At the end of the endless darkness, there was a vibrant green grass.

Blood like gold fell from the heights, turning into golden veins and forming gurgling streams to nourish the earth.

At the other end of the sky, there were green branches crossing the sea of ​​clouds, weaving the song of life between the bends and intertwines.

An Ming slowly opened his eyes, but found that he could not move his eyes.

He was watching him there, with a faint and quiet smile on the corners of his mouth, only compassion between his eyebrows, and one of his six arms held a jade plate filled with golden liquid.

He never spoke, but An Ming felt His will from the depths of his mind.

[Let all sentient beings]

[All you ask for is granted]

The gorgeous light rain fell, and An Ming suddenly found that there were countless dark figures on his side and even behind him, kneeling on both sides of the stream.

They raised their hands eagerly and respectfully to touch the light rain, and laughed ecstatically, but it soon dissipated among the brambles and leaves.

He still looked at An Ming, and the plate filled with golden liquid slowly tilted -

The boiling stream watered An Ming, as if the pain in the depths of his soul was washed away in an instant.


An Ming squeezed out two words from his mouth with difficulty, and couldn't understand why he appeared here

He slowly closed his eyes, and the lotus behind him bloomed and disappeared.


Just sacrifice with blood and flesh.

"Wake up..."

An Ming heard the pharmacist's whisper, but couldn't understand the meaning.

So he suddenly opened his eyes, sweat soaked his back, subconsciously looked around, and found that he was still in the train and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The jump is about to start, passenger An Ming, are you okay?"

"It was just a nightmare, I'm fine."

Pam carefully confirmed that An Ming was fine before continuing to prepare for the jump. Sanyueqi put his hands on his hips and stared at him suspiciously, "You should go look in the mirror, your face is whiter than my skin."

"What kind of nightmare did you have? Did your firefly wife in the dream divorce you?"

"Hey... I've said it so many times, that's really my wife."

"Yeah, yeah, go on."

Sanyueqi showed an expression of "mental patients won't say they are mentally ill" looking at a fool, "Actually, I'm a star god with amnesia, v me 5000 credit points, listen to my resurrection plan."

An Ming gave Sanyueqi an elbow in a bad mood. He had to drag Liuying to the scene to perform a passionate kiss for this person to believe it, right?

Sanyueqi stuck out her tongue, sat beside Anming, raised her legs and said proudly: "Don't vomit all over the floor when you jump later."

"Can I jump while lying on the bed?" Xing fastened her seat belt awkwardly.

"The train is about to jump--"




Sanyueqi: "?"

No, how come her 1 is gone!

The strong vibration turned the light and shadow in the train into azure blue, and the feeling of traveling through the future made Anming feel a little strange.

The scenery outside the window kept changing, and finally stopped in front of a snow-white planet.

Before Anming had time to sigh at the wonderful feeling of jumping, Sanyueqi's unstable body pushed him back to the sofa. The white elbow strike of the girl when she fell was always particularly charming.

Xing watched Anming faint on the sofa after being elbowed by Sanyueqi. A great emperor could not escape the fate of falling after all.

At the moment when An Ming was elbowed, the countdown on the system interface also returned to zero. Time stagnated again in a familiar posture, and the choice appeared in front of him again with almost no change.

[Life simulator has cooled down. Do you want to start it? ]


[Life simulator, start! ]

An Ming rubbed his head that was hit by March Seven's elbow for a few seconds, and looked at the option that still had no rejection and was a little speechless.


An Ming seriously suspected that the system wanted him to say the word "start" in person.

[Life simulator starting...]

[Please choose three talents from the following talents as the talents used in this simulation]

[Gold] Not like a teenager

Burn memories in exchange for the power to ignite the world.

The more distant and precious the memories are, the stronger the effect will be.

The life you have experienced will become a sharp blade to cut off the shackles.

The wind galloping in youth is more valuable than gold.

[Red] Blessing of the Star God

A kind of blessing, a glance, a memory somewhere.

Nothing, or win everything.

[White] The most agile dog in the mountains

You are reborn as the most agile dog in the mountains, born with full agility, and will bite anyone you see.


[Purple] Sword Heart

When you hold the sword, you will become the sword.

One sword light chills the nineteen continents.

[Green] Star Dome Railway Master

You are proficient in turn-based pacing, and the zero-life team can easily reach the twelfth floor of the abyss at 0t.

[Blue] Social Animal

You will gain perseverance and endurance beyond the ordinary, but you will always be sleep deprived.

Go! Go and become the social animal king!

As long as you keep working hard, you can make your boss live a happier life!

"Not like it in the end, Young Travel, Star God Blessing, Sword Heart," An Ming really doesn't believe that this Star God Blessing can't open good things. It's impossible to laugh every time you open a surprise gift box, right?

How can you keep losing? !

This time's talent selection is much easier than the last time. Excluding the must-choose gold and red talents, this time's purple talent Sword Heart is quite reliable.

It belongs to a talent that you can feel the beauty of strength just by looking at the name.

As for Not Like It in the End, Young Travel... "Damn, I won't die young this time," An Ming silently complained. Now when he sees this type of talent, he feels that he will die again at the beginning.

Can't he live to be 18 years old first? This life simulator is too uneconomical. You can only play for 18 years at most, right?

As for the Star Dome Railway Master, An Ming said he didn't understand. He said, "I mourn for the dead (two lives).

[Talent selection completed, second simulation about to begin]

[Simulation content is all fictitious]

[Talent confirmation in progress——]

An Ming found that compared with the initial simulation, the system was much smoother this time. Could it be that this thing will also be updated?

[Finally not like, young travel]

[Sword Heart]

[Star God Blessing - Golden Blood]

Let all sentient beings get what they want.

The golden blood bestowed by the pharmacist flows in your body

When you embrace abundance, you will gain an immortal life. The golden blood flows between your flesh and blood, bestowing the blessing of immortality.

Life rises and falls but never extinguishes, and all decline and illness will dissipate.

It was actually abundance... An Ming couldn't help but think of the dream he had not long ago, where he saw the pharmacist and the golden blood that was poured out.

In any case, the pharmacist is much more reliable than Aha. The three talents simulated this time are all ridiculously strong. An Ming doesn't know how he will die this time.

The familiar feeling of dizziness came over him, and his consciousness was swept into the dazzling white light while the world was turning upside down.

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