The real Silver Wolf appeared.

If this fruit is eaten, the name of Silver Wolf will really live up to its name!

Looking at this fruit, Lin Ye sighed in his heart.

Silver Wolf's luck is really good. She has almost never opened anything useless. She has drawn the devil fruit that has not been seen for a long time.

And it is an animal-type fruit.

You know, devil fruits are divided into three categories: natural, animal, and superhuman. There are many branches under them. Most of them were superhuman devil fruits before, and there are really not many animal-type ones like this.

The last time it was Walter who drew the Egg Fruit...

Compared to this, the Dog-Dog Fruit seems much more reliable.

From this large number of devil fruits, she can open the animal-type devil fruit that perfectly matches her, the Dog-Dog Fruit, and it is in wolf form. If you say that there is no system playing tricks, Lin Ye will never believe it.

The Dog-Dog Fruit has many forms, and the wolf form is just one of them.

At this time, Silver Wolf also followed Lin Ye's gaze and saw the fruit with a patterned surface.

"What is this? It looks weird."

���The wolf also felt the extraordinary nature of this fruit.

The one that could make Lin Ye look in amazement must be the most powerful and best treasure.

"This is a devil fruit"

"You can think of it as a gift from the Star God. After eating this fruit, you can gain a power granted by the sea."

Lin Ye introduced patiently.

Although devil fruits are very common on the Immortal Boat, Silver Wolf, as a star core hunter, is not very familiar with them, so Lin Ye had to explain it in more detail.

"If you eat this fruit, you will gain the ability to transform into a wolf."

"Transform... Transform into a wolf?" Silver Wolf was confused.

"Yes. But it is not just as simple as transformation. After transforming into a wolf, your strength will increase several times, and your speed will also be greatly improved."Lin Ye said with a smile."This is something that can really enhance your strength."

In fact, this effect is still easy to understand. Transforming into an animal is a necessary skill for many shamans and druids. There are also some planets in the Star Iron World that have such professions. The knowledgeable Silver Wolf quickly understood what Lin Ye meant.

She couldn't help but pick up the devil fruit directly, wanting to transmit the devil fruit through the ether machine and eat it now.

"Miss Silver Wolf, don't be impatient."

Lin Ye smiled and stopped Silver Wolf's actions.

He dared not stop talking halfway now, and could not let something similar to Walter happen again.

Everything must be explained in detail. The side effects of the devil fruit were not introduced. What if Silver Wolf regretted eating it now after knowing the side effects of the devil fruit? Although Lin Ye was confident that Silver Wolf would still eat it even if he knew the side effects, this process could not be missed.

"Eating this devil fruit will also have certain side effects, that is, you will become a landlubber and will never be able to swim again."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Silver Wolf smiled helplessly. What kind of side effect is this?

In this era, let alone swimming, there are few means of transportation at sea, and they are basically all spaceships. This side effect is basically equivalent to having no

"Also, this transformation……"

Before Lin Ye finished speaking, Silver Wolf had already transferred the devil fruit to the side of her real body through the ether machine, and then ate it with his backhand.


After eating the devil fruit, the silver wolf fell into extreme pain and struggled, rolling back and forth on the ground.

A moment later, a silver-haired wolf appeared in the shadow of the ether machine.

"Oh my god!" Although he had expected it, Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh.

After using the power of the devil fruit to transform, Silver Wolf did not really turn into a wolf, but transformed into a werewolf.

Although it looks like a wolf, it still retains some of its human characteristics, but there have been huge changes.

Silver Wolf's original image was that of a little girl who was a game fanatic, with a lot of game-related decorations on her body, and she was dressed a little cute.

But after transforming into a werewolf, Silver Wolf's image changed dramatically. The first of all, Silver Wolf's body shape changed.

Originally, Silver Wolf's body shape was a little petite, after all, she was a little girl, but after transforming into a werewolf, Silver Wolf's body shape could be said to have expanded a lot, just His height is almost two meters, and he looks very burly.

Then, it is the appearance of Silver Wolf that changes. After Silver Wolf transforms into a werewolf, his body also becomes that of a wolf, with white fur and a huge, protruding mouth, which looks like he is ready to eat people at any time.

Of course, after Silver Wolf transforms, he does not really lie on all fours like a wolf, he still retains the movement habits of a human, it's just that his image has become like a wolf.

At this time, after using the animal-type devil fruit, the Dog-Dog Fruit's wolf form ability to transform, Silver Wolf is also slowly adapting to her transformed body.

Silver Wolf's strength and speed in wolf form have been greatly improved, but Silver Wolf is still a little uncomfortable with his first transformation. Silver Wolf took a look at his transformed image and was stunned for a moment.

"Is this still me?"

Looking at the strange body in front of him, Silver Wolf couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Feeling the powerful force contained in this transformed body, Silver Wolf was also full of surprise.

Then Silver Wolf also tested his speed, but Silver Wolf obviously underestimated the increase in speed after the Dog-Dog Fruit wolf form.

Like a flash of light, Silver Wolf flashed out in an instant. Feeling his own speed, Silver Wolf was instantly very surprised.

With this powerful strength and speed, Silver Wolf's lack of close combat ability can be said to be greatly compensated.

Seeing Silver Wolf's surprised look, Lin Ye continued

"The Dog-Dog Fruit has many other forms besides the wolf form. It can even transform into the mythical beast nine-tailed fox form, which is truly powerful."

"Your wolf form is not bad, it is considered medium-level among the many forms of the Dog-Dog Fruit."

Silver Wolf was a little bit unbelievable.

Such a powerful transformation is only medium-level?

"The wolf form of the Dog-in-Dog Fruit, which has such a large increase in strength and speed after transformation, can only be regarded as a medium level among all the forms of the Dog-in-Dog Fruit. How powerful are the strongest forms!"

Silver Wolf sighed in her heart. She knew that Lin Ye's blind box was very strong, but she didn't expect it to be so strong.

Normally, it would take decades of practice to achieve such a large increase in strength.

After all, she only opened 20 blind boxes in total and got such powerful items. When she opened more blind boxes, wouldn't it be against the sky?

A strong and rich man like Lin Ye should join the Star Core Hunter.

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