"Hello, Dan Heng, I am Lin Ye, the owner of Wanjie Blind Box Store."

"Do you still remember me?"

After using the private chat speaker, Lin Ye started a private chat with Dan Heng.

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Dan Heng was immediately frightened. How could he not know Lin Ye? It was all because of Lin Ye that he was eating ashes in the crater today.

He turned around and looked around, but he didn't see Lin Ye, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on the immortal boat, not near you. I was able to contact you through a treasure."

At this time, Dan Heng also escaped from the range of the volcanic eruption and found a place to sit and rest. Hearing Lin Ye's words, he couldn't help but cry.

This was the first time he had communicated with someone during this period. Dan Heng couldn't help but confide his painful experience to Lin Ye.

"Boss Lin Ye, you don’t know, I’ve been having a really hard time during this period!"

"During this period, I used this teleportation ring to teleport several times, and all the places I teleported to were deserted places, such as the Sun Chaser Star, the Moth Star, and the Silent Star."

"The point is that these planets are just uninhabited, but they are also full of dangers."

"The Sun Chaser is full of poisonous gas and dust, the Moth Star is full of huge man-eating moths, and the Silent Star has a powerful dark force. I almost died on those planets!"

Hearing Dan Heng's crying, Lin Ye was a little embarrassed.

After all, strictly speaking, Dan Heng's experience during this period had something to do with him. The incomplete teleportation ring came from his blind box store.

Now it seems that his teleportation ring is really the only incomplete one so far.

This luck is really unmatched.

"It's okay, don't be sad, I'm here, I contacted you just to find you, so you don't have to wander around alone anymore.

Lin Ye comforted Dan Heng and said

"Dan Heng, you don't know that a big thing happened in the Xianzhou during your absence. Your train crew members were injured in the fight against the antimatter army and are in urgent need of your help."

Of course, these things were all made up by Lin Ye. It's not so much that they are made up, but they are exaggerated.

The purpose is naturally to trick Dan Heng back. The purpose is naturally to wait for Dan Heng to come back and see the love and hatred between Dan Heng and Ren.

Although Lin Ye feels that doing this is a bit against his conscience.

But conscience is worth a few cents, and watching the show is the most important thing.

The key is that the more chaotic it is, the better his blind box business will be.

This is called, the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish

"Dan Heng, don't blame me, I just want you to evolve into Yinyue Jun!"

Lin Ye thought to himself, with a somewhat evil smile on his face.

When Dan Heng heard Lin Ye's words, he felt a little anxious.

"You need my help, but I can't go back now!"

"It's okay, I have a way."

Lin Ye said

"Remember the shells that attacked you earlier?"

""You fired the shells earlier!"

Dan Heng said with some resentment after hearing Lin Ye's words. He thought that the two shells were made by someone who had a grudge against him, and used these shells with weak lethality to disgust him.

However, after knowing that the shells were made by Lin Ye, Dan Heng estimated that the shells were not meant to attack him, but were made by Lin Ye to contact him.

"That's right, I will keep firing shells at you, and you can come back by following the trajectory of the shells."

"Yes, you are worthy of being the boss Lin Ye."

Dan Heng nodded. This method is not bad.

But Dan Heng suddenly discovered one thing, that is, he is now penniless, his mobile phone has been lost, and he has no means of transportation at all. Even if he knows the route back, he can't go back.

After telling Lin Ye about his current situation, Dan Heng felt a little depressed. Could it be that he really can't go back!

And Lin Ye didn't expect Dan Heng's current situation to be so miserable. In this case, how Dan Heng can come back is indeed a problem. Lin Ye thought about it and immediately thought of a way. As the most wanted criminal of the Interstellar Peace Company, he can make full use of this identity.

Let Dan Heng go to the Interstellar Peace Company and tell them that he knows his location, and bring the Interstellar Peace Company to catch him, so that he can come back. The Interstellar Peace Company has a large number of branches all over the universe, which is relatively easy to find.

As for what to do if the Interstellar Peace Company comes to the door in the end?

Lin Ye, who has invincible strength in the blind box store, will make them regret coming to the door.

After telling Dan Heng about his plan, Dan Heng's first reaction was to reject Lin Ye's plan.

"No, I brought the Interstellar Peace Company here, what will you do? I can't do this just to go back!"

Seeing Dan Heng's reaction, Lin Ye nodded. Dan Heng is quite righteous.

But if Dan Heng doesn't come back, how can I watch the show?

"It's okay, don't worry, I have a lot of people here to protect me, and I'm very powerful, just do as I say!"

Listening to Lin Ye's tone, Dan Heng nodded.

"OK, then I'll do as you say!"

Dan Heng was also very moved. He didn't expect that Lin Ye would be willing to let him contact the Cosmic Peace Company that wanted him in order to let him go back.

If he really goes back and reunites with the train crew, he will definitely repay Lin Ye.

After seeing that Dan Heng accepted his plan, Lin Ye ended the private chat with Dan Heng.

At this time, Lin Ye in the blind box shop was looking forward to what the scene would be like when Dan Heng met Ren after he came back.

Lin Ye believed that Dan Heng and Ren would not let him down and would definitely perform a good show.

After Dan Heng of the Red Lotus Star ended his private chat with Lin Ye, he also began to look for branches of the Interstellar Peace Company according to Lin Ye's plan. After dealing with Dan Heng's affairs, the recent harvest had been counted, so Lin Ye closed the door of the blind box shop and prepared to rest.


At this time, in the Xianzhou,

Walter and Jeppard were chatting, and a pair of eyes were staring at them in the distance.

The owner of these eyes was the blade lurking in the Xianzhou.

After he opened the blind box in Lin Ye's blind box shop and got the treasure, he first found a place to get familiar with the treasure he got, and then sneaked into the Xianzhou again.

This time, with the help of the thirty-six changes, Blade was very easy to sneak into the Xianzhou, and no one found his trace.

This made Blade sigh that the treasures produced by the blind box shop were indeed extraordinary.

After sneaking into the Xianzhou, Blade looked around for Dan Heng's traces, but he didn't find it. When he walked here, he saw Walter and Jeppard chatting in front of him.

Looking at Jeppard's appearance, Blade knew that he was not from the Xianzhou, because Blade had an impression of the people in the Xianzhou, and if he was from the Xianzhou, he would definitely know.

Since Jeppard was not from the Xianzhou, he certainly didn't know that he was wanted.

Therefore, Ren was ready to go up and ask Jeppard if he had any clues about Dan Heng's whereabouts, and also to find out about the recent situation of Xianzhou.

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