seven pondered for a moment, showing an expression of sudden enlightenment, "The last time he cried was because of the loss of his wife, so this time it must be because my wife has resurrected."

Xing blinked, feeling a little unreliable.

If it is such a serious matter as resurrection, there should at least be a mysterious password, such as "Resurrection, my love" or something like that?

An Ming still closed his eyes, feeling the non-existent warmth.

Although the kiss is illusory, love is real.

At that moment, An Ming and Liu Ying also reconfirmed their feelings for each other, and the last worries in their hearts disappeared.

No explanation is needed, and there is no feeling of strangeness. Just looking at each other's eyes can feel all the emotions.

They are everything to each other, and they have long been in tune with each other.

The signal of the space station is very unstable, orPerhaps the Black Tower cleared the network loopholes left by the hackers, and the figure of the Firefly disappeared on the spot after experiencing severe blurring as if the signal was bad.

On the ground where she was standing, there was a small electronic graffiti, and the position pointed by the Q version of the silver wolf clearly marked a string of IDs.

An Ming could naturally guess that this was the digital ID to contact the Firefly, and immediately took out his mobile phone and entered a long string of numbers, and sent a friend request to the user with the Firefly avatar that he searched for.

Almost as soon as An Ming sent the request, it was immediately approved in the next second. The Firefly avatar flashed cutely and sent a Pam heart emoticon package.

Wait... Could it be that the Pam emoticon package is universal?

An Ming also sent a Pam like emoticon package, and a gentle smile unconsciously hung on the corner of his mouth.

Not far away, Sanyueqi and Xing were shocked and widened their eyes.

Sanyueqi murmured: "Is this the man who fell in love with the cyber love? It's really terrible..." She never thought that An Ming would actually have such a smile.

Xing sighed, "Why don't I have any friends of my mother?"

"Your idea is even more dangerous!"

March Seven glared at Xing unhappily. The other party was a star core hunter worth 10.8 billion credit points. If a child like Xing who was simple-minded and pure had Kafka's friends, he would definitely be deceived into knowing the color of the train's underwear.

"Stay away from bad women!"

"Why would my mother lie to me?"

Xing curled her lips, obviously not taking it to heart at all.

"You two, we can continue chatting after we get on the train," Ji Zi's voice frightened the two of them, and they trembled all over, "The train is about to leave the space station and prepare for the jump."

March Seven smiled guiltily, "Yeah, I'll go and catch An Ming back and make sure I complete the mission!"

Xing blinked and quickly responded, "Me too!"

After the two of them said that, they rushed towards An Ming, with a momentum of two heroes fighting Lu Bu, and Ji Zi smiled helplessly.

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