After guessing that he was taking the blame for Silver Wolf again, Lin Ye couldn't help but have a headache.

This was not the first time. Previously, Silver Wolf invaded the Interstellar Peace Company, and he was the one who took the blame in the end, so he is still wanted by the Interstellar Peace Company.

But Lin Ye couldn't say what punishment he would give to Silver Wolf, because Silver Wolf was also promoting his Wanjie Blind Box Store for him.

At this time, Lin Ye was thinking about how to deal with the three people in the Black Tower in front of him.

"The reason why your space station was invaded is because of the products of my blind box shop."

Lin Ye simply told the three people in Heita the reason why their space station was invaded.

After hearing this, Esta suddenly became a little angry.

"It's because of the product of the blind box in your blind box store, and you still say it has nothing to do with you."

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Alan on the side also tightened his knife in his hand.

Although he was knocked away before he even touched Lin Ye in his first attack, in his opinion, it was because he had just teleported here and was not ready to attack, and he did not attack in his prime.

He felt that even if he could not beat Lin Ye in his prime, he would teach Lin Ye a lesson.

When Lin Ye heard what Esta said, he also began to explain.

"I said that it was the product of the blind box opened in my blind box shop, not that it has anything to do with me. I am just a blind box seller. I have no right to control what others do with the things opened in the blind box."

"I am just a businessman and have never left Xianzhou. Neither the last time the Interstellar Peace Company was invaded nor the current invasion of your space station was caused by me."

"As for the advertising for the blind box store, I think someone is deliberately confusing people."

After hearing Lin Ye's explanation, Esta and Alan looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe what Lin Ye said. They all looked at Heita to see what Heita said.

And Heita was not idle after she came to Lin Ye's blind box store. As soon as she arrived at Lin Ye's blind box store, Heita began to use technical means to investigate the details of Lin Ye's blind box store.

But to Heita's surprise, no matter what technical means she used, her investigation of Lin Ye's blind box store was limited to outside Lin Ye's blind box store, and she could not investigate the information inside Lin Ye's blind box store.

After hearing Lin Ye's explanation, Heita also nodded and believed what Lin Ye said.

Because she also found out through the investigation just now that what Lin Ye said was indeed true, he had never left the fairy boat, and he had hardly left the blind box store.

Seeing Heita's nod, Esta and Alan also believed Lin Ye's explanation.

And Lin Ye said immediately

"The virus that invaded your space station is called the Blackie Virus. It is a treasure that someone opened in my blind box. If you open a blind box, you may also get this treasure!"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Heita, Esta and Alan's attention shifted to the blind box that Lin Ye mentioned.

Could it be that all these bizarre news that have appeared recently are related to this blind box?

They were a little confused, so although they knew that the invasion of the space station had nothing to do with Lin Ye, they did not leave.

Alan looked at the many blind boxes in Lin Ye's blind box store, and couldn't help but wonder, if the previous advertisement of the Blackie Space Station was true, then would it be possible for him to open a blind box to get a treasure that would enhance his strength.

If so, Alan couldn't help but be tempted by these blind box stores. The same was true for Heita on the side. When he was dealing with the invasion of the Blackie Virus before, , the subtlety of the black guy’s virus code has helped to improve her hacking ability to a certain extent.

If these things can be opened in Lin Ye’s blind box, doesn’t it mean that her ability can usher in an upward period again.

As for Ester, as the daughter of the Interstellar Peace Company, she is not short of credit points, but what she lacks is something that can arouse her interest.

Therefore, after hearing Lin Ye’s words, coupled with the introduction she heard in the previous advertisement, Ester couldn’t help but be very curious about this blind box.

If this blind box is really as magical as described in the advertisement, then Ester must be prepared to buy a large number of them, and she doesn’t care about the few credit points required to buy the blind box.

But Ester still has some questions

"Is your blind box really as the advertisement says, that you can get rare treasures from all over the world as long as you open the blind box?"

"That's for sure!"Lin Ye answered directly. After all, many people have opened blind boxes from him and obtained various treasures to prove this point, so in his opinion, this point is beyond doubt.

"Is there a star destroyer?" Esta continued to ask. As the daughter of the Interstellar Peace Company, she was not interested in ordinary items.

Hearing Esta's question, Lin Ye smiled disdainfully.

"What's a star destroyer? If you're lucky, it's possible to get a fairy ship from a blind box."

""Immortal Ship?"

Esta was a little shocked. In her opinion, the star destroyer she had just asked about was already an overestimation of Lin Ye's blind box store. Unexpectedly, it was still an underestimation. Heita, who was standing by, was also a little curious when she heard Lin Ye's words. She saw that the blind boxes in Lin Ye's blind box store were not big in size. Even with the most advanced space technology today, it was impossible to put a star destroyer in, let alone an immortal ship.

If a star destroyer or even an immortal ship can really be opened from this blind box, then Heita thinks that the storage technology of this blind box alone is worth her research.

At this time, after listening to Lin Ye's introduction, Esta could no longer suppress her curiosity and couldn't wait to open the blind box.

And Lin Ye also began to introduce the rules of opening the blind box to them.

"My blind box costs 500,000 credit points each. You can choose which one to buy, but you can only buy ten per week. I personally recommend that you buy ten at a time and draw ten times in a row, so that the chance of getting good things is a little higher."

"Why can I only buy ten per week? Can I buy more if I pay more?"

After listening to Lin Ye's introduction of the rules, Estelle was a little dissatisfied. She wanted to try a hundred first.

"No, this is a set rule and it won't change no matter what."


Esta was helpless. Her money ability was useless. She paid 5 million credit points and randomly selected ten blind boxes to open.

After Esta opened the ten blind boxes, a flash of light flashed and the items in the box appeared.

【Deluxe milk × 1】

【Star Destroyer (handmade version) × 1】

【Skill Book: Physical Healing (Karin) x 1】

【Wangzai small steamed bun × 1】

【Slimming and digestion pills × 1】

【Five-star light cone × 1】

【Adventure Record of the Unknown Knight × 1】

【Astrology Book × 1】

【Concentrated Ether × 30】

【Lactic acid bacteria drink × 1】

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