As the saying goes, the wind is whistling and the berg is cold, and the bird warriors will never return once they leave.

In the ice and snow, Qingque, who looked like a small bird, rubbed her nose tip that was frozen red, whispered "Ah Qiu", and muttered with a bitter face:

"Master Fu Xuan is obviously torturing me..."

I don't know if she can find her master, but she is going to be frozen into a Beloberg ice sculpture. Don't let her get cold.

After leaving Luofu, Qingque took the star raft and headed to Yaliluo-VI without stopping. However, this place is too remote, and it is difficult to identify the correct direction even with the star map.

In addition, the star map that records the Yaliluo route is an old thing from the Amber Age, so it is inevitable that there will be some slight deviations in the route.

As the saying goes, she went through thousands of hardships just to prevent the old lady Taibu from becoming a widow. If Master Fu Xuan falls into the devil's shadow because of this, it will be a big deal.

Qingque didn't want to succeed Luofu's new chief fortune teller at such a young age, how could he slack off?

"Why would Master be in such a ghost place? Could it be that he thought this place was lonely and the environment was bad, and Master Fu Xuan wouldn't find out..." Qingque blinked and set his sights on several obvious footprints not far away.

The wind and snow had stopped at this time, and the owner of the footprints must have just left. As long as he followed the footprints, he could find the town, and it would be much more convenient to inquire about Master's news at that time.

Qingque didn't fully believe that he could really find An Ming until he set foot on this icy and snowy land, but Fu Xuan's divination rarely made mistakes. As Luofu's chief fortune teller, he was also the most talented fortune teller in the alliance in the past hundred years, and the hexagrams he saw must have reflected something.

Qingque also personally experienced the love between An Ming and Fu Xuan, although at first she found it hard to imagine that anyone could impress Master Fu Xuan, after all, he looked like asexual (crossed out).

But during the days when she was with An Ming, Qing Que felt that he was kind and gentle, like a spring breeze. Although he was quite strict every time he taught her to practice sword, he really hoped that she would become better, and he never forced her to do anything.

Qing Que admitted that her master and her master were a rare couple, but such a beautiful love ended in tragedy.

An Ming was a hero, and this did not need to be recognized by the alliance, but was passed down by the cloud riders and remembered by the people who were protected.

Qing Que still remembers that day to this day. After learning the news of An Ming's sacrifice, she, who always liked to slack off, just went to the sword practice field silently and slashed at the straw man with one sword after another.

She did not dare to look for Fu Xuan, and was afraid to face those sad eyes.

An Ming was Qing Que's second master, and he was also the "culprit" who made her learn swordsmanship and become the head of the Qing Sword.

If An Ming is really still alive - this time she will not watch the past happen again, now she has the power to protect.

Qingque made up her mind and began to move forward in the direction of the footprints.

And Luofu at this time.

Fu Xuan sat on the Qiongguan formation, the Dharma Eye between his eyebrows exuded a faint purple glow, and the mysterious hexagrams were hung around his body.

As his breathing rose and fell, the faint red in his eyes faded.

Sending Qingque to Yaliluo-VI this time was a helpless move. It was not that she did not want to go to find An Ming in person. First, the current situation was turbulent and could not afford to lose. Luofu still needed her to watch the future.

Second, she needed to use the Qiongguan formation to assist the Dharma Eye to suppress the secret that no one knew.

"An Ming... is it really you?" Fu Xuan looked up at the sky. She had long been unwilling to believe the fate revealed by divination, but the place where fate touched was clearly An Ming's breath.

How could she resist exploring the location of that breath?

The slightly clenched hands showed that Fu Xuan's heart was far from being as calm as she showed. Only by holding the Wuming Sword tightly could she slightly suppress the impulse.

Not long ago, the second light spot observed was also unsealed, and it recorded her past with An Ming.

The farthest blue light spot symbolized the firefly of the Gramer period, the purple light spot was her after the third battle of the rich people, and at this moment the last light spot also began to show some light.

If the light spots were arranged in time, then the last light spot should be the time period closest to the present, and it is very likely to be in the recent past.

According to the order of unlocking, the third light spot should be unsealed soon. Although the meaning of this made Fu Xuan a little unhappy, this time in order to truly see through the whole future -

She would never feel the powerlessness of the past again, even if it made An Ming fall into the devil... It would be worth it!

For An Ming, she could do whatever it took, even if it touched the taboo that she once didn't want to believe in.It doesn't matter. As long as An Ming can be brought back to my side, no price is a price.

"I will always wait for you."

"No matter what you become, you are my husband."

Fu Xuan stroked the red rope between the hilt of the sword, and many thoughts flashed in her eyes.

The former Fu Xuan was dead. When there was no familiar figure under the peach tree, she killed her past self.

She will never forget the feeling of pain that made her unable to breathe. She shed tears for her whole life under the peach tree, and all that was left was Luo Fu Taibu who would do anything for An Ming.

Even if it was a taboo technique, what would it matter?

An Ming used to spend his whole life interpreting justice and kindness, but ended up like that.

So who could blame her for doing anything for An Ming?

Fu Xuan took a deep breath and eliminated the distracting thoughts in her heart. Whenever she thought of An Ming, those past memories turned into immortal vines like nightmares and entangled her body.

Only with the help of the Qiongguan Formation and the Dharma Eye can Fu Xuan maintain clarity and rationality, otherwise Fu Xuan cannot control herself from doing something impulsive.

As Luofu's Taibu, she has too much to bear, but before that, she was still An Ming's wife.

"Master, you always say that there is only one path for fate..." Fu Xuan blinked her crystal-like beautiful eyes and murmured, "Then I will go to the end of this path and meet him."

Life, soul, body, until Fu Xuan really lost An Ming, he realized that these are just useless external things.

An Ming did not lie and accompanied her through a happy life.

But this life is really too short.

It's so short that it's like a warm spring day. She leaned against An Ming and took a short rest. When she opened her eyes, everything disappeared like a dream.

She stretched out her hand to keep something, but she could only grab endless regret.

Only the peach tree was left.

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