"Do you really think he is still the same person?"

Before Liuying left the ship, Yinlang asked in confusion.

In normal thinking, the resurrection of an ancient man who has passed away for countless Amber Ages must contain many unknown factors.

It is impossible without any involvement. There must be the shadows of multiple hidden forces behind it.

But An Ming is too clean, just like a baby. It is hard for Yinlang to imagine that there are still such clean and transparent guys on the Internet in the interstellar today.

As a top hacker from Punk Lord, in her eyes, all traces left on the Internet will be nowhere to hide, even if they are destroyed, there will always be ways to trace the clues.

But An Ming did not. His first online record appeared in the Black Tower Space Station a hundred days ago. It was really like "appearing out of thin air" in this world. Before that, there was no record of a single bit.

Theoretically speaking, in this world, even the Star God can be known by people, let alone just an ordinary person. As long as he exists, he will inevitably leave traces.

But An Ming is an exception.

In Silver Wolf's eyes, this is more like a well-packaged trap, perhaps a trap used to deal with a certain star god.

Memory is not completely reliable, and the people in memory will eventually change. There is no eternity in this world, and even the future may be rewritten.

"Well, you are right."

Liuying did not refute. She also knew that there was nothing wrong with what Silver Wolf said, but she still walked to the cabin door, staring at the vast sea of ​​stars with her beautiful eyes like the glow of the sunset.

"Then why are you going!" Silver Wolf covered his head and sighed. Isn't this completely meaningless? After talking for a long time, he still has to find the boyfriend who is not sure whether he is a human or a ghost.

"He gave me a second life," Liuying looked at the transformation device in her palm and smiled gently: "As long as I see him, it doesn't matter if I die."

Waiting without hope is more painful than death.

Silver Wolf sighed quietly and crossed his legs, "Okay, okay, I understand. Don't come back and cry if you get cheated."

"I won't cry..."

Liu Ying pouted. She is very strong now and won't cry easily.

Silver Wolf laughed and said with eyes that saw through everything, "I bet that I will cry in advance the first time I see An Ming... no, the first second I see his outline."

"Eh..." Liu Ying turned her face to the side with a guilty conscience, her hair swaying in the wind under the light, "Just like when you encounter the sequel of the first game you have played, you will be moved to tears."

"Games are games!"

"An Ming is also An Ming!"

The two found that they could not convince each other, and finally just smiled helplessly.

Thinking back to the present, Liu Ying cast her eyes on the administrative district outside the window, her right hand supporting her cheek, her eyes full of gentle love.

Not far away, it can be clearly seen that An Ming is being pushed by Sanyueqi and Xing to treat guests. Dan Heng silently records the events on his mobile phone in preparation for the formal meeting tomorrow.

Qingque holds the mobile phone, and the screen falls on the chat interface of Master Fu Xuan. After thinking about it, he still doesn't know what to do.

Staring at the recent message on the screen [Qingque, how is your situation?], he fell into the longest thinking of his life. This is much more difficult than trying to slack off at work!

The reason why she hasn't replied to Fu Xuan is that those are just speculations. How can she slander the master without substantial evidence?

Unless it's now! Master and another girl kissed her on the face, otherwise it won't be considered a hammer!

Qingque secretly made up his mind, but in the next moment he was sweating profusely. What if... all this was expected by Master Fu Xuan?

What if Master Fu Xuan already knew about the existence of another girl...? !

Damn, it's a test!

Qingque immediately realized that something was wrong. Why didn't Fu Xuan come in person but had to ask her, a little Qingque, to come? It turned out that all this was part of the test.

If she didn't reply, she would be labeled as an iron wolf and sentenced to death in Fu Xuan's eyes!

"Miss Qingque, why are you sweating so much?"

March Seven tilted her head and blinked her eyes, her face full of shock. You know, they didn't even have time to feel cold, but Qingque looked like she was on a summer island.

Qingque laughed dryly a few times and didn't dare to look directly at An Ming's inquiring eyes, "No, it's just heatstroke."

Xing raised her eyebrows and handed Qingque a specialty popsicle in a familiar manner, "In my opinion, this will be the first case of heatstroke since the birth of Yalilo. Miss Qingque, you will become another monument to the advancement of Beloberg medicine!"

"..."Qingque's mouth twitched slightly, "Are all of you Wumingke so good at complaining?"

March Seven looked away with a guilty conscience, and secretly touched An Ming's arm to signal him to change the subject quickly. If he continued like this, Wumingke would become a symbol of complaining in the future!

"Qingque, what do you want to eat?" An Ming brought the menu to Qingque, and accidentally glanced at the scenery before the screen dimmed with his peripheral vision-

Instantly, sweating all over!

"An Ming, you also got heatstroke?" Doubt flashed in March Seven's beautiful eyes. It was really a ghost. If you didn't know, you would think that Beloberg was a desert city.

Xing looked at the only popsicle left in her hand again, and stared at An Ming and Qingque with a suspicious look, "Are you two trying to cheat me of the popsicle?"

He must think she's stupid!

"I, I'm fine!" An Ming said, holding Qingque's shoulder, showing a more friendly smile, "Que'er, Master is good to you every day..."

Qingque blinked guiltily and muttered softly: "Master, how about this, I will go to tell Master Fu Xuan in front of you, so that it won't be considered a backstab."

Yes, it's a stab in the back!

For the sake of future career slacking, I'm sorry, Master! Who told Fu Xuan to be her immediate boss.

"Just now I suddenly realized something about the way of the sword, good disciple, I will teach you."

"Master, this, this is not right."

Qingque quietly hid behind Xing, and pointed to the special dishes on the menu, "Give me one!"

"It doesn't matter, An Ming's royalties are a lot," Sanyueqi pulled An Ming's arm and took him to pay the bill first, ignoring Mingzi's dead eyes.

It's bad, it's really bad, I never thought that this disciple would be so evil.

An Ming seemed to be able to see Xuan'er carrying the Dayan Qiongguan Formation and descending from the sky, suppressing him and permanently sealing him in the 900th floor under Beloberg.

"Why are you crying? Is it that serious?" San Yueqi puffed his lips and sighed helplessly, "Here, I'll treat you this time."

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