"You need to have enough imagination to deal with the various skills." Lin Ye reminded with a smile

"You have to know that Godzilla, who took the nuclear contaminated water from Xiao Ri, is actually a kind of beast."

"So this skill book and the bottle of water are actually a combination of punches, and they work wonders when used together."

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Tingyun's eyes lit up again.

A greedy expression appeared on his face again.

"Are you telling the truth?" She said with her eyes wide open."Godzilla is also considered a beast?"

"Godzilla is naturally considered a beast. And not only Godzilla, many individuals who have turned into beasts by taking devil fruits are actually considered beasts."

"Doesn't that mean there are many beasts that I can control!" Tingyun exclaimed

"There are indeed quite a few, but this thing is naturally limited. Many individuals have the ability to switch freely between beast form and human form."Lin Ye explained.

In fact, the first person Lin Ye thought of was Silver Wolf.

After using the Dog-Dog Fruit, Silver Wolf can switch freely between wolf and human.

"Such an individual can only be controlled by you in beast form, but not in human form."

Lin Ye smiled.

"So I remind you, don't make any mistakes."

Although the person in front of him was a disguised Lord of Extinction, Lin Ye was still very professional and told her all the precautions.

Unfortunately, Tingyun had already been lost in thought again at this time.

Before, there was holy water that could turn everyone into Godzilla.

Now she can use the beast control skill to control all Godzillas.

Isn't she invincible?

She even thought that if conditions permit, could she give the holy water directly to her boss, the Star God of Destruction, to drink.

In this way, the Star God of Destruction who is wreaking havoc on the universe can directly become one of her dogs.

In an instant, Tingyun, that is, Huanlong's head has grown rebellious bones.

She already has an idea, that is, when the time is right, she will just kill Nanook.

In fact, she has long disliked this stupid dog Star God.……


"They are all my dogs, they are all my dogs!"

"I am the overlord of the universe!"

Tingyun smiled foolishly unconsciously. Looking at her strange smile, Lin Ye felt goosebumps all over his body. Is this still the Lord of Extinction? How can he be so immature?……

"Sister Tingyun, please wake up... don't act like you have never seen the world before." Lin Ye said helplessly."This is not the first time you have opened a blind box... why are you like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden?……"

Tingyun naturally didn't know who Granny Liu was, but she woke up in an instant.

Her behavior was too unrestrained, and it was easy to be exposed.

"Cough cough cough." Tingyun quickly collected his thoughts."I was just joking just now, don't take it seriously, hahaha."

Lin Ye was very tired, but he still had to try his best to cooperate with Tingyun's performance.

"Okay, I have introduced the treasure to you. You can use it now, or you can keep it for later."Lin Ye sighed and said,"It's up to you."

Ting Yun didn't hesitate at all, and used up the skill book directly with a hungry look.

After mastering the beast control skill, he looked very satisfied.

"The next thing is the most important thing today."Lin Ye took out a ring-shaped object and placed it in front of Tingyun.

【Tightening Hoop: As the name implies, it is the familiar tight hoop, the supreme magic weapon from the world of Journey to the West.

After being improved by the Wanjie system, it has a new lease of life.

After wearing this item, it will be permanently bound to the user and cannot be removed.

The tight hoop will double the user's attributes, but at the same time it will also be under the absolute control of the host.

As long as the host recites the tight hoop spell, the wearer of the tight hoop will suffer the most tragic pain in the world.

While Lin Ye was checking the item introduction, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

This is the first time this has happened since opening so many blind boxes.

"Host, since someone has already pulled out the tight hoop, I will now teach you the tight hoop spell.

Before Lin Ye could react, a strange memory flooded into his mind.

"Damn, is the sun rising from the west? System, are you always so kind???"

"Host, don't think too much. The golden hoop and the golden hoop complement each other. If there is no restriction of the golden hoop, then this treasure will be too amazing.……"

"Of course, you should know clearly in your heart what the purpose of teaching you the Tightening Spell is. Hehehe~"

Even without the reminder system, Lin Ye himself actually noticed it.

It is indeed an unheard-of treasure to directly double all the attributes of a person.

Like some treasures drawn before, there are some that can double a certain attribute of the body, but even the doubling of a single attribute is accompanied by huge negative effects.

And this Tightening Spell can directly double all the attributes without many negative effects.

In terms of bonus alone, it is even stronger than the Sharingan, Devil Fruit and the like!

It can be said to be simple and crude!

If this kind of thing is not restricted by a Tightening Spell, it is indeed a bit lawless.

"This thing is called the Golden Hoop, and it is a first-class artifact." Lin Ye explained calmly."The effect is to double all your attribute values!" Lin Ye's words were concise, but Ting Yun was dumbfounded.

"You said...what did you say, all body attributes doubled?"

"Well, that's what it means. Every attribute of yours, including health, energy, agility, critical strike... and all the attributes you can think of, will be doubled."

"Just a ghost thing like this, can it have such an effect? !" Tingyun's initial shock turned into a look of doubt.

Obviously, in her cognition, such a thing is impossible.

"I have been doing business for so long, there is no need to lie to you." Lin Ye waved his hand and said,"Really or not, you will know everything if you try it yourself"

"This prop is also very simple to use, just put the ring on your head."

Tingyun took the golden hoop and looked at it for a while, but she couldn't see any clues.

She put the golden hoop directly on her head, and the golden hoop began to automatically expand and contract, just stuck on her head.

Then the next second, an extremely powerful force surged from the golden hoop.

It flowed directly throughout her body.


Tingyun couldn't help but exclaimed

"Really... it's actually true! I feel like my whole body is different!"

"All properties have really doubled!!!"

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