A moment later, Jing Yuan summoned the Cloud Cavalry and brought him the same battle robes from Tian Ce Mansion.

"I'm really sorry, Brother Ye, it was a bit awkward just now."

Lin Ye waved his hand and smiled awkwardly.

Then he pointed to the last prop on the table.

【Private chat speaker: A chat prop. After using it, you can send messages to your friends and receive a reply from them.

This speaker looks almost the same as the public chat speaker, but its functions are very different.

Lin Ye remembered that the function of the speaker was to speak into it and the sound would spread throughout the universe.

The speaker in front of him was obviously different. From the introduction given by the system, it can be seen that it has a strong private chat attribute.

"General Jingyuan, you still have one last treasure. I have explained it to you, and your unboxing can be finished now."

"This item is also a kind of chat speaker, called private chat speaker"

"Private chat with the trumpet?"Before Jing Yuan could speak, Ji Zi on the side suddenly spoke up."Is there any difference between this and the world trumpet that Xiao Sanyue drove to before?"

Ji Zi recalled the scene when Xiao Sanyue drove to the world trumpet.

At that time, the reckless Sanyueqi directly exposed Dan Heng, which caused quite a shock.

Later, Dan Heng was inexplicably teleported away, and even his mobile phone could not be contacted.

I don't know where Dan Heng is now? Can he return to the Starry Sky Train?

"The loud speaker is for the world to hear, and the small speaker is for private listening. In other words, the loud speaker is broadcasting, while the small speaker is private chatting."

"General Jing Yuan, through this small speaker you can talk to any living person in the universe. No matter how far away they are, they can hear what you say and can also send you a message."

""Tsk~" Fu Xuan on the side laughed."General, I thought you got something good, but it turned out to be a worthless product."

"In this era, why not just use your mobile phone for private chats?"

Lin Ye shook his head and laughed at Fu Xuan instead.

"Fu Dabu's idea is too simple. Do you think everyone has a mobile phone? If this person doesn't have your mobile phone number, it will be difficult for you to contact him."

"This thing is originally prepared for those who have lost contact. Who would use this thing if they can be contacted by mobile phone?"

Lin Ye was very polite before, but now he dares to teach Fu Xuan a lesson blatantly, which makes Fu Xuan a little unhappy.

"But this thing also has limitations. In fact, it is similar to the underworld phone you drew before. This thing must establish a connection with a living person."

"So before using it, make sure the person you want to talk to is still alive. If he is dead, this small speaker will be wasted."

Lin Ye explained patiently.

"General Jing Yuan, do you want to use it now? I can teach you step by step so that you won't make mistakes."

At this time, Ji Zi spoke again.

"General Jingyuan, can you sell this treasure to me?"

"I have a friend who is also a train crew member. He has lost contact with us recently. I want to use this small speaker to contact him."

"I also have some treasures that I got from Boss Lin Ye. If you want to exchange them, you can."

Generally speaking, it is not easy for a host to refuse a request from a guest who has come from afar. Moreover, this private chat speaker itself is not a precious treasure.

But Jing Yuan shook his head without hesitation.

"Sorry, Ms. Jizi, I can't exchange this item with you."

"Because I also have a very important person I want to contact."

At this time, Jing Yuan looked distracted and thoughtful.

Fu Xuan and Yu Kong on the side quickly realized what Jing Yuan was going to do, and they kept silent and watched quietly.

If there is still someone in this world that Jing Yuan is very eager to contact, it can only be his master, Jing Liu!

Before, Jing Yuan used the underworld phone to contact Jing Liu, but the call did not go through, which means that Jing Liu was not dead at all.

If Jing Liu is really not dead, then she should be able to be contacted through this private chat speaker.

It is not surprising that Jing Yuan would have such an idea.

Anyone who has contact with him even a little bit will know that his obsession with Jing Liu is too deep.

"Brother Lin Ye, I need to use this small speaker now. Please tell me how to use it."

"No problem."Lin Ye smiled."In fact, it is very simple to use. You just need to hold the small speaker, silently recite the name of the person you want to talk to three times, and then speak what you want to say into the speaker."

Jing Yuan decisively picked up the small speaker and began to operate according to Lin Ye's instructions.

He first silently recited Jing Liu's name three times in his mind.

Then he pressed the button of the small speaker and started speaking into the speaker.

" Master, are you okay? I know you are still alive! I received your message. Can you please reply?"

"There is a powerful boss on the Immortal Boat now. He must have a way to get rid of the evil spirit. Please come back."

After Jing Yuan finished speaking, the trumpet turned into a white light and dissipated in the air.

But nothing happened next. Jing Yuan did not receive any response from Jing Liu.

"This... nothing seems to be happening. Is it because I made a mistake?" Jing Yuan's eyes were full of disappointment.

"Don't worry, General. It takes time for this kind of thing to spread. There is no guarantee that the person who receives the private message will contact you immediately. It is easy to scare people if they suddenly hear your voice in broad daylight."

"But don't worry, no matter how long it takes, as long as she speaks to you, the words will come through."As soon as Lin Ye finished speaking, a voice suddenly came to Jing Yuan's ears.

"Huh? What's going on? Why did I hear Jing Yuanyuan's voice? What the hell?……"

The words were quite nonsensical, but Jing Yuan was very familiar with that voice.

Even if he turned into ashes, he would still remember it clearly. That was the voice of his master Jing Liu!

In an instant, the scene of his master urging him to practice sword kept playing in his mind.

"We, the Cloud Riders, guard the Immortal Boat……"

"As a Cloud Rider, you must not let go of your weapons!"

""Master! Master!" Jing Yuan suddenly became excited, his eyes were already wet.

He began to shout loudly."I am Jing Yuanyuan, Master!"

"Ahem." Lin Ye patted Jing Yuan's shoulder helplessly and said,"General, there is only one trumpet and it is used up now. She will not hear what you say next."

"But it seems that you have received the answer you wanted."

"Thank you! Brother Lin Ye."Jing Yuan grabbed Lin Ye's hand, his eyes full of gratitude.

"You are absolutely right, she is really still alive!"

"I will find her!"

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