"This is the summoning card of the moth butterfly. After using it, you can summon a moth butterfly that obeys your orders and will never betray you."

Lin Ye pointed at the moth butterfly summoning card and said to Xier, and Xier also looked at the moth butterfly summoning card with curiosity.

"The most poisonous butterfly is the stalked butterfly. It contains a poison that can be actively controlled whether to use, and it will kill anyone who touches it. It can also spread pollen, and those who inhale the pollen will die within half a quarter of an hour."

Hearing Lin Ye's introduction to the Moth God Butterfly, Xier, who originally wanted to use this summoning card directly, hesitated.

No matter how strong Xier's combat power is, it cannot change her nature as a girl. As a girl, she certainly doesn't like some poisonous things.

But this Moth God Butterfly will obey her orders after being summoned, and will never betray her, and can also provide her with certain help.

Therefore, Xier was a little entangled.

But thinking that with this Moth God Butterfly, she can better deal with various dangers and better protect Bronya, Xier hardened her heart and decided to use this summoning card.

Suddenly, golden light emerged from the summoning card, and a small figure slowly appeared.

As the golden light gradually disappeared, the shape of this small figure gradually emerged.

The size of this Moth God Butterfly is no different from that of an ordinary butterfly, but the color on its body is very bright, which looks a bit conspicuous, but very beautiful.

Looking at this very beautiful Moth God Butterfly, Xier, who was still a little entangled, suddenly let go. She stopped hesitating.

If she knew that this moth butterfly was so beautiful, she would definitely not hesitate and summon it directly.

After all, as a girl, she still had no resistance to these very beautiful things.

Natasha looked at this beautiful butterfly with shining eyes.

Lin Ye, who was standing aside, looked at this beautiful moth butterfly and suddenly thought of a sentence: the more beautiful something looks, the more dangerous it is.

Lin Ye felt that this sentence was really right. If it hadn't been introduced, who would have known that this very beautiful moth butterfly in front of him was actually the most poisonous butterfly!

Xi'er was still looking at this moth butterfly with shining eyes, constantly teasing it.

She really couldn't associate this beautiful little butterfly in front of her with the most poisonous moth butterfly that Lin Ye said.

This moth butterfly flew around her under Xi'er's teasing, and finally landed on her shoulder.

At this time, Lin Ye also began to prepare to introduce the next item, which was also the last item worth focusing on among the items Xi'er opened this time.

【Sexual Orientation Conversion Experience Card: A one-time prop experience card that can change sexual orientation after use. For example, if you like boys, you will change to liking girls after using it, but the time limit is only seventy-two hours.

Looking at this sexual orientation experience card, Lin Ye felt that this thing was also quite suitable for Seele.

In Lin Ye's opinion, with the relationship between Seele and Bronya, if one of them used this sexual orientation conversion experience card, then the two of them might be able to be together.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. If they really used the experience card to be together, then they would be able to watch a good show again. At this time, Seele didn't know what Lin Ye was thinking. Looking at a card that looked the same as the previous Moth God Butterfly Summoning Card, Seele thought it was also a summoning card.

Therefore, at this time, Seele's eyes were shining, and she was waiting for Lin Ye to introduce it to her with expectation. The

Moth God Butterfly Summoning Card just now made her experience the power of this summoning card.

"This is a one-time experience card."

Lin Ye also began to introduce.

After hearing Lin Ye's introduction, Xier, who was full of expectations and had shining eyes, suddenly seemed to have lost hope, and there was no light in her eyes.

But in just a moment, Xier regained her expectation.

The previous bloody March sickle and moth butterfly had already made her know the power of the blind box store treasures.

Therefore, in Xier's view, even if it was just an experience card this time, it must be an extremely powerful experience card.

Xier's change seemed to have taken a long time, but in fact it was just a moment, and Natasha next to her didn't notice that Xier had changed.

At this time, Lin Ye was still continuing to introduce

"The name of the experience card is Sexual Orientation Conversion Experience Card. It can change your sexual orientation after use, but there is a 72-hour limit."

After saying this, Lin Ye ended his introduction, while Xi'er on the side was still staring at Lin Ye.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xi'er staring at him, Lin Ye was a little confused.

"Is this the end of the introduction?"

Xi'er was also a little confused. The previous items had so many introductions, but how come this experience card was introduced in just a few sentences?


Listening to Xier's question, Lin Ye nodded. This experience card only has these functions, and there is not much to introduce.

Xier was a little disappointed when she heard Lin Ye's affirmative answer.

She thought this experience card was so powerful, but she didn't expect that it could only change sexual orientation, and it could only change for 72 hours.

Although it is very powerful to be able to change a person's sexual orientation, this is too far from what Xier thought.

""Boss Lin Ye, you are not teasing me, are you?"

Xi'er couldn't help but ask with some doubt. After all, this Sexual Orientation Conversion Experience Card was too different from the previous Bloody March Scythe, Moth God Butterfly Summoning Card, and the like. They were not the same thing at all.

"How could I tease you for no reason? It all depends on your luck what you get from the blind box!"

After hearing Xier's question, Lin Ye thought of something strange. His face showed a little strange, and he said with a smile on his face.

"This Sexual Orientation Change Experience Card is also���It’s just a matter of how you use it!"

"For example, give it to your Bronya, so that you two can be together!"

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Xier blushed and quickly defended herself.

"I just want to protect her, I don't have any thoughts about her, we are both girls!"

Although Xier was speaking very seriously, her voice was a little weak, and she couldn't make her words convincing.

Lin Ye just smiled and didn't say anything, which made Xier's face even redder.

""Okay, okay, stop teasing Xier."

Natasha, who was standing by, looked at Xier, who was blushing, and spoke to help her out.

But at this time, Xier was thinking in her heart

"Or should I really do as Lin Ye said and use this sexual orientation conversion experience card?"

"After all, such a good experience card must be tested. I just want to test the effect of this experience card, and I have no other ideas."

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