Walter Yang remained silent, with a helpless expression on his face.

In fact, he had no intention of letting the train crew know about this kind of thing. It was all something that happened on his own planet in the past and was not worth mentioning at all.

And Yang's sit-up story felt a bit strange to tell others.

But now that it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it anymore.

"It's my story, but it's all in the past."

"Wow!" Little stars appeared in Sanyueqi's eyes, and he looked at me with admiration."I didn't expect that Uncle Yang, you were so brave and heroic before."

"Uncle Yang, you must have been the idol of many girls at that time, right? Did all the girls on your planet want to marry you?"

Ji Zi also showed a surprised expression

"Walter, I've never heard you tell a story before, I didn't expect it to be so exciting."

Walter just waved his hand awkwardly. To be honest, it was not a good feeling to have all his secrets exposed.

"Hey, Uncle Yang, you used to be so handsome, but now you have become like this. Do you feel sad?"

"If your former students and colleagues saw you like this, would they still recognize you?"

March Seven's question was very venomous and asked for a beating, and it pierced Walter Yang's heart like a sharp knife.

Walter Yang didn't want to argue with her, so he could only sit aside and sulk.

"But it doesn't matter, there are even such things in the blind box, there must be a lot of things in it that can help you get out of trouble."Ji Zi comforted gently.

Now everyone is full of trust in Lin Ye's blind box, especially Walter Yang.

It is really amazing that his life information can be opened in the blind box.

You know, except for Walter himself, it is hard for him to believe that there is a second person in the world who knows this information. The fact that there are such things in Lin Ye's blind box does prove to a certain extent that Lin Ye is unfathomable.

""Okay, boss, I'll open the box next."

Walter looked at the last two blind boxes left on the table.

In fact, he didn't expect to see the Dark Dark Fruit today. After all, the probability was too low, and it was impossible to draw it once or twice.

But at least give him something practical, so that he can improve himself, and by the way, he can be happy and soothe his injured heart.

But so far, he really hasn't opened anything particularly useful in the blind box.

He opened the last two blind boxes.

After the golden light dissipated, a book and a card were scratched out of it.

【Master fishing skill book X1】

【Gender change experience card X1】

【Fishing Skill Book: A one-time consumable. After using it, you can directly gain master-level fishing experience and become a fishing expert.】

【Gender Change Experience Card: A one-time consumable item that allows the user to change their current gender in a short period of time, and a series of changes will also occur in their personality, which lasts for 72 hours. 】

Damn it! Lao Yang's luck is amazing.

If it were because of his image, Lin Ye would have almost cursed.

Lao Yang finally drew these two cards. Not to mention the first fishing skill book, what the hell is the second gender change card?

Direct sex change?

Lin Ye's mind has already outlined the scene of Walter Yang becoming a girl.

He even felt that it was more outrageous and more eye-catching than the current state of the Egg Fruit.

You can't always fleece one person, Uncle Yang has suffered enough these days.

At this moment, he has already made up his mind that he can't let this man use the gender change card no matter what.

"Boss, I think these two are good things."Walter Yang showed a relieved expression on his face.

Skill books and skill cards are the most direct way to improve strength in the eyes of Walter and other train crew members.

"Um... it's really good, I'll tell you slowly." Lin Ye said

"The first one is a skill book. After using it, you can obtain master-level fishing skills. Including how to make bait according to different fish, how to make fishing rods, how to fish, etc."

"Fishing?"Walter Yang showed a very uncomfortable expression on his face."Just fishing?"

"Well, with the master-level fishing skills, you can almost always catch fish."Lin Ye patted Walter Yang's shoulder in a friendly way to comfort him.

""Okay, boss, don't talk anymore. I want to be quiet."

Walter did n't know whether to laugh or cry. He finally got a skill book, but it was about fishing.

This was too fucked up.

In the interstellar world, who would go fishing when they have nothing to do?

Even if there were some planets with fishing environments, Walter was not in the mood to go fishing.

"Mr. Walter, this is actually useful. When you travel through the universe on the Star Train, you will always go to some extremely harsh environments. At that time, being able to fish will be very valuable."Lin Ye said with a smile."Since you have drawn it, make good use of it." Walter Yang nodded

, and then slowly turned the experience book into a white light that flowed into his body.

"What about this card? This should be something good."

This card is very similar to the experience card of the Toad Oil Flame Bomb that I drew on March 7th. It has a human face drawn on it, with a man on the left and a woman on the right. It looks very powerful.

"This experience card is really powerful and rare."

"It is called the Gender Change Experience Card. After using it, your body will undergo a radical change. From a strong man to a charming woman."

"The experience time is 72 hours"

"What!"Walter, Sanyueqi and Jizi were all shocked.

"Oh my god, isn't that a sex change?"

Seeing the three people's confused looks, Lin Ye quickly interrupted them.

"This is completely different from the usual sex reassignment surgery, which only changes the gender on the surface. This card changes the gender as well as the personality."

"Maybe you were a straight man before, but after using it, you will become a soft and cute girl."

"Very pure."

Walter swallowed his saliva repeatedly, and then pushed the card aside.

"That boss... no need to explain, I have no intention of becoming a woman for the time being"

"That's right! Mr. Walter, I also advise you not to use this card."Lin Ye let out a long sigh and then smiled."Sell this thing to the Interstellar Peace Company, some weird perverts will probably buy it."

Seeing that Walter had no intention of using this card, Lin Ye was relieved.

At this moment, March 7 suddenly spoke

"Hey, Uncle Yang, wait a minute."

"Is this gender change card also considered a kind of transformation?"

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