Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing the scene in this video.

They all fell into silence.

Obviously, Mashu has completely dissipated in that powerful Noble Phantasm.

Disappeared to protect Fujimaru Ritsuka.

However, even so, Fujimaru Ritsuka would not survive for long.

Now he has no help from his followers.

How long can a human survive in front of Goetia, the first beast?

One second? Or two seconds?

Or, you can't even hold on for 1 second.

A human being is simply not enough in front of the First Beast.

Unless, this Goetia wants to attack this Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Try it, shrimp and pork heart.

It was at this time. in the video.

The voice of the narration continued at this time

"See, the body has died due to insufficient heat."

"But the spirit is still awe-inspiring and inviolable"

"There is not a single scratch on the Snowflake Shield, and it is still protecting her Master (heart)."

Amidst the narration, Fujimaru Ritsuka lay down on the ground.

His eyes were blankly looking at the snowflake shield in front of him.

Goetia's voice also sounded at this time.

"So, I already said it"

"She is neither a brave warrior nor the protagonist of the story"

"Just an ordinary girl."

After Fujimaru Ritsuka heard this, he immediately pointed his face to the ground.

He gritted his teeth and held his hands tightly.

Then, he stood up from the ground.

Under his On his back, the simple Servant Summoning Ceremony only had the last energy left.

Then he slowly walked towards the Snowflake Shield.

Goetia also looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka quietly without making any move.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka also raised the Snowflake Shield at this time.

Goetia looked at the resolute Fujimaru Ritsuka and immediately said to this Fujimaru Ritsuka

"Okay, I give you permission to punch me at the end"

"I can understand your mood"

"Touch my body with your feeble human fist and die."

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka had already taken out the Snowflake Shield intact.

Then, he stared at Goetia!

"It’s a dream come true!"

"Hoo ho ho!!"

The sound of 660 flames burning mixed with the sound of wind, and kept ringing in this desolate land.

Fujimaru Ritsuka wished he could rush directly in front of Goetia now, and hit Goetia's with a punch. On the body!

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka is only a human after all, and there is no way to pick up the Snowflake Shield. He can only move towards Goetia step by step.

"no no no....It's better to calm down now, Fujimaru."

Just as Fujimaru Ritsuka walked over there, a familiar voice suddenly sounded!

After hearing this voice, Fujimaru Ritsuka also stopped in shock.

Then, he turned his head and looked over.

He looked at it in surprise. Dr. Roman came over here!

At this moment, Dr. Roman said to Fujimaru Ritsuka

"Although it is in line with your character to actively seek death, for now, it is better to accumulate strength first!"

While saying that, Doctor Roman also walked towards Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Magicians and servants in various worlds looked at this video with some confusion.

Doctor Roman walked onto the battlefield.

In In their understanding, Dr. Roman is the decision-maker who commands Chaldea and is also the doctor in Chaldea.

No matter how you look at it, he should be staying in Chaldea.

How could he come here ? Go to this battle venue?!

【Cu Chulainn: No...What's going on! Doctor Roman went to the battle venue between Goetia and Fujimaru Ritsuka because he had nothing to do?! Isn't this a joke?!】

【Saber: Lacner, Doctor Roman naturally had his own reasons when he entered that battle field, and he would not die in vain like this.】

【Medusa: That's right, Lacner, if Dr. Roman in this video had no support, how likely would he be to come into this place?!】

【Cu Chulainn: That’s right. What am I worried about?】

【Red A, keep watching, I feel like a big reversal is about to begin. 】

In the world of Chaldea.

When Da Vinci saw this video, Dr. Roman walked to the battle venue.

He also breathed slightly.

But he didn't say anything. This was Romani's choice.

She is not willing to violate

(cfae) Maybe, before long, she will be like Romani.

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of humanity. at this time.

Chaldea in the video.

Those operators also started taking action at this time

"Logical firewall, the final barrier disappears"

"The Demon Pillar has invaded Chaldea!"

After hearing what the operator said, Da Vinci directly issued the order without any hesitation!

"Put down all the isolation doors! Make Abandoned Control Room your preferred plan!"

"Be prepared to evacuate!"

The other operator, after hearing this, was inevitably a little confused.

"Giving up the control room is equivalent to giving up the frame. Mash Kyrielight protected him until the end!"

"We can't give up hope that Master Fujimaru will return!"

Da Vinci also smiled after hearing what the operator said.

"Yes, if that's the case, let's give it a vigorous death struggle!"


However, before she could say anything else, she saw Dr. Roman sitting in his seat and saying something.

"The future value"

"Matthew, since you said so, I must make up my mind."

With that said, Dr. Roman also took off his ID card, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Da Vinci already knew this and did not stop him.

"What, I am really going to do this."

Dr. Roman didn't reply to this, he just said lightly.

"The defense of the control room is your responsibility"

"Leonardo, I hope you can hold on until Fujimaru comes back"

"You can do it, after all, you are a genius."

Da Vinci also lowered his eyes after hearing what Doctor Roman said.


After receiving a positive reply, Dr. Roman did not stay any longer and left here without looking back.

Da Vinci, on the other hand, looked at the ID card placed on the table and said softly.

"I don't expect you to come back with gifts."

The above is the situation before Dr. Roman came here.

At this time, on the battlefield, Fujimaru Ritsuka also looked at Dr. Roman in surprise.


He didn't expect that the doctor would come here! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why? If you don't have the qualifications to transfer souls, you can't get in here?!"

However, Doctor Roman had no intention of replying and walked straight towards Getia.

And Getia also watched Doctor Roman coming over.

"Are you, Romani Achiman?"

Doctor Roman didn't reply, but just started to untie his gloves.

Goetia also noticed something at this time, and his pupils shrank.

"What is your spiritual base?!"

At this time, Dr. Roman took off the white gloves that he never took off, revealing the hand with the ring.

"I'm really sorry for taking credit from you at the end."

And Goetia also felt something was wrong after seeing the golden ring.


"Could it be...."

Dr. Roman, on the other hand, smiled slightly.

"Yes, it’s just for the year"[]

The breeze blew, blowing Dr. Roman's ponytail.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing what Goetia and Dr. Roman said in this video.

As long as there are no mental problems, you can tell that the relationship between these two guys is unusual.

【Cu Chulainn: Hiss!! This Dr. Roman is also a powerful person who is hidden! Are all Chaldeans like this?!】

【Saber: Well, a sub-server that is theoretically impossible appeared in Chaldea, and the legendary almighty Da Vinci also appeared in Chaldea in the form of a woman, and now, he appears again A Roman doctor who seemed to be related to Goetia....Among Chaldea, it is really...There are many hidden powerful existences!】

【King of Conquerors: Yes, Chaldea is really.......Some are too hidden】

【Dr. Roman: No, it’s just a little different from yours.】

【Medusa: Are you sure it's really just a little different?!】

【Dr. Roman: Yes, it's really just a little different......】

It was at this time. in the video.

Dr. Roman's story also unfolded next.

"Former President of Chaldea, Maris Bieranimusfia"

"Before he went to participate in the Holy Grail War, he prepared a top-quality holy relic!"

"It's this ring"

"It was a gift from King Solomon to the distant future before his death."

"Chaldea’s first summoned heroic spirit, Solomon"

"He is a heroic spirit who obtained the Holy Grail together with Marisbili and had his wish come true."

"It’s just that what he made was an ordinary wish [to become a human being]."

Ritsuka Fujimaru also understood after hearing what Doctor Roman said.

It turns out that the doctor is the real Solomon!

After hearing this, Goetia immediately felt very unbelievable!

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is impossible!!"

"You can't be that person! How could that person have any wishes!"

"distortion! Cold! cruel! ruthless!"

"How could such a person have the wishes of an ordinary person!"

After hearing Goetia's shocking words, Dr. Roman

"Being said like this will make me sad too. You hate me too much!"

"In short, Solomon gets his wish, but he also gets a wish."

Just when Dr. Roman was saying this, the entire video also showed what happened to Dr. Roman after he became a human.

"Although Solomon had clairvoyance that could be called omniscience and omnipotence,"

"But the moment he became human, he lost all his abilities."

"It would be okay if it was just like this, but the moment he lost it, he saw the end of mankind"

"But who caused it, how it was caused, and what was its purpose?"

"and how to prevent"

"He has no way of knowing all of this"

"But he can't turn a blind eye to it"

"So, my journey began"

"I don’t know who the enemy is, I can only prepare myself to meet that moment."

"Of course, there are also many accidents that bring me surprises"

"And what surprises me the most...."

"It's you, Fujimaru."

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

When Doctor Roman began to talk, he had already stopped speaking.

Listen quietly to Doctor Roman's personal monologue in this video.

Nothing. Doubt, Dr. Roman is the real King Solomon.

He is the born king!

【Emiya Shirou: I didn’t expect that Dr. Roman was actually the legendary King Solomon......】

【Tohsaka Rin: Yes, who would have thought that the legendary King Solomon’s wish after obtaining the Holy Grail was to become an ordinary human being?.....】

【Golden Shining; Ah, I understand, that’s how it is. No wonder Dr. Roman was so concerned about Galahad returning the Holy Grail to heaven before!

So that’s it!】

【King of Conquerors: Well, when you said this, Jin Shining, I understood. It turns out that’s the case! I never thought that the legendary Magic King would have such thoughts!】

【Weber: Huh?! Rider, what are you talking about?! Why can’t I understand it?】

【King of Conquerors: Kid, if you don’t understand, don’t listen! You are still far behind now! ]

Weber: The Riddler, get out of Fuyuki City!

It was at this time. in the video.

After Dr. Roman said this.

He also went on to say

"Not just the day we first met"

"Throughout this title designation journey, you surprise me at every turn."

Ritsuka Fujimaru now understands Dr. Roman's thoughts, but it is precisely because of this that Ritsuka Fujimaru feels even more uncomfortable.

"What, why are you even a doctor?....."

Looking at Roman Yisheng, who showed the same expression as Mashu before he died in battle

, the rest of Fujimaru Ritsuka's words were swallowed back into his stomach.

Just as he couldn't stop Matthew, he couldn't stop Dr. Roman either.


At this moment!

A blue energy light suddenly appeared on Dr. Roman's body!

"Deng Deng!"

Under this blue energy light, Dr. Roman lost his human body and transformed into the posture of the heroic spirit Solomon again!

Although he was just standing quietly, he exuded the aura of a"king" all the time.

He is the chosen one born to be king - the Magic King, Solomon!.

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