The other servants also nodded slightly after seeing the Conqueror King's barrage.

Indeed, the man in this video does take himself too seriously.

It was during the Holy Grail War that something like this was created so openly.

He even foolishly wanted to threaten the servants with a pistol

【Cu Chulainn: Indeed, it would be better for a magician like this to die early. How stupid!】

【Medea: Indeed, there are always many summoners who feel good about themselves, which is really disgusting to see!!】

【Medusa: Yes, most of these guys feel that they are the children of fate. They always feel that everyone must obey their own words. It’s really ridiculous! 】

It was at this time. in the video.

Fadius looked at the man holding his throat and retreating backwards. There was no sign of any fluctuation.

"After all, we don’t want to offend citizen organizations at all."

"Because of our government workers!"

"Da da da da da!!!"

As Fadius's voice fell, intensive gunshots rang out again!

The muzzle of the gun flashed continuously at this time.

Bullets also hit the man's body one after another..

Turned this man into a hornet's nest!

At this moment, Fadius spoke and continued.

"I am a very noisy person, if the object is not a corpse"

"I couldn't speak with peace of mind."

After saying this, Dius clenched his fists.

The soldiers immediately stopped shooting.

The male magician also lay down on the ground at this time.

He completely became a corpse. Corpse.

Fadius looked at the corpse lying on the ground and said slowly

"You really caused a big trouble"

"I didn’t expect that instead of summoning a heroic spirit, you wanted to summon a being at the level of a god."

"As far as the system is concerned, this is against the rules."

"do not you know?"

"War also has rules."

It's just that the male magician can no longer recover.

He has been completely shattered, and there are only large pools of blood and a mixture of flesh and blood left on the ground.

Fadius doesn't care about this either.

Just as As mentioned before, he prefers to talk to corpses

"However, I didn’t expect him, no, it could also be her, so it’s better to call Him"

"I didn’t expect that He would appear as a heroic spirit."

At this time, next to a lake, Enkidu was sitting on a stone with his dog Master, quietly looking at the reflection on the water.

The injuries on the dog Master's body had also recovered as before.

The forest on the other side.

Fadius is still thinking casually.

"Really, your pet can really summon incredible things!"

By the lake.

Enkidu stroked the dog Master's head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I'm relieved"

"I thought everything in this world would be filled with things like those in Uruk before."

"Fortunately, the world still seems to be beautiful"

"Hoo ho ho!"

It was at this time that the wind blowing in the distance brought the breath of an old friend.

After Enkidu sensed this breath, his expression became a little surprised!

"Shouldn't it....."

"is it you?"

Then he also laughed.

"The duel in that square can continue....."

"Now things get even more interesting!!"


After saying this, Enkidu also made a strange sound.

This is announcing his existence.

Similarly, he is also conveying the news of his arrival to his old friends!

Moreover, only Jin Shining Shining can understand this voice!

At this moment!

In that cave.

After Tiny felt the aura of Enkidu, she was also quite surprised.

"This is....The aura of the servant~?"

"How could it be so huge?...."

Jin Shining, on the other hand, was slightly surprised.

"This voice is...."

"is it you?"


"Little girl who is a miscellaneous cultivator, feel happy!"

"It seems that this war is worth fighting with my strength!"

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After hearing the words of Enkidu and Jin Shining, they all showed expectant expressions!

One was created by God, specially used to defeat and bring back Jin Shining's final Weapons!

One is the most powerful King of Heroes in mythology!

When they were still alive, they had already broken out into earth-shattering battles!

It was a pity that the two of them were tied in that battle!

So this time , who will win the battle between the two of them?!

【Jin Shining: That’s great!! But it's really a pity. If only my best friend could appear in these Holy Grail Wars, then I wouldn't have to wait so long!】

【King of Conquerors: Jin Shining, you really don’t have backache when you stand and talk! Who knows what kind of holy relics Enqi will use to summon! Enkidu in this video was summoned by a combination of dog and beast by accident! Under normal circumstances, who knows how to summon it!】

【Cu Chulainn: That’s right, this kind of spiritual servant is very difficult to summon!】

【Medusa: Speaking of which, aren't you curious, who will win between the King of Heroes and Enkidu?! The two of them have now discovered each other. According to their personalities, they might start fighting soon!】

【Medea: That’s right! I'm very curious, between the two of them, who will win this time?! Is it the King of Heroes? Or Enkidu?】

【I think Red A should still be a tie. When the two of them were alive, there was no way to tell the winner. After becoming Heroic Spirits, it should also be a tie.】

【Jin Shining; hum, I will definitely beat him! This king has grown a lot! The treasure house is also filled with treasures! This time, I will win! 】

Other servants and magicians also nodded slightly after seeing the golden barrage.

They all feel the same way.

After all, they have all seen Jin Shining's combat prowess.

But they still have no idea of ​​Enkidu's fighting power!

Naturally, I believe in Jin Shining more!

It was at this time. in the video.

Jin Shining took out another bottle of potion from his treasure house and threw it to Tini.

In Tini's confused eyes, she slowly said

"This is the elixir of rejuvenation. Depending on your age, you may not be able to use it, but just accept it with gratitude!"

Tini never thought that Jin Shining would give herself such a precious thing, and for a moment, her heart was filled with excitement.

"OK, OK...."

Jin Shining didn't care about Tini's thoughts at all, and still said

"If you want to become my king's minister, first I have to give you an order."

Tini also looked at Jin Shining at this time.

She was waiting for Jin Shining's next words.

"Since he is a child, he must at least look like a child"

"You still don’t understand the truth of all things, but it is enough for you to have the majesty and glory of being a king shining in your eyes."

Tini looked at the red cloak that was flying in the breeze and lowered her head. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I will work hard"


At this moment.

The dazzling red light bloomed from Jin Shining's hand.

A huge golden key appeared in Jin Shining's hand.

And it was constantly changing.

"Don't confuse this with the key that the Fool just brought."

"This is a symbolic agreement made by this king voluntarily!"

At this time, the golden key that Jin Shining took out had turned into red energy light!

These red energy lights also formed a huge scarlet energy sword.

No, it should be said Yes, a huge scarlet energy lighthouse!

After the huge scarlet lighthouse was formed, golden eyes also turned to Tiny.

"Tini, prove it to me"

"You must know that you are not qualified to be a minister of this king if you are frightened by the mere aftermath of childish play."

Just when Jin Shining said this, the command spell on the back of Tini's hand also bloomed with red light.[]

While he was saying this, a golden energy ball slowly appeared in front of Jin Shining.


The moment Jin Shining Shining put his hand in, the whole world also lost its color in an instant!

It turned into black and white!


The next moment!

A huge crack penetrated the frozen world!

The entire pitch-black world suddenly exploded at this moment!

The EA, which was also the star that opened up the universe, appeared in Jin Shining's hands!

"EA, you must have just woken up and your temper is not very good."

"Please accompany me to this banquet for the time being!!!"

When Jin Shining's words fell, the EA was also covered with red energy lines!

Magicians and servants in various worlds opened their eyes wide when they saw the EA that Jin Shining took out!

They But I have never seen this legendary anti-realm treasure before!

【Shirou Emiya: Is this the legendary Noble Phantasm that can cut off the world - the star that opens up the universe?!】

【Red A, this is EA. However, there are basically no servants who can let the King of Heroes use this Noble Phantasm.】

【Jin Shining: Yes, how can a miscellaneous cultivator be worthy of me using this precious weapon?! I can easily kill those miscellaneous cultivators!】

【King of Conquerors: That’s true. I just don’t know if I can experience the power of this Noble Phantasm when I fight you later.! Glitter gold!】

【Golden Sparkle: King of Conqueror....If this is you, I can satisfy your ideas! 】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

The King of Conqueror looked at the golden barrage and immediately smiled.

"`The legendary star that opened up the universe!"

"I don’t know if it can cut off my king’s army! Weber on the side also said with some worry after hearing what the Conqueror King said.

"Rider.......That is the star that opened up the universe!!"

The conquering king nodded.

"Yeah, kid, of course I know!"

"It was precisely because I knew it that I wanted to give it a try!"

"If only I could conquer Jin Shining too! Then this world, isn’t it my bag?"

It was at this time.

In the video.

Seeing that the EA was covered with red energy lines, Jin Shining also spoke.

"It's okay, I won't bore you"

"No one knows it!"

"call out!!!"

After saying this, Jin Shining jumped up and flew in the direction of Enkidu!

Tini quickly ran to the edge of the cliff and looked at Jin Shining flying away. For a moment, I don’t know what to do.

In the forest.

After Enkidu released his aura, he knew that Jin Shining was coming soon.

So he also said to the dog Master at this time

"Master, I hope you can wait here."

"I have to go there"

"Although you can welcome him here, it will cause the destruction of the forest."

(Li Qianzhao) While Enkidu was saying this, huge rhizomes also grew on the ground.

These rhizomes also protected the dog Master.

Looking at these rhizomes, Enkidu continued said

"More importantly, I can't protect your life"

"May I be allowed to do this?!"

The Dog Master did not stop him.

After Enkidu understood what the Dog Master meant, he immediately thanked the Dog Master.

"Thank you, Master"

"As long as my life lasts, I promise to come back to you."

After saying this, Enkidu's body, and a green energy light emerged!

"call out!!"

The next second!

Enkidu also flew up and headed towards Jin Shining!

The magicians and servants in each world saw Jin Shining and Enkidu flying towards each other! They were all! Get excited!

There is no doubt!

A battle is about to begin between the two of them!

This is a battle between the King of Heroes and the ultimate weapon Enkidu!

It is a battle that continues from the previous Age of Gods era and has no winner!

This is much more exciting than any other battle between servants!

【Cu Chulainn: Here we come! coming!! It’s finally starting!! The battle between the Hero King and Enkidu is finally about to begin!!! gram】

【Red A Yes, Lancer, I am already looking forward to it! I have never seen the King of Heroes use all his strength!! Maybe, this time, we can see it!!】

【Saber: Ah, indeed! I also want to see how powerful the Hero King is! And, the power of the Noble Phantasm that is said to be able to split the world - the star that creates the contradiction between heaven and earth!!!! 】.

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