(This book is a joke, please save your brains, I wish you all a good draw.)


Xianzhou Luofu.

The bustling center of Xingcha Sea.

Every day, the Cloud Cavalry Army leaves here on the Xingcha, or comes from other planets.

People who trade, study, and seek love gather here. There is an endless stream of people.

The weather is particularly good today. You can see the dazzling sea of stars when you look up. They are like grains of sand on the seashore, swaying slowly in the wind.

The most lively place in Xingcha Sea is Xuanye Avenue.

Every shop here is deserted, and customers are coming in an endless stream. However, in the corner at the end of the street, there is a small shop that is out of tune with the prosperity.

This small shop is deserted and no one visits it at all.

Even if someone happens to pass by, they just glance at it without interest and then turn away.

Or point fingers at the five big characters [Wanjie Blind Box Store] written crookedly on the plaque.

"In such a busy area, what kind of blind boxes are being sold? I have no idea."

"Mom, what is a blind box?"

"It's a scam, it's empty inside, whoever buys it will pay the IQ tax."

Hearing the comments of passers-by, Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

This store is his only private property in this Starry Sky World.

Lin Ye is not from this world. At that time, he spent 10 648. He was lying on the sofa in his home and drawing the Star Track special ticket crazily, but a golden light flashed... and he traveled to this world.

He didn't know who the previous owner of this blind box store was, anyway, he was in this store as soon as he traveled. He was also told by the system that he was the only owner of this store.

This system is called the [Blind Box System of All Worlds].

According to the system, all kinds of rare treasures from thousands of worlds can be opened in the blind box.

As long as Lin Ye sells the blind box, no matter what is opened in the blind box, Lin Ye can get double.

It sounds very good.

As a result, Lin Ye hasn't sold a single blind box in three years.

The reason is that the price of the blind box is too expensive.

It takes 500,000 credit points to exchange for one.

It's really a pit.

500,000 credit points is definitely a considerable fortune in this world. You know, ordinary supplies can be bought with a few hundred credit points.

This amount of money is even the annual income of many ordinary people.

Spending such a large sum of money to buy an ordinary rotten box, I really don’t know what can be opened.

In the eyes of most people on the fairy boat, Lin Ye is definitely crazy.

Everyone who walks in will look at Lin Ye with strange eyes, and then shake his head helplessly.

Over time, people on Xuanye Street know that there is a very strange little shop on this street, and the owner only sells some strange square boxes.

If it weren’t for the permanent binding of the system, Lin Ye really wanted to sell this shop directly to the Minghuo Chamber of Commerce.

In exchange for a large amount of credit points, and then get a special ticket for the Starry Sky Train, and go and have fun with those female characters.

This is the life a time traveler should live.

Lin Ye was stunned, then stretched and yawned.

"Alas, it’s been three years. How long do I have to wait?"

"Host, the process of selling blind boxes is also a test of your body and mind. You have to accept it and face it bravely."

"Fuck you! Three years and three years, you keep giving me empty promises! I have zero income every day, and I can’t even pay the dues to the Minghuo Chamber of Commerce."

"If this continues, I will have to go to Zero Yuan Shopping."

Lin Ye's complaint was met with silence from the system.

He seemed to have gotten used to it, and he sighed again, saying in a very friendly tone:

"Brother System, how about this. Let's lower the price of this blind box a little bit."

"Think about it, who would buy it at this price? We can give you a discount. Just treat it as an advertisement."

"When they come up with something good, they can also give us free publicity. Then won't we make a lot of money?"

Lin Ye talked endlessly, but the system just replied coldly.

"Host, don't have any bad thoughts. The system is also principled. It is absolutely impossible to have a fracture."

After hearing the system's answer, Lin Ye still didn't give up.

"But think about it, if you don't lower the price, no one will buy it. Even if there are rare treasures inside, it will be useless. I am almost starving to death.……" system:"……"

"And I myself don’t know what’s in these blind boxes, how can I introduce them to the customers?"Lin Ye complained helplessly.

At this point, Lin Ye suddenly showed a wicked smile on his face, and whispered:"How about this, let me open ten blind boxes first, and I’ll let these future customers taste the saltiness first"

"The host cannot open the blind box by himself, this is the system setting."

Lin Ye was still arguing with the system, at this moment, the bell at the door of the shop suddenly rang.

""Is anyone there?"

There are customers!

Lin Ye ran to the door of the store.

He saw two familiar figures.

A slender woman with long fiery red hair, a white dress and a black coat was walking in front.

Her figure was dignified and charming, which was very alluring.

Beside her was a cute sister with pink hair and rainbow eyes. She was pouting and whistling.

It was Ji Zi and San Yue Qi.

Is the Starry Sky Train coming to Xianzhou?

Lin Ye discovered a huge business opportunity.

Ji Zi and San Yue Qi should have just arrived in Xianzhou, and they should not know much about the prices here.

His brain was turning rapidly, and he said with a smile:"You two beauties look so unfamiliar, where are you from?"

San Yue Qi said without thinking:"Hey, we came here by the Starry Sky Train. General Jing Yuan invited us here."

""Little Sanyue." Ji Zi gently tapped Sanyueqi's forehead."Didn't Teacher Danheng teach you? Don't get too close to things you don't understand on a strange planet."

"Oh, Sister Jizi, I know."March Seven folded his arms and said with a blink of his eyes.

"But you see, this boss looks very honest and simple, there shouldn't be any problem."

March Seven looked at Lin Ye with big eyes, then pinched his waist and said,"Boss, what is the blind box you sell?"" It's a good idea!

Lin Ye immediately became interested.

He was full of energy and spoke eloquently.

"Yoyo, this lively and lovely Miss March, you are definitely the poster girl of this universe, otherwise you wouldn't be so discerning."

"What is a poster girl?" Hearing someone praise her like this, San Yueqi immediately became excited.

"The poster girl is the poster girl, placed in the most conspicuous position, and countless people click on her every day."


"Let me tell you about this blind box.

My blind box has everything in it. If you are lucky, you can get a five-star light cone or a five-star relic."

"Even a fully equipped star destroyer can be launched!"

Looking at San Yue Qi's confused eyes, Lin Ye laughed in his heart.

Hehehe, poor outsider.

Since you are from a foreign land, I'm sorry.

I must let you feel the enthusiasm of Xianzhou.

Lin Ye has a hunch.

Today will be the first blind box he has sold in the past three years.

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