Of course, this is just Lin Ye's own guess, but in fact, each prop does not clearly indicate the effect of restoring limbs.

At the same time, the most likely consequence of taking it is that Lin Ye will explode on the spot.

"System, if I use these things at the same time, can I offset the self-castration effect of the Sword of Exorcism?"

Lin Ye didn't think that the system, this profiteer, would answer him well, especially such a heaven-defying question.

"Hehehe, I have told you the instructions for each item, you have to judge for yourself."The system said sarcastically

"But you said I am invincible in the blind box store, does that mean I will never die in the blind box store?"Lin Ye was about to use this profiteer system.

"This can still be guaranteed. If you die, who can sell me blind boxes?" The system continued to laugh."However, I can't let you die, but if you insist on self-harm, it is not impossible to suffer minor injuries."


"But you don't have to worry too much, maybe in the future you will be able to get a magical medicine that can reshape broken limbs, hahaha~"

Lin Ye was helpless, this system really didn't have many serious words.

But the more this was the case, the more he wanted to try, the system used him to make money, and he could naturally use the system.

Lin Ye didn't say any more nonsense, he first used Sophie's magic pocket to protect himself.

Then he directly picked up the Sword Manual of Exorcism and started using it.

A memory began to merge into Lin Ye's mind, and at the same time he felt a pain between his legs.

In a flash, Lin Ye didn't hesitate, and directly threw two red mushrooms and a Cleansing Essence and Marrow Pill into his mouth.

This series of operations can be described as flowing water.

The next second, the severe pain from all parts of the body made Lin Ye fall directly to the ground


"Damn it, host, are you messing with me?" The system didn't seem to expect Lin Ye to do this, and it was in a state of confusion.

In fact, Lin Ye's operation could not prevent him from castrating himself, and there was a great possibility that he would die suddenly.

As a last resort, the system had to take action.

Someone had to sell him a blind box.

A golden light directly enveloped Lin Ye.

After about a cup of tea, Lin Ye slowly recovered.

The first thing he did after his head was to unzip his pants and observe whether his body was still intact.

Fortunately, everything was intact.

"Wuhu~ Cool!"

Because of the Cleansing Essence and Marrow Pill and the red mushroom, Lin Ye is now refreshed and has directly evolved into a big muscle man.

At that time, Dan Heng became a muscular man with just one red mushroom. Now Lin Ye has eaten two mushrooms in a row, and the effect is doubled.

The muscles on his body are completely highly compressed, almost reaching the level of a perfect body.

At the same time, the effect of the Exorcism Sword Technique also makes Lin Ye extremely flexible now. It can be said that he is as light as a swallow and has a strong wind under his crotch.

"Nice! Although I may not be very good at fighting now, it is definitely difficult for me to die."Lin Ye is very confident in himself now. Even if he leaves the blind box store in a short time, he will not be killed.

Extremely thick blood, flexible speed, and the detection method of white eyes, the hidden magic skills provided by the transparent fruit, plus the two reversal methods of Izanagi, as well as the blessing of 10 resurrection coins and 20 Senzu beans.

It can be said to be a top-level defense configuration.


Just as Lin Ye was secretly happy, the sky gradually brightened.

Although he hadn't slept all night, Lin Ye felt refreshed.

He happily opened the door of the store and started business, but found that a group of Xianzhou people had gathered outside the store again. They were still pointing fingers at Lin Ye as usual.

"This Lin Ye is causing trouble again……"

"Dare to offend even the Interstellar Peace Company? How bold!……"

"Hey, they are getting cocky as soon as things start to get better. They are still young people."

Listening to the words of the outsiders, Lin Ye couldn't fully understand, but became even more upset.

Before, these people just looked but didn't buy, and they complained about it, so Lin Ye just put up with it.

Now the six departments of Xianzhou have issued an order not to allow these people to buy blind boxes, but they are still gathering here to make trouble.

Do you really think Lin Ye is a vegetarian?

""Fellow villagers, since you can't buy my blind box, please don't block the door and affect business." Lin Ye said with a smile.

But these people didn't buy it at all, and even complained.

"Lin Ye, don't be crazy"

"You are wanted by the Interstellar Peace Company. I wonder how long General Jingyuan can protect you?"

"Lin Ye, listen to others' advice and eat your fill. If you want to sell blind boxes, sell them properly and don't do anything illegal."

Lin Ye was confused.

"What the hell? Please stop talking nonsense, I am doing business with integrity, how can I be breaking the law?"

"Besides, even if I broke the law, it would be the Xianzhou Ten Kings Division that would be responsible for judging me. What does it have to do with the Interstellar Peace Company?"

"Just check on your phone. The Interstellar Peace Company has issued a wanted notice for you."One person shouted.

Lin Ye was even more speechless about what these people said.

He knew about the Interstellar Peace Company. It was a force under the command of the Protective Star God. At first, it was actually a housekeeper and nanny for the Protective Star God. As a result, by chance, it traded on various planets and eventually became the first economic giant in the universe. The credit points that everyone uses now are actually the currency launched by the Interstellar Peace Company to purchase the company's goods.

This initial company currency can become the universal currency of the entire universe, which also indirectly proves the strength and status of the Interstellar Peace Company.

But he and the Interstellar Peace Company have no grudges in the past and no hatred in the present, so how could he be wanted?

Lin Ye was busy swiping his phone and saw today's big news.

Yesterday, all the radio stations of the Interstellar Peace Company were hacked, and then the advertisements about the Wanjie Blind Box Store were played in a loop. The advertisements directly stated the grand goal of the Wanjie Blind Box Store to replace the Interstellar Peace Company.

Then Lin Ye was directly issued a wanted order by the Interstellar Peace Company for a series of crimes such as illegal operation.

"Wang Defa!"

""Duck!! You dog!"

Lin Ye understood the cause and effect of the matter at once. Who else could do such a thing except Silver Wolf?

He regretted asking the Star Core Hunter to help him promote. This way of promotion was too outrageous.

Although Lin Ye had used the cosmic loudspeaker to advertise before, it was just an advertisement. It was estimated that many planets would not care at all.

Now Silver Wolf has made himself a big news in the universe.

He originally thought that he could go out for some fresh air when he became stronger, and maybe he could leave the Immortal Boat for some fun.

Silver Wolf's move directly dispelled his idea.

Now he has been wanted by the Interstellar Peace Company. Once he leaves the Immortal Boat, he will be a living target.

Bounty hunters from all over the universe will come to deal with him. 100 lives are not enough.

"It seems that I should continue to stay in the blind box store, accumulate strength, and move forward slowly."

"It's too damn dangerous outside."

Fortunately, I am invincible in the blind box store. If these bounty hunters dare to come, they will be directly killed.

Just as Lin Ye frowned and thought about countermeasures, three familiar figures came from a distance.

It was March Seven, Ji Zi and Walter.

A long-lost train set.

The purchase authority has just been reset, and they will come to open the blind box as soon as possible.

"Boss, you look very bad." San Yueqi waved at Lin Ye from a distance.

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