Silver Wolf looked at the little chicken head on the USB drive. The silver-white hair, rosy face, and round eyes all made her feel strange.

She couldn't tell why, but when she saw the chicken head, she felt inexplicably angry.

She had the urge to crush the little chicken to death.

"Isn't this just a USB flash drive? What's so special about it?"Silver Wolf said coldly.

In the world of Star Iron, USB flash drives still exist as a transmission medium. They are slightly better than antiques like CDs and tapes, but they are also on the verge of extinction.

For example, Punklod, the home planet of Silver Wolf, has long abandoned this backward transmission medium. Any ether carrier is faster and stronger than this thing.

"The USB drive itself is not special, but the files inside are special."

"It contains a top computer virus. Any electronic product or digital device will be vulnerable to it."

"No matter how powerful a hacker you are, you can't fix this virus."

Lin Ye explained calmly.

"Oh?" Silver Wolf seemed to be suddenly interested, with a scornful smile on his face."It turned out to be a virus."

"But boss, please don't brag too much. I may not be able to beat you in a fight, but when it comes to hacking skills, I'm really not afraid of anyone."

"Let me correct you, there can't be a virus that even I can't crack."

Silver Wolf is not being arrogant, her home planet Punk Lord itself is a planet of hackers, and she is the idol of thousands of hackers.

Her data battle with Screw Gumm can be said to be the most classic hacker war in the entire universe.

All viruses are designed by humans. If there is a virus that even she can't crack, it means that there is a hacker who is better than her.

But Silver Wolf doesn't think there are such people in the universe.

Even if it is Ms. Black Tower of the Black Tower Space Station, or Screw Gumm, or even the Star God of Wisdom, Bo Shizun, Silver Wolf doesn't think that their hacking skills are better than his own.

Lin Ye didn't refute, but just smiled faintly. He said:"Miss Silver Wolf, if you don't believe it, just try it yourself."

"Your phone has returned to normal. You can insert the USB drive into the phone and see if you can repair the virus."

At this time, Silver Wolf's paralyzed phone had returned to the normal interface, and she directly inserted the black USB drive into it.

"Let's give it a try."

Silver Wolf was not afraid of this kind of thing at all, but was full of excitement.

Viruses and the like, she loved it the most.

At the moment when the USB flash drive was plugged into the phone, the most incredible thing happened. The two white straps on the USB flash drive moved by themselves.

The little chicken's eyes began to emit red light.

At the same time, on the phone screen, a boy dribbling a ball appeared.

"……My hobbies are singing, dancing, rap, and basketball.……"

"Chicken, you are so beautiful! Chicken, you are really so beautiful!"

The phone began to make a strange singing sound, and the whole phone was vibrating crazily.

""Damn it!" Silver Wolf suddenly became serious.

She tapped the screen of her phone hard, staring at the exaggerated boy on it.

"How can it be?"

"Why doesn't this virus even have a file format?"

But time passed by, and the song Chicken You Are So Beautiful was still playing.

When it was about the 10th loop, Kafka couldn't help it anymore, and directly picked up the Fire Kirin and shot at Silver Wolf's phone.

This song made her very painful, funny, absurd, and playful.

She couldn't imagine that in the highly evolved Starry Sky era, there would be such an ugly song.

"Enough! Silver Wolf."

After Kafka finished shooting, she covered her head and looked very painful.

The mobile phone had been completely destroyed, and the effect of the black virus disappeared.

Silver Wolf stood there in a daze, unable to move for a long time.

It had never happened before that the virus had not been deciphered for such a long time.

"What a clever design... what a perverted program"

"It's really interesting!"

After a brief moment of disappointment, Silver Wolf laughed happily again.

"This powerful virus, I have to let other people know about it."

Silver Wolf has already made a plan. She wants to release this virus to the Interstellar Peace Company to paralyze it directly.

Or she wants to send a copy to the Black Tower Space Station as well, so that the respected lady of the Black Tower can also feel the fun of the virus.

"Ahem."Lin Ye had no choice but to interrupt her."Miss Silver Wolf, you have also seen the power of the virus."

"Once you buy it, it will be your personal property. As for how you use it in the future, it has nothing to do with me."

Silver Wolf smiled and nodded, and put the USB drive into his backpack.

The rest of the treasures were relatively ordinary. The only thing that aroused Silver Wolf's interest was the thing that looked like an admission ticket.

"Feng Ling Yue Ying?"

Silver Wolf looked at the strange words written on the magnetic card and scratched his head.

"Is this a place name? But I have never heard of this place."

"This is not a place, but the name of an organization."Lin Ye explained awkwardly."With this admission ticket, it means you are a member of the Fengling Yueying Sect."

"If you show this card on the street, you should easily meet people from the same clan, and someone will come to pick you up. The members of this clan are all clumsy players in the game like you, so everyone can keep each other company and share their modified saves."

"After that, the leader of this organization will pass you a series of modifier files. With these files, you will never have to worry about the game being stuck again."

"Infinite life, infinite energy, one-hit explosion damage 999���Just ask the boss if he is afraid?"

Silver Wolf's eyes lit up, and the clever girl seemed to have thought of something.

"If I understand correctly, this is a cheating organization, which has various game cheats for me to use."

"You can understand it this way."Lin Ye said with a smile

"Nice! This thing is perfect for me."

Silver Wolf thought about the games she hadn't finished yet, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Even though her game saves were ruined, as long as she had this thing, she should be able to quickly reopen a better save.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door.

Dong Dong Dong

""Boss Lin Ye, are you still awake? Didn't I just tell you not to continue running the business? Why do I hear noises coming from your room?"

Su Chang asked from outside the room.

This startled Kafka and Silver Wolf. They didn't expect the Cloud Cavalry to come back with a surprise attack.

Lin Ye made a hush gesture and walked to the door.

"It's Miss Sushang. I'm not open for business anymore. I was just organizing my blind boxes."

"No one came here?"

"No, I didn't open the door after you left, so how could someone come in?" Lin Ye said calmly.

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