When Tingyun left the shop, passers-by who had been watching for a long time came over.

They were excited and their eyes were full of curiosity.

I thought the president of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce came here just to give Lin Ye some eye drops.

But the president himself fell for it and even opened a blind box.

"Look, Miss Tingyun is out."

"Look at what she is holding, it is most likely from Lin Ye’s blind box."

"You said that Miss Tingyun opened blind boxes in Lin Ye’s shop. Does that mean there are really treasures in these blind boxes?"

"We can ask Miss Tingyun and we will know. As the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the face of Tianbosi, she will definitely not lie to us."

Everyone gathered around, whether they had money or not, they all wanted to join in the fun.

"Miss Tingyun, can you tell us what this blind box store is like?"

"Is this Lin Ye really cheating people?"

Everyone's eyes stayed on Tingyun, full of curiosity.

Tingyun smiled slightly, took out the box of facial mask from his pocket, and shook it gently.

"There are indeed treasures in Lin Ye’s blind box store. Now is the bonus period, it is easy to find bargains in it. This box of facial masks is what I opened in the blind box"

"Apply this mask, you can stay young forever, and your skin will be as elastic as a baby's."

After listening to Tingyun's explanation, everyone's eyes lit up.

All attention was focused on the mask.

This thing is not very meaningful to foxes like Tingyun, but it is a divine object to ordinary people like them.

Everyone has a desire for beauty.

Every short-lived species hopes that they can stay young forever.

"I plan to take this thing to the seafood market to sell, and those who are interested can pay attention to it."Tingyun smiled with narrowed eyes.

"How much money is Miss Tingyun prepared to pay?"

"Hehe, not much, not much. I just asked my little sister Bai Lu. An anti-aging pill from Dandingsi sells for several million credit points. My mask has a similar effect to the pill, so it should be no problem to sell it for two million."

At first, some of the onlookers wanted to buy this box of masks.

But when they heard that Tingyun directly asked for two million, most people were discouraged.

They thought that the Minghuo Chamber of Commerce knew how to do business, and they didn't need to increase the price immediately after opening a blind box.

Two million is really too expensive. For many ordinary people, all the savings in their families probably add up to this amount.

If this thing came out of a blind box worth 500,000, it would be worth it.

If you pay more money to buy it, it would obviously be unnecessary.

"Then if we open the blind box directly, do we have a chance to get this thing?"

"Yes, I heard that this blind box can make your money back no matter how you open it, so we might as well open a few and try. If it doesn’t work, we can make our money back by reselling it, or even make a small profit."

Seeing that everyone was eager to try, they all wanted to go to Lin Ye's blind box store to test the waters.

Tingyun cried out in her heart that it was not good.

Just now, she showed off the box of facial mask and was completely advertising for Lin Ye for free.

According to her observation, the blind boxes in Lin Ye's store are limited. Although these people don't have much money now, they can still empty their family savings to buy a few blind boxes.

When they buy up all the blind boxes, I won't have any to open.

Even if Lin Ye will replenish the stock later, everyone knows that Lin Ye is now in the opening promotion period where it loses money but gains publicity.

When the popularity of the blind box store increases and the flow of customers increases, will Lin Ye still put so many good things in the blind box?

By then, the winning rate will definitely be greatly reduced, and those who go to draw blind boxes will become leeks.

Thinking of this, Tingyun suddenly had an idea, and another ghost idea burst into her mind.

She directly took out the bag of Winter City Shield and several Black Tower Bonds from her pocket

"Listen to me, everyone. Lin Ye's blind box store can indeed produce a lot of good things, but it also depends on luck."

Ting Yun said, shaking the alien currency in his hand.

"I also opened these two things from the blind box. Can you recognize what they are?"

There are many interstellar merchants among the onlookers of the Xianzhou people, and soon someone recognized them.

"That shiny bag of money should contain the Winterfell Shield, which is the currency used by Beloberg on the planet Yalilo, right?"

"It seems so, but who would go to such a remote place to spend money? There seems to be no exchange service for Winter City Shield in Xianzhou.……"

"The electromagnetic chip shape should be the Black Tower Bond of the Black Tower Space Station"

"Is it the Black Tower Space Station on the Azure Star? Damn, it is said that the woman in the Black Tower is very perverted. She disguises herself as a loli doll all day long. If she goes to the Black Tower Space Station, she may be taken in as Wuwubo."

The crowd began to murmur.

Seeing that people began to back off, Tingyun was secretly happy and nodded with satisfaction.

"What everyone said is right. Who among you would go so far to Yalilo or Black Tower Space Station to spend money? So if you draw something like this like me, it's like throwing it away."

"As the president of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce, I just want to remind you to be careful when shopping."

"If you draw something worthless, you will lose everything."

After saying this, Tingyun wagged his tail and walked away leisurely, leaving everyone in the same place to continue discussing.

"Miss Tingyun is right. If you can't get anything useful out of a blind box worth 500,000 yuan, it's really a waste of money."

"I was thinking about going home and discussing with my wife about buying a blind box to try my luck, but now I think it’s better to forget it."

"If I were to get the foreign currency like the Winter City Shield like Miss Tingyun, I would be losing money. Do I have to take a boat to spend money there? The travel expenses are going to explode."

"Who said it wasn't? Thanks to Miss Tingyun for reminding me, otherwise I would have almost acted impulsively."


After Tingyun left, Lin Ye lay in the rocking chair in the store.

He had a L'Oreal mask on his face. He held a bottle of Dayao soda in his hand and a lollipop in his mouth.

He gulped down two mouthfuls and felt very comfortable.

Anyway, Lin Ye couldn't trade these rebate items, so he just squandered them.

He applied a 2 million mask as he pleased, just like that.


I didn't expect that as a time traveler, I could still enjoy the delicious snacks of my past world. It was really great.

But he suddenly realized a problem.

"Hey, system, I suddenly remembered a question"

"Just before Tingyun came, I remember there were many neighbors queuing in front of the store to buy blind boxes? How come there was no one left after Tingyun left?"

"It is reasonable to say that the things that Tingyun got were not bad, and these people should be more eager to open the box after seeing it."

Lin Ye scratched his head and said.

He did feel that it was a bit strange. He had advertised, and many people had also gotten good things. It is reasonable to say that his shop should be very popular now.

"Host, you ask me? Who should I ask?"

"Maybe we encountered some invisible resistance."

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