"Ah? She's not Tingyun?" Bai Lu looked at her familiar friend dumbfounded and scratched her head helplessly."But she looks like Tingyun."

"This is not difficult, she must be impersonating Tingyun!"Qingque pointed at Tingyun and shouted.

As he spoke, he raised the Infinity Glove on his hand.

"I will beat this bad guy back to his original form with one punch in a moment!"

At this moment, Sanyueqi and Jizi also hurried over.

They were originally planning to go shopping on Xuanye Street, but they were always delayed by various things for such a long time, and they didn't even have a chance to go shopping properly.

As a result, they encountered this kind of thing.

Jizi got outside the crowd and heard what Yanqing and Sushang said, and roughly knew the cause and effect of the matter.

"Antimatter Corps……"

"And he is good at disguise. I think I know who it is."

Thinking of this, she showed panic on her face.

Because this person is really not easy to deal with.

The crowd gathered more and more.

As everyone spread the word, the news that there was a fake Tingyun on Xuanye Street spread throughout the entire Xianzhou.

Soon, everyone from Beloberg arrived.

Bronya, Clara, and the handsome Mr. Swarovski arrived first.

Then Seele and Natasha followed.

"Miss Bronya, the Xianzhou people helped us before, and now we can't just stand by and watch."

Bronya nodded repeatedly and said,"People of Beloberg, listen up. If something happens later, we must protect our friends in Xianzhou."

Seeing that the entire Xuanye Street was surrounded by people,"Tingyun" still kept smiling.

"Interesting, really interesting"

"I originally wanted to hide for a while longer, but now that you're all here, I'll just show my cards."

"It's time for you to feel the blessing of destruction."

While speaking, Tingyun's neck suddenly shook and broke. A beam of green flame floated in front of her eyes.

It turned out that Huanlong had no body at all, but was actually a ball of flame.

No wonder she has been looking for a way to have a physical body.

"Dear benefactors, let me reintroduce"

"I am the Lord of Extinction, Huanlong!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar, and those who were still joining in the fun on the Immortal Boat were shocked.

Who would have thought that just by joining in the fun, they would actually meet the Lord of Extinction.

For a moment, the entire Xuanye Street was in chaos.

"Humph! So it is true!" Su Chang raised the Ashbringer and pointed the sword at the illusory afterimage.

"Cloud Cavalry, listen up, don't let this guy get away!"

Yan Qing also directly activated Blood Rage, and the Frostmourne in his hand exuded a biting cold.

He knew the strength of the Lord of Extinction, so he chose to go all out.

In the chaos, Bai Lu and Qing Que dragged the dead Ting Yun back and gave him emergency treatment.

At this time, San Yue Qi also hurried over and threw a resurrection coin to Bai Lu.

"Doctor Bailu, try this"

"This is what Mr. Walter found in the blind box before, and he gave me one by the way. Hurry up and put it in Tingyun's hand."

Bai Lu did it immediately, and in an instant, a golden light flashed, and Tingyun woke up with a cough.

"How despicable! This guy!" Qingque was extremely angry."It would be fine if he just disturbed me while playing cards, but he actually dared to hurt my good sister!"

"Mr. Swarovski! Let's go too!"Clara took a step forward, and the Belobergs behind her also started to attack with swords drawn.


"Hahaha, interesting!" Huanlong laughed faintly."With so many of you dealing with just one person like me, isn't that a bit too much of a bully?""

"It seems I should ask my friends to come out."

Everyone was confused and looked around to see what was going on.

As a result, at least half of the Cloud Cavalry began to grow larger and growled.

They actually fell directly into the Demonic Yin Body.

"What is going on?"Yan Qing was also frightened.

Many brothers here have seen him everywhere, how could he suddenly become a demon?

"You don't think I'm the only one disguising myself, do you? Actually, I disguised my friends too."

Huanlong smiled softly.

The soldiers of the Demon Yin Body also began to slowly approach her.

At the same time, outside the crowd, a girl dressed in the uniform of the Industrial Manufacturing Company slowly walked in.

Then she transformed into a blue dress with a black bandage covering her eyes.

Qingque recognized the girl's appearance at once.

After all, she was a professional civil servant of the Six Departments and had met all the staff of the Six Departments.

"You...you are Dan Shu?"

"It's dangerous here, why are you, a girl without any strength, running here and leaving?"

The girl also smiled evilly and said lightly:"It seems that I have to introduce myself properly."

"I am the leader of the Medicine King's secret sect, Dan Shu!"

"What!"Qingque's eyes widened.

Yaowang Secret is an absolute believer of the God of Plenty.

Over the years, he has been secretly studying the way to longevity.

Human trafficking, live experiments, they are doing all kinds of evil in Xianzhou.

The remaining abundance of evil creatures in Xianzhou is thanks to them.

But no one could have imagined that the leader of the Yaowang Secret was actually an inconspicuous civil servant of the Six Departments.

Then, countless ordinary-looking Xianzhou people slowly walked to Danshu. They were also lurking members of the Yaowang Secret.

For a moment, everyone present was a little dumbfounded.

It was already outrageous for a great lord to sneak into the Xianzhou.

Now, the biggest enemy of Xianzhou, Yaowang Secret, has also appeared.

The biggest war in Xianzhou is going to be like this.���Did the tune unfold?

Ji Zi looked embarrassed. She gently pinched Sanyueqi and said softly,"Little Sanyue, things are a bit tricky."

"You run fast, go and inform General Jingyuan and the others immediately, there is no time to lose."

With the special effect of the slippery fruit, Sanyueqi ran away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Huanlong, this is completely different from our previous plan."Did you bring the star core with you?"

"There is no need for star cores anymore. Things have changed. Huanlong said with a frivolous smile.

"I would also like to thank Boss Lin Ye for giving me a supreme magic weapon."

"Now my strength has already surpassed the Star God level!"

While speaking, Huanlong flew directly to the wreckage of Jianmu and merged with it.

In an instant, an extremely huge female figure appeared above the fairy boat.

The extremely round Nana even covered the sky of the fairy boat.

"Today is the end of the Immortal Boat!"

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