At this moment, the heroes and magicians of all the worlds looked at it, and the screen fell silent.

Although it is true that the big spider was defeated in the end in the middle of the screen.

But the content displayed on this screen made all the lights so shocked.

And it was also through this video that all the viewers had a deeper impression of the power of the big spider.

In the world of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Tosaka Tokitomi was also unable to calm his inner mood for a long time.

"Although I've heard that the big spider is terrifying before...... But only when you actually see the big spider will you know how powerful he really is. "

To tell the truth, if it weren't for the fact that Kukulkan happened to be the heart of the big spider, and it was an alien thing, it would have been difficult for Rika Fujimaru to defeat that big spider even if she fought everything.

"Hmph, I didn't expect the final result of the video to be like this. "

Gilgamesh looked at the screen with a dull surprise.

There are still a lot of things that surprised him very much in this video.

Whether it's the appearance of the big spider or Kukulkan's true identity.

"However, Rika Fujimaru ...... A rather special existence indeed. "

Kukulkan was able to choose to perform a shot at the end of the bald head, and I killed my own trick, which can only be said to be due in large part to Rika Fujimaru.

Should it be said that it is worthy of the crown succubus?

And at this moment, a steady stream of news is also constantly emerging in the group chat.

[Yi Asong: It's really a surprising ending, I didn't expect that Kukulkan's true identity is actually the heart of the big "six-six-seven" spider, and the power of this treasure is not something that ordinary heroic spirits can have. 】

[Leonardo da Vinci: This treasure is probably a replica of the power of the meteorite that hit the earth before, but fortunately, at this time, he is willing to help, if it is not for her, I am afraid that the only way to meet mankind is to perish. 】

[Two rituals: I really didn't expect that the Chaldeans actually defeated the big spider, and the only one who could defeat the big spider was a creature from the same alien planet, but fortunately, that Kukulkan was such an existence!]

[Cú Chulainn: To be honest, I was a little surprised, as the heart of a big spider, I am afraid that a large part of the reason why he would choose to help humans is because of that Fujimaru Rika. 】

[Merlin: worthy of Fujimaru, a succubus walking in the world......]

In the world of the magic envoy night, watch the screen that is fading away.

Aoko Aosaki couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect the Chaldea to be able to defeat that big spider. "

Although she had known that this big spider was indeed very powerful, the ability shown by the big spider on the screen was still beyond her imagination.

To tell the truth, if it weren't for the fact that he had brushed up on Kukulkan's favorability, even if he had paid so many sacrifices, it would have been absolutely impossible to defeat the big spider.

After seeing such a video come to an end, she is also more curious about what kind of content the next video will be.

And just as all the viewers were talking about the score, the new video was on top of the current screen.

It immediately attracted the attention of all the audience!

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War, Rin Tosaka's face immediately showed an expression of excitement.

"I didn't expect the next video to be played so soon, and I didn't know what kind of content it would be like if it was to play next. "

As she spoke, her face also showed an expression of extreme excitement.

After experiencing the shock of the big spider, she is also looking forward to the next video.

At this moment, countless tomb robbers are present on the screen.

And this is also the reaction of the rest of the audience, at this moment, the heroes and magicians of all worlds have their attention on the screen.

And under the eyes of all eyes, a new line of titles appeared in the video.

【Classic lines of the moon】

[Two rituals: As long as it's a living thing, even if it's a god, I'll kill you!]

At this moment, the heroic spirits and magicians of all the worlds couldn't help but be slightly stunned when they saw such a title.

They really didn't expect that after experiencing the baptism of the big spider, the whole video would actually return to the two ceremonies again.

Through the previous introduction, all the audience was also very clear about the situation of the two ceremonies.

A girl who connects to her roots...... However, it is clear that the two rituals on the screen are probably not the root type they are familiar with.

But having said that, I'm afraid the strength of the other party won't be so simple.

It's just that he dares to say such words.

As long as it's a living thing, even if it's a god, I'll kill you?

Isn't this a lot of domineering!?

At the same time, all the audience began to discuss.

[Weber: Is it the root style that appeared in the previous video, although it is indeed the root of the connection, but I really didn't expect her to say such handsome words, I'm really a little curious about the development of the next video. 】

[Iskander: It's really a surprise to this king, I didn't expect that girl to say such handsome words...... Even the king wants to recruit him into his legion. 】

[Emiya Shirou: You guy, don't just want to pull him into your legion as long as it's a person!!]

[Mordred: I didn't expect her to say such words, although it is not easy to say that the identity of the other party is very clear, but under such words, I am also curious about her fighting style. 】

[Aozaki Orange: This familiar way of speaking seems to be the one I remember, the two ceremonies are right......]

At the same time that all the audience was talking, two ceremonies also appeared on the screen!

is different from the previous root style, whether it is the expression or the clothes on the body, it is obviously a little more serious than that root style.

At the same time, an introduction to the two rituals appeared on the screen.

【Two ceremonies】

The "style" of personality, which represents femininity, affirmation, and femininity, is the main personality of the body.

He has a cold personality and has the highest level of rainbow magic eye, the magic eye of direct death.

Seeing such an introduction, all the audience couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Although it has been clear before, Liangyiyi is a multiple personality.

And one of the personalities is the existence that is connected to the root.

But I didn't expect other personalities to be simple, and they were actually the owners of the Magic Eye.

The Demon Eye of the Moon World is actually to turn one's own eyeballs into a magic circuit (similar to the method of magic marking), and transform the passive function that was originally used to receive information from the outside world into the ability to actively influence things in the outside world!

All targets in line of sight are affected by magic, and if the target is looking directly at the magic eye, the magic effect will skyrocket.

Since the MONOCULUS is not only not able to look directly, but as long as it is seen by the MONOCULUS, you will be trapped in the other party's magic, and it is difficult to judge whether you have the MONOCULUS from the appearance, so it can be said that there is no way to prevent it!

Therefore, it is one of the extremely powerful abilities, and there are very few people who have the magic eye at the same time.

And among the very few magic eyes, in fact, most people only have artificial magic eyes that are charming, hinting, and this level of ability!

But it's clear that the two rituals on the screen are not the same.

The level of the MONOCULUS she has is the highest MONOCULUS......

At this moment, all the audience couldn't help but discuss.

[Kenneth: I really didn't expect that the two ceremonies were actually the owner of the Demon Eye, and he still had the highest level of the Rainbow Demon Eye!]

[Rin Tosaka: Then this girl is too strong, not to mention the root of the connection, and she is also the owner of the magic eye, and even the highest-level magic eye......]

[Shinji Makiri: Is the little magic eye really as powerful as you say?]

[Medusa: The Rainbow's Magic Eye...... Speaking of which, you may not know what a concept is, but you should know my abilities

, even my magic eye is only gem-level, and the rainbow-level magic eye is an existence that is even higher than the gem level, and it is the highest-level magic eye!]

[Karna: When you say that, I'm a little curious about what kind of ability she is, and what powerful effect does her magic eye have?]

At this moment, the heroes and magicians of all the worlds are also curious about what kind of content will be played in the next video.

Under the watchful eyes of all the viewers, the entire video also officially began to play.

In the expectant eyes of all the audience, a figure appeared on the screen.

It is Asagami Fujino, the heir of the Asagami family!

At this moment, the girl's face showed a painful expression...

Obviously, her body was constantly exuding pain, but even so, the girl still had to drag this heavy body and continue to walk towards the bridge.

At this moment, the rain kept falling, and the whole bridge turned into a shallow lake.

Under the influence of the typhoon day, the sky was dark.

Asakami Fujino dragged his heavy body into the storm.

She walked forward in the rain, her purple lips open and panting.

Suddenly...... She stopped walking under the streetlights.

The reason is also very simple, there is an uninvited guest in front of the girl, and the white figure is like death.

And the girl who appears on the screen is undoubtedly two rituals.

At this moment, the two ceremonies dressed in white stopped on the Asagami Fujino in front of him.

"I've finally met you, Asa. "

A cold and slightly excited voice echoed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time as saying this, the girl also focused her gaze on the Fujino in front of her.

The two men just stood under the street lamp, glancing at each other.

The distance between the two is not far either.

Even under the influence of this weather, both people can clearly see each other's figures and can hear each other's voices very clearly.


Hearing each other's words, there was no expression on the faces of the two ceremonies.

"If only you went home, you are a beast that has tasted blood, and you have fun killing people. "

In the face of such words, Asakami Fujino just gasped for breath and stared at the two ceremonies that were close at hand.

Then there was an immediate sneer of disdain.

"-That's you, right? I wasn't happy at all. "

With such words just fell.

Asakami Fujino's eyes were full of hostility and murderous intent, and he quietly raised his left hand to cover his face......

Brilliant eyes, peeking through your fingers!

Seeing such a scene, all the audience reacted instantly!

This guy is also an MONOCULUS owner!?

And look at the light in the eyes......

This seems to be, gem-level MONOCULUS!?

See such a scene in the world of Chaldeans.

Roman also had an extremely surprised expression on his face.

"How could it be? It's actually the owner of the magic eye, and I can see that the magic eye seems to be the most advanced ability, a rarity among rare goods......"

Roman was also a little nervous at this moment.

He really didn't expect to be able to see two MONOCULUS owners on this screen at the same time.

And the level of the magic eye of the two people is actually not low...... 1.3

It is not always possible to see a MONOCULUS owner.

I didn't expect to be able to see two MONOCULUS owners at the same time in this small video.

And at this moment, all the viewers in the group chat couldn't help but let out their surprised voices.

[Rin Tosaka: Liarious, isn't it? Why is it the owner of a magic eye? I don't usually see one, but now I can actually have two owners of rare magic eyes at the same time. 】

[Olga Marie: Does that mean that the next battle between MONOCULUS and MONOCULUS is really a bit exciting. 】

[Kenneth: The abilities between the MONOCULUS and the MONOCULUS are also different, and I'm also a little curious about what kind of MONOVISION these two people are?]

[Rika Fujimaru: The battle between the legendary highest-level rainbow magic eye and the rare magic eye in the rarity is really something to look forward to!]

At this moment, with the discussion of all the audience, the content on the screen also continues to play.

Seeing each other showing such an appearance, there was no surprise on the faces of the two ceremonies.

It's just that he stared at Asakami Fujino in front of him with great solemnity, and the atmosphere on the field became more and more heavy.

At the same time, a knife appeared in her right hand at some point.

“...... I can feel that we are very much alike, ah——— I'm going to kill you like this. "

As soon as such words fell, the bodies of the two people invariably exuded a murderous aura at the same time!

The atmosphere in the air has become extremely awe-inspiring!

And under the gaze of all eyes, this battle between the MONOCULUS and the MONOCULUS is also on the verge of breaking out!

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