While the Lord of Extinction was still puzzled by the fact that all three of his teams were wiped out, on the other side, in the Wanjie Blind Box Store, Jing Yuan also received a victory report on the battle.

"Reporting to the general, Yan Qing Xiaowei and Li Suchang, the treasurer, have annihilated more than a thousand members of the antimatter legion!"

"The sword skills of the two are so exquisite that their sword energy can span 30,000 miles and their sword can cover 19 continents."

"Even the most terrifying Doomsday Beast of the Antimatter Corps was killed with one sword."

"The antimatter corps in the north has all retreated……"

After the report from the Cloud Cavalry, the whole place fell silent.

Originally, these people were still hesitating on how to deal with this matter. Jing Yuan was even ready to go to support his adopted son.

In the blink of an eye, the war was over.

"Total... total annihilation?" Jing Yuan had an incredible expression on his face."Even the Doomsday Beast was destroyed."

Jing Yuan really couldn't understand it. He knew Yan Qing's strength. He was indeed very strong.

But he was far from this level.

Even if he went into battle himself, he couldn't guarantee that he could annihilate so many antimatter legions so quickly.

And that new recruit Su Shang, no matter how talented she was, she wouldn't be able to improve so quickly.

Jing Yuan felt his head buzzing.

Fu Xuan also shook his head in disbelief and said,"Has Yan Qing's skills improved to this level?"

"If we only look at the battle situation, the strength of the two is close to the level of the envoy."

Everyone looked at Lin Ye.

At this time, Lin Ye yawned, spread his hands and laughed.

"Basic operations, just basic operations."

In fact, before this, he had a vague understanding of the strength of the treasures in the blind box.

Because the system's introduction to the items was only a brief text description, and there was no clear combat power data.

In addition, the treasures came from different worlds, and there was really a lack of a unified measurement standard. And it was obvious that the combat power index of some worlds was significantly lower than that of the Star Iron World.

So Lin Ye himself was not sure how much these treasures could improve a person.

Now it seems that the quality of these treasures in the Ten Thousand Worlds Blind Box even exceeded his expectations.

It was only a moment, and then another Cloud Cavalry ran in.

"Report to the general, the war in the south is also over!"

"Mr. Walter Yang and Miss March Seven successfully annihilated the 800 antimatter army and recaptured the Starry Sky Train."

"Mr. Walter has never been defeated in a hundred battles! It's like he has divine help! He was beaten by a group of weak soldiers for ten minutes, but he didn't fall down!"

After hearing this, Ji Zi on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

She was just worried about Walter and March Seven, and now it was a good thing to get the news of their victory.

But the description of this battle situation was indeed a bit too weird.

"Is Walter injured?"Jizi remembered the effect of the Egg-Dan Fruit, and guessed that Walter wanted to be beaten to death on purpose, so she came to verify whether Lin Ye's statement was correct.

"Don't worry, Miss Jizi, Mr. Walter is unharmed."



The third Cloud Cavalry soldier followed, with a look of shock on his face.

"General, in the direction of the Star Port, a girl in red clothes, with a robot and a bear, has gone crazy killing"

"This girl seems to be mentally unstable. She is bloodthirsty and is still chasing after the antimatter army."

"General, should we come out to intercept them? After all, the Antimatter Corps didn't take the initiative to attack, but they were beaten like this.……"

Bronya was stunned

"Is the effect of this blind box so strong? It can actually make Clara become like this"

"You know, this guy was scared to death when he saw a dog before."

Lin Ye smiled faintly, his eyes full of playfulness, and said:"Of course, she and Swarovski drew 20 blind boxes from me, how can they not be strong?"

"Is the war over just like that?" Jing Yuan and the others looked at each other in bewilderment. Even Fu Xuan, who was always arrogant and nosy, was speechless at this moment. He could only stare at Lin Ye in a daze.

"Reporting to the general, the antimatter army has collapsed across the board, and the fleets have left one after another. The war is indeed over."

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Ye again.

To be precise, today is the first test of the blind box treasure.

And the answer sheet handed in by Lin Ye obviously exceeded all expectations.

"Why are you looking at me?" Lin Ye waved his hand and said,"I just said that if you rush over, the fight will have already ended. Why don't you believe me?"

"Such a waste of time opening blind boxes~"

"I am a man of my words. You will never lose money by opening my blind box. Now the facts are in front of you. Anyone who has opened a blind box has made a fortune."

"The war is over, and this place is no longer a strategic center. Those who want to open the box can stay, and those who have opened the blind box can do what they should do."

At this time, whether it is Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Yu Kong, Ji Zi, or Bronya from Xianzhou, their eyes have changed when they look at Lin Ye.

Some are deeply respectful, some are with a hint of appreciation, and some are already full of little stars.

"Brother Lin Ye, the peace of Xianzhou in the future will require your care and effort."Jing Yuan got a teapot from somewhere and started pouring water for Lin Ye."I will continue to support your blind box business."

"Lin Ye, I'm sorry for offending you in some matters before. You are a grown man, so don't be petty with me."Fu Xuan also became gentle for a rare moment."I will also fully support your business."

""Boss Lin Ye, from today on, your blind box store will become the signature of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce, and Tianbosi will be proud of you." Yukong shook his tail and said softly. Bronya on the side was not to be outdone, her eyes sparkling.

"Lin Ye Lao���We probably won’t be back to Yalilo in the short term. I hope I can always buy your blind boxes."

""Boss, I shouldn't have doubted you before. If you are willing, I hope you can board the Starry Sky Train, so that more planets can see your amazing blind box." Ji Zi was even more direct, and even thought of kidnapping Lin Ye.

""Miss Jizi, what do you mean? Lin Ye is obviously from our Xianzhou. Why can he join your train group casually?" Fu Xuan puffed up his cheeks and said.

These people are not fools. Since Lin Ye's treasure can make the combat power of a cute girl like Clara soar to this level, as long as they keep opening boxes, it will not be a problem for them to reach the strength of a star god in the future.

At this moment, the strength of Lin Ye has risen to an unprecedented height in their hearts.

At this time, Lin Ye's mind was already full of imagination.

These people are so nice now that Lin Ye is a little dizzy.

He already has a very clear picture in his mind.

Fu Xuan and Yukong, one on each side, rubbed his feet.

Jizi was responsible for serving tea and water, while Bronya was responsible for feeding him fruit.

""Ahem, boss, did you hear me?" Jing Yuan patted Lin Ye's shoulder gently."This general wants to open the box." Jing Yuan is very anxious now. He has opened so many boxes before, but he is the only one who has not obtained something that can significantly improve his strength.

At that time, the only valuable thing in his ten bursts was the underworld phone call, which let him know that Jing Liu was still alive.

But this kind of thing obviously has no difference in improving combat power.

If he doesn't open the box quickly, he will really be surpassed by Fu Xuan, and his reputation as the number one combat power in Xianzhou will be lost.

"Hey, General, are you ashamed?" Fu Xuan directly stood in front of Jing Yuan."You are a grown man, don't you know that ladies come first?"

""General Jingyuan, Master Fuxuan, stop arguing, I should be the next one to open the box." Yukong said with a smile."After all, this is our Tianbosi's property."

Jingyuan, Fuxuan, and Yukong quarreled.

Lin Ye could only laugh helplessly.

""Why are you in such a hurry? There are plenty of blind boxes, and it's not like there are not enough."

Just then, a hoarse voice suddenly came from outside the store.

Everyone looked up and saw a shadow appear in front of them.

"Lin Ye, I finally found you!"

"I want to open a blind box too!"

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