"Ms. Bronya, I am very grateful that you have come all the way to support my business." Lin Ye said leisurely."But actually my advertising time is quite early."

"Later, Xianzhou issued new regulations, not allowing foreigners to buy blind boxes."

"Whether you can buy the blind box depends on the opinions of the adults."

Lin Ye looked at Jing Yuan with a sly look.

The purchase limit order for blind boxes was issued by their six departments, and it must be explained by them.

Lin Ye would never do anything that offends customers.

Jing Yuan was also speechless for a while, and turned to discuss with Fu Xuan and Yukong

"You two, they came from a distant planet just to open the blind box. If we don’t let them open it, it would seem that our Luofu Xianzhou is too rude."

Fu Xuan looked cold and complained,"It’s all Lin Ye’s fault for issuing such an advertisement."

The most embarrassed person now is Fu Xuan. She was the one who issued the purchase restriction order at the time. If she wants to break it in two days, wouldn’t she be slapping herself in the face?

But it would be unreasonable to refuse rashly, because Ji Zi and others had opened the box before.

The purchase restriction order itself was set only to facilitate management and to obtain the required treasures faster. What

Yaliluo and the others need is something that can help their planet resist the star core, which does not conflict with the needs of people in Xianzhou.

So letting them open the box will not have much impact

"Some things can only be ignored." Jing Yuan said helplessly."Fu Qing~ It was you who issued the purchase restriction order at that time. Now it's up to you to decide on this matter."

Jing Yuan was still Jing Yuan. He would push Fu Xuan to handle any difficult issues first.

Fu Xuan bit his lip, then turned to Bronya and the others and said

"Originally, you are not eligible to open the blind box, but since you have come from afar, I can make an exception for you. Later, I will draft a purchase license for you, so that you can buy the blind box freely."

"However, you must also abide by the purchase rules. All treasures you open must be reported to the Sixth Department in a timely manner. In addition, if you draw something called the Dark Dark Fruit, please take the initiative to sell it to us."

"Also, when you go out, don't tell others that you have opened a blind box store. After all, what you have is a privilege."

After listening to Fu Xuan's convincing words, Lin Ye just laughed in his heart.

Although how to deal with the treasures in the blind box is the customer's own business, Lin Ye has no right to interfere.

But Fu Xuan's monopoly by setting up separate rules is really too much calculation.

I thought that the purchase restriction order would be lifted with this incident, but this woman made another purchase concession order. Does this woman really regard the blind box store as her own? Is she trying to make trouble?

Lin Ye thinks it is necessary to teach this arrogant woman a lesson in the future.

Bronya in front of him bowed slightly politely and said,"We will naturally follow Xianzhou's arrangements."

Fu Xuan nodded with satisfaction. His eyes looked at Lin Ye again.

"Boss Lin Ye, do you have any opinions on this arrangement?"

Lin Ye smiled and put on a nonchalant expression."What opinions can I have? Everything will be arranged by Master Taibu."

Jing Yuan on the side also nodded and said,"Very good. Let's do it according to Fu Qing's wishes."

"Ms. Bronya, now you and your companions can open the box freely."

"Actually, we wanted to open the box, but since we are from afar, we should give priority to the guests."

After thanking Jing Yuan, Bronya walked straight to Lin Ye.

""Okay, boss, I want to open the box now."

Bronya didn't say a word and just opened the box.

They came from afar, carrying the hope of the entire Yalilo planet, so there was nothing to worry about.

Just open the box and it's done.

"Ms. Bronya is really straightforward, but before officially opening the box, I still need to tell you some necessary instructions."

"Our store's blind box costs 500,000 credit points, and 10 consecutive draws cost 4.5 million credit points. Each customer can only buy a maximum of 10 blind boxes per week."Bronya showed a hint of disappointment in her eyes and said,"I didn't expect there would be a quantity limit. It's really troublesome."

"Also, I just heard from you, Miss, that your purpose in opening the blind box is to solve the star core crisis of the Yaliluo planet."Lin Ye continued

"What I can assure you is that there must be such treasures in the blind box, you can rest assured about this."

"But the probability of winning is not very high."

Lin Ye must make these things clear in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings later.

If Lin Ye remembers correctly, the cold winter in Yalilo is caused by the star core.

In the early years, Yalilo was actually full of spring, and even had very advanced aerospace equipment.

Later, the star core landed and the antimatter army arrived, and a disaster broke out here.

In order to completely defeat the antimatter army, the first great guardian, Alisa Rand, made a wish to the star core.

This triggered the endless cold wave.

The cold wave engulfed the antimatter army, and also engulfed the Iron Guard, bringing endless disasters to the planet.

So in order to solve the crisis in Yalilo, the star core must be destroyed.

This kind of thing is difficult to think about. Even if it encompasses the treasures of all worlds, the star core is one of the top ones.

It is not something that can be easily contended.

"So, Miss Bronya, you have to keep a normal mind."Lin Ye continued."If you are too utilitarian when opening a box, you won't be able to enjoy it."

Bronya just looked at Lin Ye with a calm look, without commenting.

Finally, she slowly said:"I understand what you said, but this is our last hope."

"I can't draw, but neither can my partner. If we can't draw in one week, we'll draw next week, and we'll get it one day."

"Miss, if you have this kind of perseverance, I will definitely support you."Lin Ye smiled."How many blind boxes do you want this time, Miss?"


Bronya transferred the money directly.

She was the adopted daughter of the Great Guardian Cocolia, and she had the power to allocate all the resources of Beloberg.

She was naturally rich.

If she could really obtain a treasure that could solve the star core crisis, it would be worth using all the money of Beloberg.

10 blind boxes were placed in front of Bronya in a short while.

She did not hesitate at all and decisively opened them all.

【Nanjing Duck X1】

【Purify Ether X20】

【Winter City Shield X300】

【Twin Turbo Mech X1】

【Volcanic mud mask X1】

【Footprints of Destiny X10】

【Dragon Egg X3】

【Five-star light cone X1】

【Lava Bucket X1】

【Five-star Relic X1】

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