Bai Lu is a top-notch doctor and a master in elixir refining.

Since she said this elixir is top-grade, it is highly likely that it will not go wrong.

"Is this true? Could this pill really be a panacea?"Qingque's eyes widened."But this is too weird. Why would Lin Ye put such a precious pill in the blind box? Is he crazy?"

"Bai Lu, I need a clearer explanation. You need to tell me whether this pill can really get rid of the evil spirit body?"Ting Yun asked anxiously.

Whether the pill is precious or not is related to its efficacy.

If this pill can simply change a person's fate, it can already be called a miracle drug.

If it can also help people get rid of the evil spirit body, the value of this pill will become immeasurable.

And it is bound to cause an uproar in the entire Xianzhou Alliance. It may even change the fate of all the people in Xianzhou.

This is what Ting Yun really cares about.

Bai Lu frowned and shook his head, and said in a deep voice:"I am indeed very knowledgeable about medicinal materials, but it is limited to the commonly used ones. For example, I can't smell the formula of this pill at all, so how can I not see its efficacy?"

Ting Yun was a little disappointed and sighed."I didn't expect that even you can't see it, so how can I verify the efficacy of this pill?"

Qing Que, who was standing aside, suddenly stood up, looking very excited, and said:"Isn't this simple? Just find someone who has fallen into the evil spirit body and try it."

Tingyun rolled his eyes at her and shook his head helplessly.

"What you said is exactly the same as that Lin Ye. It's easy to talk without any concern. If this pill is really that powerful, and a soldier with a demon body eats it, what's the difference between it and feeding it to a dog?"

"But if you don't try, you will never know if what Lin Ye said is true."Qingque laughed."And if you think about it this way, there might be a second or third bead in Lin Ye's blind box."

"I think Qingque is right. Our ancestors of the Chiming tribe would taste the white grass to test the medicine. If we don't try it, we will never know whether a pill is useful or not."Bai Lu also agreed."If this pill really has miraculous effects and can save a person who has fallen into the devil's body, then it can be considered a good deed."

"If the elixir is poisonous, then poisoning a rich evil creature is a good thing."Qingque added.

The two of them sang the same tune, which stunned Tingyun.

Tingyun hated people who fell into the devil's body. Many years ago, their fox clan suffered persecution from the devil's body and almost wiped out the clan.

So she didn't want to feed the elixir to a person who fell into the devil's body.

People who fell into the devil's body were all mentally unstable. They couldn't resist the temptation of immortality and turned themselves into monsters who lost their minds.

Such people don't deserve sympathy at all.

But now that her two little sisters said so, Tingyun's mind began to waver.

In fact, she asked Bailu to take a look, hoping that Bailu could deduce the formula based on the taste and color of the elixir, so that she could copy the elixir.

But now Bailu couldn't tell the formula at all, and copying the elixir was basically hopeless.

"What you said is not without reason. If you don't try it, you will never know whether it is true or not."Tingyun looked at the pill that exuded a strange smell, sighed deeply, and then nodded.

"But even if I really want to try it, where can I go?"

"I can't go to the prison of the Ten Kings Department to look for it... If the judge finds out, I'll be in trouble."

The Ten Kings Department is the trial and detention agency on the Immortal Ship. Prisoners who have fallen into the devil's body will be detained in the Prison of the Ten Kings Department.

The Prison of the Prison is the most strictly guarded place on the Immortal Ship Luofu. Except for the judge of the Ten Kings Department and the Six Imperial Guards, no one else is allowed to enter.

"Leave this matter to me. Don't forget that I have worked in various departments of Xianzhou, and I have some connections in the Ten Kings Division."

Qingque blinked and smiled proudly.

To be honest, this girl has a lot of experience. She is talented, but she is lazy and likes to slack off at work. She is absolutely lazy and does nothing.

She has worked in various positions in Xianzhou, but after hundreds of years, she is still a small fortune teller. Fortunately, she knows a lot of people.

Even in the Ten Kings Division, which everyone is afraid of, she has a say.


Xianzhou, Ten Kings Division.

Prison on the bottom floor.

Under the dim light, a guard from the Ten Kings Division whispered to Qingque:"Miss Qingque, you only have ten minutes. If the judge comes back, I will be in trouble."

""I understand. Thank you. I'll invite you to the Nevernight House for tea and card games next time."

The guard gently closed the prison door.

Only the three sisters of Xianzhou and the evil soldier who was tied to the pillar with iron chains were left in the dark cell.


The soldier struggled angrily, making strange roars.

Under the invasion of the evil spirit, he had almost lost his human form, and his body was covered with golden hyperplastic tissue.

He was once a member of the Immortal Boat Cloud Cavalry, but he fell into the evil spirit and became what he is today. He has completely become a walking corpse without intelligence.

"Stop yelling, no one will care even if you yell to the sky." Bai Lu was kind-hearted and even comforted the soldier."If the elixir really works, you should thank us."

But Qingque and Tingyun were not so kind. They showed a very surprised look in their eyes. They were eager to try and slowly walked towards the demonic soldier.


The soldier's eyes widened. Although he couldn't speak, it was obvious that what he wanted to express was"Don't come over here."

Tingyun and Qingque took two steps forward, one of them opened the soldier's mouth, and the other stuffed the pill directly into it.

Then they grabbed the soldier's head and shook it hard, forcing him to swallow the pill.

"Eat it!"

"You're lucky."


At the moment when the soldier swallowed the pill, a shocking scene appeared at the same time.

After the pill entered his body, it suddenly began to react.

The body of the demonic Yin-body soldier began to emit a golden light, and all the meridians in the body were clearly visible.


The soldier howled to the sky, and at the same time a black smoke spurted out from his crown.

By the time Tingyun and the other two came to their senses, the reaction of the elixir had ended.

At this time, the person tied to the pillar was no longer a demonic body, but a young man who looked no different from the other people in the Immortal Boat, still wearing the uniform of the Cloud Cavalry Army. The

Essence Cleansing and Marrow Eliminating Pill actually helped him get rid of the demonic body.

Tingyun walked over with wide eyes, gently felt the soldier's pulse, and then said in a hurry:"I can't feel any breath of the demonic body on him, nor any energy fluctuations."

"It seems that what Lin Ye said is true! This pill can really reset the fate and cleanse all the negative states of the body."Bai Lu also seemed very excited, and immediately took out her tool to acupuncture and bleed the soldiers.

As a doctor, she needs the most cutting-edge medical results.

""Wow, that's amazing." Qingque couldn't help but cheer."I've never seen such a magical thing. If General Jingyuan knew that the three of us helped a cloud cavalryman get rid of the evil spirit, would he give us a lifetime achievement award? Then I can retire directly."

""Fool! How can we tell others about this? We can't just say we sneaked into the Ten Kings Division, right?" Tingyun knocked on Qingque's head.

"Then let's go find Lin Ye and ask him about it." Qingque couldn't hold back his excitement.

"By the way, I want to draw a blind box. It's so interesting to draw a blind box. I'm addicted to gambling and I want to draw a blind box now."

Qingque is a senior gambler. Gambling is all about the excitement.

And Lin Ye's blind box is simply the most perfect gambling game.

No card skills are required, and no brain is required.

Buy it and leave it, it depends on luck.

If you can draw something like the Cleansing Essence and Marrow Pill, it will be so cool.

Bailu also nodded repeatedly, put away all the silver needles and gourds, and was ready to go.

"I want to go too. If I can draw another elixir, it will be of great benefit to my research on elixirs."

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