"This fruit is called the Slippery Fruit. After eating it, your skin will become extremely smooth, and any object that touches your body will bounce off directly."

"As long as you don't wear shoes, you can slide freely on the ground"

"In addition, the most important thing is that after eating this fruit, you will directly become a peerless beauty."

"Both the appearance and the figure will be critically increased."

Lin Ye's words were so exaggerated that San Yueqi's eyes sparkled.

Which girl doesn't love beauty?

When she heard the words"peerless beauty", San Yueqi felt that her eyes were straight.

At this moment, whether it was the Dark Dark Fruit or whether Uncle Yang could be changed back to his original appearance, it seemed that it was no longer so important. ̄□ ̄||

Because she has always wanted to be as sexy as Sister Ji Zi, and doesn't want to keep this cute girl persona

"Peerless beauty? This term is too general. Can you elaborate on how much my appearance can be improved?"

"It's hard to say, I can only tell you that this fruit once turned a fat man with freckles all over his face into a sexy and slim beauty."Lin Ye explained."The girl is already very pretty, and after eating the slippery fruit, it's not impossible for her to become the most beautiful woman in the universe."

San Yue Qi's eyes kept showing little hearts and pink bubbles when she heard this.

"I love you so much, boss."

Lin Ye's words were so tempting that even Ji Zi's heart was beating fast.

She gently touched San Yue Qi's head and said softly,

"Xiao Sanyue, you are still young. When you are 18 years old, you will naturally become mature and beautiful."

"But sister, wouldn’t it be better if I became more beautiful now?" Sanyueqi hesitated.

"It is said that girls change a lot when they grow up. When you are 18 years old, your appearance will change, and there is a high possibility that you will grow bad."Ji Zi smiled with narrowed eyes."So it would be a waste if you eat this slippery fruit now."

"Hmm~ So what does sister mean?"

"You can sell this fruit to your sister first."

March 7 blinked and laughed."No!"

"Xiao Sanyue, you just said you would protect your sister in the future, but now my sister asked you for a devil fruit and you refused to give it to her.……"

"Sister Jizi, let’s be honest. I can’t give you this thing no matter what.

After saying that, Sanyueqi actually swallowed the slippery fruit whole, fearing that Jizi would snatch it away from her if she didn’t agree with him.

But she didn’t realize that devil fruits are not so easy to swallow. She curled up on the ground holding her stomach.

"Girl, you are so brave. You dare to swallow the devil fruit in one mouthful."

Devil fruits are very unpalatable, and can even be said to be the most unpalatable things in the world.

People who take devil fruits will have to endure the most tragic pain in the world.

Most people just take one mouthful and that's it.

The reason why Lin Ye didn't react when he ate the transparent fruit before was just because it was in the blind box store and there was system protection.

After a long time, March Seven slowly recovered.

Her body changed again.

She grew a lot taller in an instant, and her pink hair grew a lot longer.

Her curvy figure, coupled with her long pink flowing hair, made Lin Ye and Jizi's eyes light up.

With the rabbit ears and rabbit tail of the rabbit mode, March Seven has changed from a cute girl to a thoroughly sexy stunner.

Compared with Jizi and Kafka, they seem to be no less attractive.

"Oh my god, is it really that strong?"Lin Ye felt his whole body getting hot, and his nose was about to bleed again.

"Little March, you……"Seeing the tremendous transformation of Sanyueqi, Jizi cast an envious look.

Sanyueqi immediately took a selfie with her camera. Seeing her current appearance, she couldn't believe it herself.

"Wow, that's awesome."

"I want everyone to see that I am the most beautiful girl in the train group."

March Seven rushed out of the blind box store impatiently. She had only one thought in mind, which was to let everyone outside see how much she had changed.

Xuanye Street was already crowded, and the appearance of Lin Ye after the transformation directly attracted everyone's attention.

"Oh my god, how can there be such a beautiful girl"

"Honey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look... Ouch, it hurts"

"I have been in Xianzhou for so many years, but I have never seen such a stunning beauty. This beauty can completely kill the fox tribe."

"And look at this girl, she is so fashionable, she even has bunny ears and a tail"

"Long legs and a rabbit tail are a perfect match. This kind of dress will definitely set off a trend in Xianzhou."

"It's so beautiful, I want my wife to dress like this too."

The people outside the Xianzhou couldn't resist the temptation of the devilish figure of Sanyueqi, and their mouths were drooling and their noses were bleeding.

Many men were dragged back home by their wives because they stared too straight and for too long.

But soon, these people realized that something was wrong.

"Isn't this girl the little girl on the Star Train? I remember she didn't look like this before."

"She must have found some treasure in the blind box that made her like this."

"That's not right. Didn't the Sixth Ministry just issue a regulation? People outside of Xianzhou are not allowed to buy blind boxes."

"He is a guest specially invited by General Jingyuan. Should we stop him from buying a blind box? That would make Luofu Xianzhou seem a bit stingy."

"That's too unfair. I'm going to complain to the Taibusi."

Because of March 7, Xuanye Street was in chaos again.

But she ignored the commotion and glided nimbly on the street, heading straight to Changletian.

���To amaze the entire Xianzhou people


In the Wanjie Blind Box Store.

Lin Ye held his forehead helplessly and could only shake his head

"Oh, this girl is too flamboyant."

"Although being lively and cheerful is a plus, this is a bit too much."

Ji Zi beside him could only laugh awkwardly.

"This girl, Xiao Sanyue, is like this. Although the devil fruit changes her figure and appearance, it cannot change her personality and age."

Lin Ye sighed and looked at Walter Yang who was still sleeping.

Now that Ji Zi and Sanyueqi's blind boxes have been opened, he is the only one left.

But it must be said that the power of this Mao's cigar is really great, and Lao Yang has not woken up yet.

""Boss, what happened to Walter? Why does he seem to be asleep?" Ji Zi asked in confusion.

As she spoke, Ji Zi went over and pushed Lao Yang a few times, but found that he was still motionless.

"Let me wake him up."

Lin Ye naturally took out another big black plum from the jar and gently put it into Uncle Yang's mouth.

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