"Miss Clara, if I say this book is very beneficial to everyone, would you be willing to share it with everyone?"

Clara blinked her eyes and said softly,"I would like to share it with everyone.""

"Everyone is very nice to me. Clara is willing to become a family with everyone."

""Yeah, that's it." Lin Ye nodded repeatedly.

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Lin Ye began to explain.

"This book can be said to be an encyclopedia of this world, which contains a lot of profound knowledge of this world."

"This knowledge is summarized in the form of multiple-choice questions, which is convenient for everyone to learn in depth and learn while having fun."

"Let's just relax our body and mind."

As he spoke, Lin Ye shook the pages of the book, and the smell of ink from a new book hit him.

He turned to the first page and began to read aloud.

"The first question is, assuming that Jing Yuan has the strength of a standard envoy, and Fu Xuan has 70% of Jing Yuan's strength, and the Star God of Destruction Nanook has three times the strength of a envoy, how many Fu Xuan are equivalent to the strength of the Star God of Destruction?"

"A1, B5, C4, D3"

"Please answer it."

After hearing Lin Ye's question, Fu Xuan's face almost turned green, and he pinched his waist and said:"Lin Ye, you bad guy! Why do you compare me?"

""Master Fu Xuan, I didn't write this book, so what's the point of getting angry at me?" Lin Ye laughed."Besides, a great Master Taibu wouldn't be so petty, right?"

""Huh~" Fu Xuan puffed his lips in anger and stopped talking.

But this question aroused everyone's strong interest, and the people in the blind box store actually started discussing it.

"I choose D."

Bronya was the first to answer, and her face was full of confidence when she said this answer.

"Tell me your reasons, Miss Bronya."Lin Ye said with a smile

"Isn't this very clear? Star God has three envoys, and if I guess correctly, Master Fu Xuan, as a member of the Six Imperial Guards, should also have the strength of an envoy, so I choose three!"

Clara on the side applauded."Big sister, what you said makes sense. Then I also choose D."

Lin Ye was speechless.

From this point of view, Beloberg's math level is not ordinary backward.

Or the two of them didn't think this was a math problem at all.

The key question that Fu Xuan has 70% of Jing Yuan's strength was clearly stated in the question, but they ignored it directly.

""Master Yukong, what do you think?" Lin Ye asked.

Then Fu Xuan also asked with a fake smile:"Master Siduo, you have to think it over carefully."

"Hahaha." Yukong blinked and laughed."I choose A"

"Choose A?"Lin Ye stared at Yukong with eyes wide open."Master Yukong, if you are threatened, just blink your eyes... It's a bit magical that you can choose option A."

It's obvious that Yukong is doing the test against his conscience.

Bronya and Clara chose D, at least they have a reason, but Yukong chose A, it's just a forced choice.

Tianbosi is in charge of many matters such as flying and reception, it's impossible that they don't know math. If you say that Yukong didn't let it go, no one would believe it.

"General Jingyuan, what about you?"

"As for me, I choose B five, the reason is very simple."Jing Yuan closed his eyes and looked unconcerned."I know Fu Qing's strength."

"It's good enough for him to have 20% of the power of a Star God. I will definitely choose the biggest option."

This is another ruthless person who doesn't even look at the question stem and answers the question based on his own feelings.

At this time, Fu Xuan's face has become more and more ugly, and it feels like his face is swollen.


"Hehehe, Fu Qing, Boss Lin Ye just said that this is just a game, you don't really take it seriously."Jing Yuan laughed.

Lin Ye looked at Ji Zi who was laughing awkwardly.

"Ms. Jizi, what is your choice?"

"I have studied mathematics, and if I divide 3 by 0.7, I can get about 4.28, so I should round it to 4, so the answer should be C"

""Hmm~" Lin Ye nodded with satisfaction.

No matter what, there are still people who understand mathematics in this huge universe.

This makes Lin Ye believe that it is not him who has a problem, but the group of people who just answered the question.

"Handsome Mr. Swarovski, what is your answer?"

"I have already calculated it using a computer program, and the answer to this question should be C. (Machine sound)" Shivalo scratched his head and said.

After asking everyone, Lin Ye turned his attention back to Fu Xuan.

"Lord Taibu, what is your choice?"

"Humph~ How dare you ask me that?" Fu Xuan said angrily."I don't think there is a correct answer to this question!"

"Because my strength is no less than that of General Jingyuan. If the general hadn't been so thick-skinned and hadn't been occupying the position, I would have been the top leader of the Immortal Boat."

"The title says that I only have 70% of General Jing Yuan’s strength, which is wrong in itself!"

"So there is no correct answer to this question."

After saying this, Fu Xuan looked at Lin Ye with pride.

The look in his eyes gave people the feeling that, what do you think? You didn't expect it, did you?

"Um... OK, then just leave this question blank."Lin Ye smiled helplessly.

Then he turned to the next page of the book.

"Now I will announce the answer to everyone."Lin Ye said loudly."The answer to this question should be B. Unfortunately, most people did not answer correctly. Only General Jing Yuan answered correctly."

"Huh? Why did you choose B?"

"How could this be? From a mathematical point of view, the correct answer for this question should be C."

"Ridiculous, is my strength only 20% of that of a Star God? This is simply hilarious!"

"The calculation program will not go wrong! (Machine sound)"

The blind box store was in chaos, and everyone questioned this answer.

Only Jing Yuan still closed his eyes complacently, looking very relaxed.

"Fu Qing, now you know the difference between you and me. You still need some experience."

"Ahem, General Jingyuan." Lin Ye couldn't help but interrupt him."Although you chose the right answer, your steps in solving the problem are completely wrong."

"I'm sorry, you guessed the answer to this question."

Lin Ye said this, and it was not unfair to Jing Yuan at all.

Because this guy didn't even look at the question.

"Oh? Then Boss Lin Ye, I'll listen to what the book says."

Lin Ye cleared his throat and said in a serious tone:"In fact, Miss Ji Zi's calculation method is correct."

"It's just that there is a deviation in understanding."

"If we go by the math, the correct answer is 4.28, which should be 4 after rounding off."

"But strength is not backward compatible. When two people fight, a slight difference can make a world of difference."

"It is better to overestimate the enemy's strength than to underestimate him!"

"Therefore, the answer to this question should be upward compatible, so choose B five times."

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