Outside the church church, on the building directly opposite, the tenth ancestor of the dead was standing in the night breeze, squinting slightly at the church in front of him.

“Chimera’s technique… It seems that there is a reaction to starting? ”

When the experiment is conducted in Las Vegas, the average person will complete all the changes in up to four days, although the degree of change is not satisfactory, but this is also the limit of what ordinary people can bear.

But this time, as a substitute for experimental prime body, he actually insisted on it for more than half a year… Even the Tenth Ancestor of the Death Breaker couldn’t help but praise it.

All the doppelgangers scattered throughout Fuyuki City moved rapidly, gradually gathering towards the side of the church of the church.


Yan Fengqili’s belief is very firm, and the Bajiquan he uses can even cause some damage to the spirit body. Because of this, if you want him to accept this monster from the bottom of his heart, just locking him in a warehouse and isolating him from the world will definitely not make him change.

Kaos ignores this point.

After escaping from the warehouse, he came into contact with all kinds of people again, and although he no longer had all memories to speak of, he instinctively wanted to see the faces of these people distorted by pain. It is not a physical pain, what Yan Feng Qili wants to see is mental pain.

It’s just that due to the pursuit of the tenth ancestor doppelganger, Yan Feng Qili had to temporarily put aside this idea and focus on escaping.

“Do you want to try the taste of happiness?”

Happiness…… This was an emotion that Yan Feng Qili had never experienced in his life, and even if he lost all his memories, he suddenly felt dazed when he whispered this term.

At the same time, the body instinctively desperately wants to try the so-called taste of happiness.

“What do you think would happen if a father died at the hands of his most trusted son?”

What kind of expression… It should be consternation, fear, anger, and anger.

Yan Feng Qili tried to think about it, and when he came to this conclusion, he instinctively showed a light smile that was very happy.

“So, let’s try it…”


“…… I’ll contact Shichen and ask him to come here and pick you up.” ”

The old man figure reflected in his pupils got up and walked away slowly, and Yan Feng Qili also temporarily regained consciousness.

Trying it means… This priest is my father, isn’t it?

Yan Feng Qili only came to this conclusion, but he couldn’t recall any memories related to this priest at all.

The only certainty is that he is his own

So, if he dies at the hands of his most trusted son, what kind of expression will the father have… Just imagining this scene, Yan Feng Qili couldn’t help but grin.

Moving quietly to keep up, the footsteps accustomed to the work of the substitute were so faint that they could not be caught at all, and Yan Feng Qili moved behind the old priest.

“Hmm… Ceremonial !!? ”

Inexplicably feeling a strangeness, Yan Fengli turned around with a frown, just in time to face Yan Feng Qili, who was waving his claws with a happy expression.

Seeing his current appearance, Yan Fenglizheng couldn’t help but be taken aback, and quickly prepared to twist his fists for self-defense——


It was smoother than the sound of water, and red blood splattered out.

The old priest’s pupils widened, his face full of disbelief, and he was more concerned about “why did Qili do such a thing” than if his breathing tract was cut?


In the next instant, another sharp claw immediately broke through and crushed this tenacious beating heart directly.

The tall and burly body fell to the ground, and the blood flowing from the wounds soon stained a large area, reflecting Yan Fenglizheng’s pupils that could not be blinded.

These pupils are full of complex emotions such as shock, fear, anger, and anger… As expected.

However, even if he guessed the answer in advance, Ke Yanfeng Qili did not have a trace of disappointment or loss, but the corner of his mouth was the happiness he experienced for the first time since he was born.

“It turns out that this feeling… It’s happiness. ”

At the same time, the sleeping memories are immediately awakened, all the memories that have been experienced so far… Including the bits and pieces of living with his dead father in front of him, all echoed in his mind.

Yan Feng Qili recalled all the memories, and also understood one thing – the so-called “happiness” he had pursued that he had no choice but to give up was now clearly presented on his face.

If something that fills the emptiness of one’s heart at this time can be called “happiness.”

“Admire my father’s expression before he died… Will it make me happy? ”

If the feelings that are surging in the heart at this moment can be called “pleasure”.

Today, Yan Feng Qili finally understood the true body of his soul.

“… Ha ha…… Hahaha! ”

Unable to restrain the mood of reaching the boiling point, Yan Feng Qili laughed maniacally in despair and twisting.

What kind of sin is this? What a cruel demon he really is?

“What am I? Hahaha, what am I!? ”

His body trembled with maniacal laughter, recalling the sticky blood stained with his fingertips, and Yan Feng Qili grinned like a child.

“Why is it so twisted? Why is it so filthy? Am I really a descendant of Yanfeng Lizheng? Hahahaha, impossible! That’s impossible! What is this!? Could it be that my father actually gave birth to a dog!? ”

Yan Feng Qili found the nature of his soul from a perspective that was completely contrary to the faith of the church, but he was still very happy about the ironic result.

With Yan Fengqida’s heartfelt acceptance of “being a demon” from the bottom of his heart, the Chimera technique engraved on the inner layer of the skin began to fully operate, and the bright red seal clearly appeared on the body surface.

“Hahahaha! Since I am a demon myself, it is really fitting that I can raise a demon… Nero Kaos is really insightful! ”

The skin peels off one after another, and before it falls to the ground, it dissipates into fly ash.

Deeper in this layer of skin, some kind of magical beast linked to the door of ancient Greek mythology slowly revealed its true posture……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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