[At the age of ten, you slowly walked out of the pain of losing your loved ones through sword practice day after day. Fu Xuan was worried that Jingtian, a wooden head, could not comfort you, so he broke the oath he made at the beginning]

[Jingtian told you that Fu Xuan had vowed never to return to Yuque again, just to prove to him that fate was not the only way, and there must be something that could transcend the so-called fate]

[Fu Xuan always came to Yuque from Luofu in the warm spring when peach blossoms were in full bloom. You also became more and more fond of this senior sister and regarded her as a real sister]

"We, the Cloud Riders, are like clouds blocking the sky--"

"Protect the Immortal Boat!"

An Ming looked at Yao Guang in the sky. He was a real general in front of the Cloud Riders and would devote everything to the Immortal Boat.

Since becoming a Cloud Rider, An Ming has joined the daily training of the Cloud Riders. For him, these basic exercises are not even one-tenth of the intensity of his daily training with Yao Guang.

The original opinions about the existence of short-lived species gradually disappeared under An Ming's strength.

No matter when and where, the strong are always respected.

"Good morning, An Ming."

The girl with long light blue hair was full of heroic spirit. She came to An Ming with a standard fine steel sword in hand, "Please teach me."

Most of the people in Yunqi are immortals, but Aini and he are both a minority of short-lived people. They all stayed in Yuque for various reasons, so they can still chat. "I will do my best."

An Ming carefully put the wooden sword into the special scabbard. In recent years, he no longer needs to use the wooden sword for practice, and instead uses the heavier fine iron sword.

But this wooden sword is his original sword heart, and he will not fall wherever he goes.

Aini laughed dryly a few times, and hurriedly pushed his hand and refused repeatedly, "No, no, no, just three-tenths of strength will do. Who among us doesn't know your ability."

But the moment An Ming held the scabbard, it was clear that nothing had changed, but the handsome boy in his sight seemed to be instantly covered by a soaring sword breath, so sharp that it was like the first ray of light at dawn.

Holding the sword, you don't need to think too much.

Before thinking, the body has already moved on its own -

Hold the sword, then cut, it's as simple as that.

The sword shadow of Dawn cut through the air in front of Annie's neck hundreds of times in an instant, and the terrifying sword breath left countless messy sword marks on the girl's armor in mid-air.

"Thank you."

An Ming bowed slightly, Annie didn't even see him put away the sword, and couldn't make even a decent resistance.

After releasing the sword, An Ming returned to the elegant and polite boy of the past. In the past year since he lost his loved ones, he seemed to have changed into a different person.

It takes decades to grow up, and sometimes it only takes a moment.

"You are so powerful," the pink figure came over with a bottle of water, bringing a pleasant peach blossom fragrance.

"Sister Xuan'er..."

An Ming showed a smile that Annie had never seen before, which was an expression that only appeared when he really wanted to see someone.

Fu Xuan knocked his head unhappily, "I've told you so many times, you should call me Senior Sister when you are outside."

"Senior Sister."


Fu Xuan nodded with satisfaction, then nodded slightly to Aini, "Thank you for taking care of my brother."

"No..." Aini wanted to say that with An Ming's strength, it was hard to say who took care of whom, but Fu Xuan had already left the martial arts field holding An Ming's hand.

Looking at the backs of the tall and short people, I felt inexplicably harmonious, like a beautiful painting.

But it could no longer be integrated into anything else.

"Junior brother, even I can't see through your sword skills," Fu Xuan's eyes were more filled with joy, and he was sincerely happy for An Ming's growth.

"It's still far from Sister Xuan'er."


Fu Xuan's mouth curled up a smile, "Who always says 'diviners are all women'?"

An Ming blinked guiltily, "Yes, yes... it's not me anyway!"

That's called being young and frivolous and ignorant. If he were to do it again, he would definitely not say such disrespectful words again.

"Diviners are all girls as cute as Sister Fu Xuan."

"Your little mouth is quite sweet."

Fu Xuan's white index finger lightly tapped An Ming's forehead, "Have you seen Master?"

"I haven't seen Master a few times in the past year. He is so mysterious. He is probably still in the Ten Directions Light Reflection Realm." An Ming saw the candied haws on the roadside, and after carefully counting his small purse, he went to buy two smooth hawthorn candied haws.

An Ming handed the candied haws to Fu Xuan, and his clear eyes made it impossible to say no.

Fu Xuan took the candied haws, opened his cherry lips slightly, and bit off a small piece of hawthorn covered with sugar.

The sweet feeling was like the taste of happiness, and then there was a slight bitterness until the sweetness completely dissipated.

"Recently, Bu Liren has been in Fanghu and LuofuThere are signs of activity nearby again," Fu Xuan hesitated whether to tell An Ming, but his junior brother, as a cloud rider, will have to face a real war one day.

The sword will always be unsheathed one day.

No matter why it is unsheathed, the sharp edge that penetrates the world will eventually be shown to the world.

Fu Xuan can proudly tell others that his junior brother is a true swordsmanship genius, and he is pleased from the bottom of his heart that An Ming can get to this point.

Such a sword...

Maybe, just maybe, it can cut off the ruthless fate.

Opening up a non-existent second road from the only road of destiny, if it is An Ming, maybe it can really be done.

"Abundant people..." An Ming ate most of the candied haws in one bite, and said thoughtfully: "Master has been divination for this matter recently."

"I can only see the vague future, perhaps with the help of the ten-direction light reflection Dharma Realm to see some hexagrams. "

Fu Xuan's eyes flashed with worry and fear. The fate of killing her master with her own hands was like a shackle that constantly blocked her way forward. That fate would come one day.

And she... was unwilling to accept such a fate.

If the initial meeting was for the loss of the future, what reason was there to bear this painful fate?

"Sister, Master's divination is still very reliable," An Ming always felt that Jingtian was the most powerful divination he had ever seen. Only such a person was qualified to peek into the will of heaven and peek into a corner of the future destiny.

Fu Xuan sighed lightly. That was why she was afraid to face the fate that was bound to come. As the Grand Diviner of Yuque, Jingtian's divination had never been wrong.

That was a reality that was bound to happen. No matter how she tried to escape, she could not escape the gaze of fate.

Fu Xuan remembered the last divination he performed on An Ming. He could only see the complex connection with her, but could not see the future shrouded in fog.

What does An Ming... mean to her?

If he was just a junior brother, would there be such a complicated future?

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