At this moment.

At the southernmost side of Luofu Xianzhou, there are Tianhe Huixing and Yinpu Liuyun.

This is a temporary stop for many star ships, fighting ships, and flying boats.

It is also the parking place of the Star Dome Train.


A virtual soldier trampler of the antimatter army is standing on the roof of the Star Dome Train, making a sharp howl.

The virtual soldier trampler is a high-level soldier in the antimatter army.

It is the product of the antimatter army using the war furnace to fuse the fragments of warriors and ancient beasts and recast them. It has the intelligence of warriors and the power and mobility of ancient beasts.

Their neighing will attract a large number of virtual soldiers.

Soon, hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers of the antimatter army rushed over and surrounded the Star Dome Train.

They dare not act rashly against the people of the Xianzhou Alliance, but they don’t need to be polite to the Star Dome Train.

Just do it!

Over the years, the train team has had many conflicts with them and repeatedly disrupted their plans. This grudge has long been deeply rooted.

Soon they kidnapped the conductor Pam on the train.

""Help, help!"

Pam was grabbed by a Void Trampler with one hand, tears kept flowing from her eyes, and her ears were twitching in panic.

""Hehehe, kidnap the conductor of the Starry Sky Train, let's see how those idiots can still act cool!" An unknown soldier laughed wantonly.

At this moment, a shout was heard not far away.

"Let go of that girl!"

That was March Seven's signature girlish voice.

A pink light suddenly flashed, and the next second Pam appeared in March Seven's arms a hundred meters away.

March Seven smiled coldly at the antimatter army.

"With your little ability, you dare to kidnap our train conductor?"With the Slippery Fruit and the Rabbit BUFF, Sanyueqi's current speed can be said to be hard to beat.

All the virtual soldiers were a little stuck in their brains for a while, and they became restless unconsciously.

"What just happened?"

"What a fast speed, the hostage was taken away in an instant."

"I have never seen such a fast movement in the Great Lord. It is really a ghost."

This antimatter army team is not as disciplined as the one that fought with Yan Qing and his team before.

They were originally assigned to hijack the empty Star Sky Train. This task is relatively simple, so they are completely a ragtag army. The overall style is leaderless, chirping and

"We've fought against this girl before, and she was the weakest one in the train crew... How come her strength has improved so much?"

"Why bother with her? Just go for it. Are we afraid of her being a burden?"

"Who do you think is a burden?" Sanyueqi clenched her fist angrily."I will beat you up today!"

At this moment, a floating eggshell suddenly appeared behind Sanyueqi.

Then a very cute girl emerged from the eggshell.

"Little March, don't be impulsive"

"Uncle Yang... No, Xiao Wa, don't worry, I will protect you." San Yue Qi showed a confident smile.

This conversation was also heard by a group of virtual soldiers.

After they were stunned for a moment, they began to laugh.

"Did this damn girl just call that eggshell Uncle Yang? Could it be that this eggshell monster is the legendary Walter Yang?"

"Hahaha, I laughed my ass off. I didn't expect that the famous Walter was actually a Kun."

"It turns out that Walter Yang is actually a cute girl without a dick."

"She is not only a Kun, but also a novice Kun, a virtual Kun!"

"Oh my, it turns out that the top combat power of the train team is just this level."




After listening to the gossips of the Antimatter Corps, Walter's face became redder and redder.

Tears could not help but well up in his eyes.


"I'm going to kill you!"

Walter was determined to kill at this time, he must let these people see what Yang sit-ups are!


At the edge of Luofu Xianzhou's Star Harbor.

Outside the harbor.

Clara challenged the Antimatter Army outside a hideout.

Her eyes were blazing, and she stood in front of the group of imaginary soldiers with a fierce look.

Behind her, Swarovski and Tibers both had their hands in their pockets, staring at the world in front of them.

"Are you the ones who hurt Sister Xier?"

"Listen up, you bunch of losers, I'm going to beat up ten of them!"

"Hurry up and wash yourself and stand up to be beaten!"

The virtual soldiers stared at her repeatedly, somewhat bewildered.

In the previous encounter with Yalilo and his men, the Antimatter Corps had already figured out the strength of these people.

This Clara had no fighting power at all, just a blank slate.

Usually she relied on the robot behind her for protection.

Seeing Clara's cute face, they even found it a bit funny.

"Little girl, go home and breastfeed."

"You people in Yalilo are just a bunch of trash. We don't even look down on you."

"With your combat power, the Antimatter Legion has no interest in you and does not want to waste time with you!"

""Roll, roll, roll."

This antimatter army also has a clear mission, which is to besiege the Star Port, thus bringing great pressure to the Xianzhou Alliance.

They really don't have time to play house with Clara.

Clara curled her lips. Under the influence of the personality transformation card, her current personality is completely different from before.

She pointed directly at the virtual soldiers with a domineering and contemptuous smile on her face.

"Fuck you! I told you to come out, so just come out! Stop talking nonsense."

"A bunch of sand sculptures!"

"I will tear your stinky mouths apart!"

Clara spoke of the quintessence of Chinese culture, which made the Antimatter Army unbearable.

Several virtual soldiers and tramplers roared and rushed over.���Come

"Are you looking for death? We were ordered not to attack the Xianzhou people, but we didn't say we can't attack your Yaliluo people again."

"Today, let your uncle teach you how to be a good child."

A group of pawns rushed up, but Clara was not panicked, and there was even a bit of satisfaction in her eyes.

"Mr. Swarlow, come on!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

At this time, the handsome Mr. Swarovski swung his flowing bangs, and then took out his powerful weapon behind him - 3000 lives. Ten kinds of killing tools were all activated at this time.

The machine gun fired crazily.

The poison bottle fell from the sky like a meteor shower.

Flame bombs kept spraying out from Swarovski's cloak.

Sulfuric acid turned into a huge wave and rushed towards the antimatter army.


Under this violent attack, the few tramplers who had just tried to attack Clara were killed instantly.

It was so fast that no one knew what weapon had killed them.

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