at this time. in the video.

In the living room.

Cu Chulainn turned off the TV.

Saber also spoke out at this time


Cu Chulainn also turned his head and looked at Saber.


Saber continued to say after seeing Cu Chulainn turning his head.

"You may think I'm verbose, but what happened to you suddenly today?"

Cu Chulainn also stood up when faced with Saber's question.

"As I said just now, come and eat!"

With that said, Cu Chulainn also sat cross-legged on the table.

"Don't show that scary expression"

"When the ladies of the Matou family and Rider came to the store before, they said that the food cooked by this guy was delicious!"

"Just remembered."

Saber also confirmed Cu Chulainn's words!

"This is true, Shirou's cooking is indeed delicious!"

After hearing this, Saber also closed her eyes and assumed the attitude of a hostess.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it. Let's have dinner with you tonight!"

Cu Chulainn looked at Shirou Emiya who was thinking about it.

"What's wrong?"

"Do I still need the permission of the Lord Knight King to eat this boy's food?"

Emiya Shirou was speechless for a moment after listening to Cu Chulainn's words.


Magicians in various worlds looked at the scene in this video.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

Should they complain about the aura of the matron of Saber's family in this video, or should they complain about Cu Chulainn's sinister appearance.

Or is it the attitude of Emiya Shirou as a househusband?!

【Tohsaka Rin:......What's going on with this strong sense of déjà vu?!】

【I also feel something is not right about the red A! Is the relationship between the Servant and the Master in that world something beyond the relationship between the Master and the Knight?】

【Diarmait;....It's true, I feel the same way....】

【Medusa: Well, I didn’t expect that in that world, my Master would still be Miss Sakura?! Really good!】

【Emiya Shirou;? ? Rider, shouldn't your Master be that guy Shinji?!】

【Medusa: That's just because Miss Sakura 347 had no intention of participating in the Holy Grail War and transferred the Command Seal to my current Master. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at the barrage in this video, for a moment, I didn’t know what to say.

This Matou Shinji, to be honest, is just a disdainful person.

According to Matou Kariya, he was a little lunatic who was forced out by the old immortal of the Matou family.

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

After seeing these barrages from Medusa, Matou Shinji immediately stared at Medusa.

"what do you mean?! Rider?!"

Medusa glanced at Matou Shinji.

"Master, what's wrong?! Do you have any question?!"

When Medusa turned around, Matou Shinji felt a burst of heart palpitations.

Although Medusa's eyes are still sealed, he did have a fear of the pair of petrified demonic eyes.

However, this fear On the contrary, it makes Shinji Matou even more incompetent and furious!

What is going on? Obviously, Rider was obedient at the beginning!

Why did it become like this?!

It must be the reason for this inventory video!

Also It was at this time.

In the video,

Teacher Dahe also returned home after work.

Then, he looked at the three pairs of shoes in front of the entrance, feeling a little confused.


But, after thinking for a while, Teacher Dahe decided not to think about it!

He opened the door directly!

With a gorgeous turn, he entered the living room

"I'm back!"

Cu Chulainn was a little surprised when he saw the river.

"oh! Sister Dahe! Yo!"

With that said, Cu Chulainn turned over and stood up!

Dahe looked at Cu Chulainn and was also very surprised!

"Huh?! Isn't this Lancer?! Why?"

With that said, Dahe high-fived Cu Chulainn!

Cuchulainn also said at this time

"I'm here to eat!"

With that said, Cu Chulainn and Dahe started dancing directly in the living room!


No, in this world (cjcf), ordinary people can also know the followers, and they are still with the followers. Is the relationship so good?!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at this video, it is Dahe who is dancing with Cu Chulainn, and they are all confused!

【Cu Chulainn: In that world, is there such harmony between servants and humans?!】

【Diarmait: Yes, Lord Cú Chulainn is right. This is's a bit beyond my expectation.】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: Generally speaking, during the Holy Grail War, ordinary people are not allowed to know about the Holy Grail War.】

【Kenneth; Yes, if the common man knew about it, then the common man would have to be cleared out! Whether you saw a Servant fighting or something else, as long as it is related to the Holy Grail War, it must be cleared away!】

【Matou Kariya: Although this is a bit unkind, ordinary people should not know about the Holy Grail War. This will cause an uproar!】

【Emiya Shirou; however, in this video, it seems that there are only a few people who know the Servant.......For example, Sister Dahe...However, Sister Dahe in that world. How did you meet Lancer? ? Isn't she a primary school teacher?! Where do you have time?】

【Tohsaka Rin: Yes, I find it strange too......】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this video, Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou's barrage.

Everyone also became curious.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a primary school teacher to have time to understand these things!

Right now. in the video.

Emiya Shirou looked at Taiga and Cu Chulainn who had jumped up, and said hurriedly

"It's done, it's done, sit down, sit down!"

After hearing this, Taiga and Cú Chulainn stopped.

And they cooked well and waited for Shirou Emiya to feed them.

The rice was also steamed at this time.

Shirou Emiya was just there Use a spoon to season the final soup.

At this point, the foil-roasted salmon in the skillet is also done.

"Finally, add the parsley!"

At the end, Emiya Shirou sprinkled the parsley on the salmon meat.

At this time, Taiga was wrestling with Cu Chulainn.

However, as an ordinary person, Taiga was completely unable to shake Cu Chulainn.

Even if Dahe used both hands, Cu Chulainn's wrist was as if made of steel, motionless. Cu

Chulainn smiled and looked at Dahe who was holding his wrist.

When he turned his head, I saw Shirou Emiya carrying the dishes.

My eyes immediately lit up. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


And Emiya Shirou said at this time

"Well, tonight it's salmon grilled in tin foil."

Soon, the food was divided into four portions and laid out

"Okay, please use it!"

The grilled salmon meat is still orange-red, and the butter soup is dotted with some shimeji mushrooms. A little bit of chopped parsley is sprinkled on the grilled salmon meat to add a rich flavor to the salmon.The meat adds a tantalizing flavor.

With that said, Emiya Shirou also took up his position.

Ready to eat!

"Oh oh! I see!"

Cu Chulainn's eyes lit up when he looked at the salmon grilled on tin foil!

Then he directly picked up the chopsticks

"Then I'll start quickly!"

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at the cooked salmon grilled in tinfoil, saliva secreted from the mouth.[]

They all felt a slight sense of hunger and greed.

【Tohsaka Rin: Didn’t you expect that the food cooked by Shirou Emiya in that world was quite tempting?! I don’t know how Shirou in my world cooks.】

【Red A Saber, you should know it, right?!】

【Saber: Ah, of course I know, the taste should be very good! However, I haven’t eaten for a long time, so I don’t know】

【Emiya Shirou: No, no, it’s just that I cooked by myself before, so the taste is okay.】

【Medusa: Speaking of which, in this world, Saber's Master also lives with Mr. Taiga. Looking at it this way, maybe Emiya's craftsmanship should be as good as Emiya Shirou in the video.】

【Tohsaka Rin: Really?! If that's the case, that's for the best! 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing the barrage in this video.

They all showed smiles.

How to put it, they already knew before that Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou would become masters and apprentices.

Moreover, there is still a different kind of affection between the master and his apprentice.

Therefore, they can understand that Tohsaka Rin can say such things!

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

After Emiya Shirou said this, he thought of Matou Sakura.

Speaking of which, Matou Sakura has not been to her home for a long time.

In the past, Matou Sakura would come to her home to help her cook.

I don't know what her current situation is.

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but feel an impulse.

An urge to take Matou Sakura out of the Matou family!

It was at this time. in the video.

After Cu Chulainn said this, the chopsticks in his hand also reached out to the grilled salmon.

With just one stroke of the chopsticks, the salmon meat was separated.

Then, he picked up a small piece of salmon meat and put it in his mouth.

Just chewing it slightly, a strange taste made Cu Chulainn happy.

"Oh oh!! So delicious! This tastes so good!!"

After hearing Cu Chulainn's words, Emiya Shirou silently handed over a dipping saucer.

After Cu Chulainn saw the dipping saucer, he still didn't react.

"Um, what's wrong?"

Emiya Shirou also introduced at this time

"This is mustard mayonnaise, I tried making it today"

"I think I can enjoy a different taste."

Cu Chulainn took the mustard mayonnaise dipping saucer and waved it in his hand for a long time.


Then I scooped out a little bit with a spoon and poured it on the grilled salmon.

Then I picked up the salmon covered in mayonnaise and put it into my mouth.

There was a texture and taste that was different from what I had experienced before. In Cuchu Lin's mouth exploded!

Cu Chulainn's eyes instantly opened!

"oops! This is so delicious!"

Dahe next to him also quickly extended his hand after seeing Cu Chulainn's reaction.

"Shirou, give me some too!!"

"Yes Yes!"

Emiya Shirou said immediately after hearing Taiga's words.

At this time, Cu Chulainn's attention was turned to Saber.

He watched Saber first take a small bite of grilled salmon, and then his whole body was full of He showed an expression of extreme happiness.

There was even a blush on his face.

Even the special effects of flowers appeared all over his body!

After Cu Chulainn saw this scene, he immediately complained.

"It was obvious that I was still putting on airs just now!"

Then, Cu Chulainn also looked at Taiga, who was happily looking at the wasabi mayonnaise in his hand, and Emiya Shirou, who was eating rice.

In an instant, he felt an incomparable feeling of comfort at this moment. feeling.

This feeling is very familiar and very long ago

"This is really...."

As he spoke, Cu Chulainn also picked up a piece of salmon meat and put it into his mouth.

A look of happiness also appeared on his face.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

They all stared blankly at the scene in this video.

This harmonious and beautiful scene reminded them of the time when they had a meal with their families.

Such a happy and satisfying atmosphere directly dilutes the desire of each magician for the Holy Grail.

【Tokiomi Tosaka: That’s great! Watching them eat, I seemed to be reminded of the scene where I had dinner with my spouse and children.】

【Kenneth:...Yes, I also remembered the scene when I had dinner with my parents. At that time, although I was very tired, I was also very happy.】

【Matthew: Such a scene....It’s really, really good!】

【Da Vinci: Yes, that’s why we have to work hard! Only if we defeat all the invaders and those who want to destroy the earth can scenes like this continue to be staged on the earth!】

【Merlin: That's great, but why doesn't Artoria ever show this expression when I'm with her?! How strange! 】.

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