"It seems that boss Lin Ye's blind box shop is really worthy of its reputation!"

Natasha, who has gotten rid of her myopia, exclaimed, her expression full of surprise.

Previously, she heard her friends say that Lin Ye's blind box shop can open all kinds of treasures, and she thought it was exaggerated.

But now, Natasha feels that their friends are not exaggerating at all, and the blind box shop is completely worthy of its reputation.

At this time, Lin Ye looked at Natasha who took off her glasses. Although she felt a little regretful, she did not do anything.

After all, Natasha is not very familiar with her now, and it's just her first time to come to her blind box store to open a blind box.

When she is familiar with it in the future, she can get a pair of glasses without degrees for Natasha to wear again.

Natasha has finished using the enhanced version of Zhenshiming eye drops, and Lin Ye is ready to introduce her to the next item.

【Black Dragon Soul: A rare artifact shotgun from a game. It is the most special shotgun and is extremely popular among players. This artifact is different from traditional shotguns. It does not fire bullets, but a row of flames with a long range. Enemies will be killed or injured if they are touched. At the same time, the Black Dragon Soul can automatically reload bullets, and the user does not need to control the reload.

Lin Ye is very familiar with this gun. He has borrowed other people's accounts to play this game before. With this gun, he can be said to be killing all sides in the biochemical mode and challenge mode.

Because this weapon is too powerful, this gun is disabled in professional rankings.

In the game, this gun can also reload bullets in the background. In reality, this background reload becomes an automatic reload without operation, but the two are similar.

At this time, Natasha also noticed the Black Dragon Soul, and Lin Ye began to introduce it.

"This is a firearm artifact, called Black Dragon Soul, which is very powerful. It fires fire instead of bullets, and this fire is not an ordinary fire. If the enemy is touched by this fire, they will either die or be injured."

Listening to Lin Ye's introduction, Natasha was a little surprised.

The Black Dragon Soul in front of her was so powerful. She also had some knowledge of firearms, but she had never heard of a firearm as powerful as the Black Dragon Soul.

But Natasha's surprise was not over yet, Lin Ye immediately said

"Moreover, you don't need to operate the Black Dragon Soul to reload, it can reload automatically. That is to say, in battle, you can free up your hands to switch to other ways of fighting when the gun is reloading."

Hearing Lin Ye's additional introduction, Natasha was shocked and stunned.

She had never heard of a gun that could automatically reload, and the Black Dragon Soul in front of her could be said to have broken her previous cognition. It was powerful and could reload automatically. Natasha's eyes lit up when she saw such a powerful weapon.

Although Natasha was a doctor by profession, she could not refuse such a powerful weapon. After all, when a doctor goes to treat patients and save lives, she will face certain dangers.

With this Black Dragon Soul, Natasha no longer has to be afraid of these dangers, no matter what the danger is. As long as the Black Dragon Soul is shot, it will explode directly.

Xier, who was standing aside, listened to Lin Ye's introduction, and her eyes were shining as she looked at the Black Dragon Soul.

Such a powerful weapon can greatly improve her strength even for her.

However, she couldn't compete with Natasha for the Black Dragon Soul. Xier also knew that Natasha needed such a powerful weapon for self-defense.

She was just praying that she could get such a powerful weapon when she opened the blind box later.

Natasha couldn't let go of the Black Dragon Soul at this time, and she was also eager to test the power of the Black Dragon Soul.

"Don’t shoot in my blind box store. You will have plenty of opportunities to test the power of this gun when you leave the blind box store!"

Looking at Natasha's eager look, Lin Ye hurriedly spoke out to stop her.

Although no matter how powerful this Black Dragon Soul is, it is impossible for it to have any effect on him who is invincible in the blind box store, but the items in the blind box store may be affected.

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Natasha also stopped her eager heart, and her face turned red again.

This is the second time she has lost her sense of proportion in the blind box store. The first time was eating egg fried rice, but it can't be blamed on her, because the items in the blind box store are too powerful.

However, Natasha is still a little worried that she will leave a bad impression on Lin Ye. After all, this is the first time they have met, and she seems very out of measure.

Carefully looking up at Lin Ye, Natasha found that Lin Ye did not have any expression of boredom, so she was relieved.

She didn't know why she cared so much about Lin Ye's impression of her when she first met him.

At this time, Lin Ye didn't know what Natasha was thinking. After introducing the Black Dragon Soul, he looked at the last item.

【Parahuman Devil Fruit: Operation Fruit): A mysterious fruit from a sea world, belonging to the parahuman fruit. The user of the Operation Fruit can create a spherical or hemispherical space. In this space, the user can cut, exchange, and splice anything at will, and can even exchange two minds. Note: The ultimate ability of the Operation Fruit is the Immortal Operation, which can give people eternal life, but the user will die after using the ultimate ability. 】

Looking at the introduction of this Operation Fruit, Lin Ye was a little surprised. This devil fruit that everyone in the sea world wants to get was actually opened by Natasha.

This fruit can be said to be very suitable for Natasha, because Natasha is a doctor. With this Operation Fruit, Natasha's medical skills will definitely be greatly improved.

However, Lin Ye didn't know whether he should tell Natasha about the ability of the Operation Fruit to perform eternal life surgery. After all, this ability is too against the sky, and the consequences are equally serious. After thinking for a while, Lin Ye decided to tell Natasha.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Ye directly activated the power of his Sharingan, and an air vortex appeared between him and Natasha.

He and Natasha were pulled into the Shenwei Space. Anything that happened in the Shenwei Space could not be sensed by the outside world.

Xier, who was standing by, was a little surprised when she saw Lin Ye and Natasha suddenly disappear.

She didn't know what happened, and it felt like the two people disappeared out of thin air.

Natasha, who was pulled into the Shenwei Space, was also trembling all over. She had never seen such a powerful skill that could produce such a terrible effect.

It seems that she still underestimated the strength of the blind box store owner.

Looking at Lin Ye's red eyes, she said timidly

"What's this?"

"Don't worry, this is just to protect you."Lin Ye said calmly.

Before, without the Sharingan, Lin Ye could not do anything. Now with the divine space, when introducing some more powerful treasures, Lin Ye does not mind pulling people into this divine space.

This is good for both him and the guests!

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